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Your privacy

To administer the tax laws, we collect information about you but keep it confidential.

Last updated 2 July 2018

To administer the tax laws, we collect information about you. We may get this information from you, or from other parties such as your authorised representative, another government agency, or your bank who might provide information to help pre-fill your tax return. We also record when you visit our website, but only use the information for statistical purposes to help us improve the website.

We respect your privacy and keep your information confidential by complying with the following:

Our privacy policy provides more detail on the collection, storage, use and disclosure of the personal information we hold about you and how you can access or seek to amend that information. It also contains information about what you can do if you are not satisfied with how your information has been treated.

See also

We create and maintain a secure environment for the protection of your personal information and records. Information collected from you is kept safe and secure. We use security safeguards to protect information from loss, unauthorised access, use or disclosure.

Find out about our privacy notices for individuals and why we collect your personal information.

Find out about our privacy notices for business and why we collect your personal information.

Our privacy notices explain how personal information collected on these forms is managed.

We collect information from you about super either directly from you or through a third party.

This page contains a consolidation of major forms and their privacy notices for tax practitioners, to inform you and your clients about how we manage your clients' personal information that we collect on our forms.

Occasionally, we may write to you to request further personal information about you. You are required to provide the information we ask for in our correspondence.

An overview of the types of online services we use and more detailed privacy notice links for those services.

When collect information about individuals from third parties we provide information about who we collect this information from.
