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Need help using ATO Careers? See if your question is answered in these quick tips.

Last updated 1 April 2024

Registering an account

Registering an account on ATO Careers allows you to apply for a job with the ATO as well as receive job alert emails for jobs that match your job alert profile.

You can register an account on ATO CareersExternal Link by selecting Register an account from the left-hand menu. Then follow the instructions on the screen.

When you register, you'll be asked to provide your details including your name, email address and mobile number. You'll also be asked to set a password. Make sure you enter your email address correctly as it will be our primary way to contact you.

Once registered, we'll send you an email with your username, which you can save for future use.

If you apply for a position with us, you'll receive communication about your application by email or SMS. This will be sent to the email address and mobile number you provided.

Registering for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is now enabled on our ATO Careers portal. This means when you log into your ATO Careers account, you will be prompted to select an authentication method to generate a code when you log into your ATO Careers account. Our MFA instructionsExternal Link provide step-by-step guidance on how to set this up.


Updating your email address

To update your email address:

  1. Log in to ATO CareersExternal Link and select My profile.
  2. Select My details.
  3. Update your email address.
  4. Select Save.

This email address will be used as our primary contact method with you.

Job alerts

This service will notify you of any jobs matching your job alert profile. When jobs that match your profile are advertised on our site, you'll be notified by email. You can update your job alert profile at any time.

To register or edit job alerts on ATO CareersExternal Link, select Job alerts and log in or register. Then follow the instructions on the screen.

Not receiving job alerts

If you've set up job alerts but aren’t receiving any:

  1. Log in to ATO CareersExternal Link and select Job alerts.
  2. Set your frequency to daily so you’re notified of new vacancies as they're advertised.

To check if your profile matches any current vacancies, select View jobs matching my alert profile at the top of the page.

System-generated emails are issued from and include application receipt emails and job alerts.

Starting your application

To start an application:

  1. View the Current vacanciesExternal Link and find the job you want to apply for.
  2. Select Start new application under the Action heading.
  3. Take note of the job closing date and make sure you allow enough time to finish your application.
  4. Save your application as you progress to avoid the session timing out.

Previewing the application

To preview an application form before applying:

  1. Go to the vacancy you want to preview in Current vacanciesExternal Link.
  2. Select Preview application form under the Action heading.

Written response and word limit

An application form may ask you to provide a written response with a specific word limit.

You should prepare and save your response in a separate document before copying and pasting the text into your application. This way you can check your spelling, grammar and word count before adding it to the application. Make sure you save your information regularly.

If you exceed the word limit, you'll receive a warning message and you won't be able to submit your application. If you're using bullet points or symbols, the word count in Microsoft Word may give you a different word count to ATO Careers.

Formatting tips

Follow these tips when formatting your application:

  • Use plain text, without bolding or underlining.
  • If using dot or bullet points, use asterisks (*) or dashes (-)
  • You should prepare responses in a Word document first          
    • Use the spell check function, as there is no facility in the online form
    • Cut and paste from Word into the ATO Careers system
  • Check the formatting before you submit your application as you may lose some features when you cut and paste from Word.

Uploading a resume

As part of your application, you may be asked to upload a resume. To do this, select the Browse button on your application form and select the document you want to upload.

If you want to make changes to your resume after you upload it, update your resume outside of ATO Careers and save the new version. Uploading the new version will replace the previous resume that was uploaded. You won't be allowed to upload a revised resume once you've submitted your application.

Some mobile devices won't let you search their file system for documents like your resume. If you can't upload a file on your device, use a desktop or laptop computer instead.

There is a 5MB size limit for resume uploads.

Submitting your application

Before submitting your application, make sure you're happy with the information you've entered. You can save and exit a current application and return to it later if the job hasn’t closed and you haven't submitted. Your application cannot be edited once submitted.

Submit your application by selecting the Submit application button at the top of the Preview and Submit page and confirm you're ready to submit it.

If you’ve completed your application but can't see the Submit application button at the top of the page, check you've answered all the mandatory questions and selected Save and Continue for each page of the application form.

The system will send you an email confirming the application is submitted. If successful, the application status will have changed to 'submitted' on My profile.

Accessing submitted applications

. To access applications you have previously submitted, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to ATO CareersExternal Link.
  2. Go to My profile and select My applications.
  3. Select the application you want to view. Refer to Privacy and Security.

Contact officer details

You can find contact officer details in the candidate information kit. You can do this for any current or past applications you have started. To find these details:

  1. Log in to ATO CareersExternal Link
  2. Go to My profile and select My applications.
  3. Select the job application.
  4. Select the link at the top of your application summary to view the job details.
  5. Open the Candidate kit and locate the contact officer's details.

Where there's no candidate information kit, the contact officer details will be listed in the job advertisement.

Late applications

Make sure you submit your application on time. Requests to submit a late application will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances and assessed on an individual basis. If you can't submit your application by the closing date, phone the contact officer listed in the candidate information kit or job advertisement to discuss whether you're eligible to submit a late application. You'll still need to submit your application through ATO Careers.

Withdrawing your application

If you no longer wish to be considered for a position, you can withdraw your application at any time after you've submitted it. To withdraw your application:

  1. Log in to ATO CareersExternal Link.
  2. Go to My profile and select My applications.
  3. Find and select the application you wish to withdraw.
  4. Select the Application summary.
  5. Select the Withdraw application button at the top of the application summary page.
  6. Confirm your withdrawal on the next page and provide the reason why you are withdrawing.

Once you've withdrawn, you'll see confirmation on screen, in your history and by email.

If you start an application but don’t want to submit it, you don’t need to withdraw it. An incomplete application will not be considered.

You can't withdraw your application and then resubmit or start another application for the same position. If you didn't mean to withdraw your application, email

Trouble logging in

You'll need to log in to ATO CareersExternal Link with the email address you registered with.

If you've forgotten your password, select the Reset password link on the login page. Enter the email address you registered with, and we'll email you a link to reset your password. We'll only reissue your password once in a 24-hour period.

Trouble submitting an application

Log in to ATO CareersExternal Link before starting an application, and to access applications you've started or submitted.

Once you've started an application it will appear under My Profile.

If you've completed your application but can't see the Submit Application button at the top of the page, make sure you've answered all the mandatory questions and selected Save and Continue for each page of the application form.

ATO Careers portal technical difficulties

If you're having trouble applying or submitting your job application on our ATO Careers portal, email or phone us on 13 15 50 for assistance.

Note: Our careers helpline can't help with general tax matters. If you have a general tax matter, see our contact us page.

The ATO Careers mailbox is not monitored after hours.

Internet service provider

Make sure your Internet Service Provider (ISP) will provide you with uninterrupted online access for the time you will be working on your application process. Many ISPs will automatically disconnect you if there has been no communication from your computer for a set period, which can be as little as 10 minutes for some ISPs. Typing information onto a web page is not registered as communication with an ISP, so you must save your work regularly to continue communicating with your ISP.

Internet browsers

Check your internet browser compatibility and access.

Our system is tested and certified against the 2 most recent versions of the most commonly used browsers:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome.

While an out-of-date browser may function correctly, we can't guarantee its performance.

External and internal portals

ATO Careers has 2 job portals:

  • External portalExternal Link - shows all ongoing, non-ongoing and casual vacancies available to candidates both within and outside the organisation. The external portal can be used by non-ATO staff.
  • Internal portalExternal Link - shows all vacancies available on the external portal, plus opportunities only available to ATO staff (for example, expression of interest processes). If you're an ATO staff member, it's recommended you use the internal portal.

Privacy and security

ATO Careers uses SSL V3 encryption, which means the information you provide is secure.

The ATO is committed to ensuring information assets are kept securely, and managed and disposed of in accordance with relevant legislation and ATO policy.

You can find out more about privacy by reading our Privacy notice.

More help

If you need more help with your job application, get in touch with the contact officer listed on the candidate information kit.

