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Managing the tax, superannuation and registry systems

The ATO aims to effectively manage the tax and super systems by fostering willing participation.

Last updated 25 July 2023

We aim to encourage willing and accurate participation in the tax, superannuation and registry systems to ensure the economic and social wellbeing of Australia.

We want you to have trust and confidence in the tax, superannuation and registry systems. We're committed to helping you understand your rights and obligations, while making the system simpler and fairer by focussing on those who avoid their obligations.

Building trust and confidence highlights how we have ensured fairness and improved our services for each taxpayer segment and our intermediaries.

Our strategic direction is primarily set out in the ATO corporate plan. It details our objectives and performance as well as the strategies employed to achieve them.

For more information, see:

We are driven to effectively manage and shape the tax and super systems that support and fund services for Australians.

Detailed information about how we manage the tax and super system.
