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Lodge with a registered tax agent

Use a registered tax agent to prepare and lodge your tax return, they are the only people that can charge a fee.

Last updated 20 June 2024

Choosing a tax agent

A tax agent is a qualified professional who can help you prepare and lodge your tax return. You can engage the services of a tax agent either online or face-to-face.

Tax agents must be registered with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB). You can find a registered tax agent or check whether a person is registered by visiting the TPB websiteExternal Link.

Using a registered tax agent will provide you with consumer protection as the TPB ensures they:

  • meet and maintain the required standard of qualifications and experience
  • comply with the Code of Professional Conduct.

When choosing an agent, you should discuss the service they can provide so you both know what to expect.

You can use the myDeductions tool in the ATO app to easily keep copies of your records and share these with your tax agent. You are responsible for the tax records you provide your tax agent.

The myDeductions record-keeping tool allows both individuals and sole traders to keep track of:

  • general expenses, such as gifts and donations made to a deductible gift recipient
  • worked-related and sole-trader deductions (and business income).

You can either upload your records or email them to your tax agent.

Registered tax agent due dates for tax returns

Most registered tax agents have a special lodgment program and can lodge returns for their clients after the usual 31 October deadline. The due date for your tax return will depend on your personal situation as well as when you engage your tax agent. You should contact your tax agent for advice about your situation.

If you're using a tax agent for the first time, or using a different tax agent, you should contact them before 31 October to be part of their lodgment program.

Lodging prior year tax returns

If you haven't lodged a tax return for a prior income year, it's important to get up to date as soon as possible. Getting your lodgment up to date may help you to avoid interest accruing on any tax debts and late lodgment penalties.

Your tax agent can also prepare and lodge prior year tax returns for you.
