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Edited version of your written advice

Authorisation Number: 1051394401249

Date of advice: 10 July 2018


Subject: Fringe benefits tax – exempt benefit – provision of certain work related items


Does the relevant Smart Watch fall under the definition of a Portable Electronic Device for the purpose of FBT Exemption in accordance with subsection 58X(2)(a) of the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986 (FBTAA)?



This ruling applies for the following periods:

Year ended 31 March 2019

Year ended 31 March 2020

Year ended 31 March 2021

The scheme commences on:

April 2018

Relevant facts and circumstances

Smart Watch

This ruling is restricted to consideration of the Smart Watch (Series X and prior) as advertised for sale in Australia at mid-2018. Later updates to the features of the Smart Watch may change the answers to this ruling and the questions would need to be reconsidered.

The Australian relevant website provides the following information about the Smart Watch currently available in Australia in Mid 2018

Relevant legislative provisions

Fringe Benefits Assessments Act 1986 section 58X

Reasons for decision

Subsection 58X(1) of the FBTAA states:

Subsections 58X(2) and 58X(3) of the FBTAA provide limitations on the subsection 58X(1) exemption. They state:

That is, a property, expense payment or residual benefit provided by an employer to an employee, in respect of the employee’s employment, will be an exempt benefit if:

As detailed above, subject to subsection 58X(3) of the FBTAA and the requirement that the item is primarily for use in the employee’s employment, items that fall into one of the categories listed in paragraphs 58X(2)(a) to 58X(2)(e) of the FBTAA are considered to be eligible work related items for the purposes of section 58X of the FBTAA.

Regarding the list of eligible work related items provided by paragraphs 58X(2)(a) to 58X(2)(e) of the FBTAA, of the types of items listed, the most applicable to the Smart Watch is the ‘portable electronic device’.

Is the Smart Watch a ‘portable electronic device’?

The term ‘portable electronic device’ is not defined in the FBTAA.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has considered the meaning of a 'portable electronic device' and provided an explanation of the phrase in Chapter 20 of the publication Fringe benefits tax – a guide for employers (FBT Guide for Employers)(NAT 1054) which states:

A portable electronic device is a device that is all of the following:

ATO Interpretative Decision ATOID 2008/133 Fringe Benefits Tax Exempt Benefits: work related items – a portable electronic device (ATOID 2008/133) provides further guidance on the meaning of ‘portable electronic device’ for the purposes of paragraph 58X(2)(a) of the FBTAA in the context of considering whether a GPS navigation system is a portable electronic device. ATO ID 2008/133 states:

The list in subsection 58X(2) of the FBTAA is as follows:

The Smart Watch is easily portable and designed for use away from an office environment, small and light, can operate without an external power supply and is designed as a complete unit. It is a similar device to the types of devices listed in the FBT Guide for Employers and ATO ID 2008/133. The current model Smart Watch as advertised for sale in Australia at Mid 2018 is a portable electronic device for the purposes of paragraph 58X(2)(a) of the FBTAA.

Is the Smart Watch substantially different in function to a mobile phone?

Subsection 58X(3) of the FBTAA states:

The term ‘substantially identical functions’ is not defined in the FBTAA.

The meaning of ‘substantially identical functions’ in the context of subsection 58X(3) of the FBTAA is discussed in the FBT Guide for Employers which states:

Substantially identical functions

Example – Items do not have substantially identical functions

The Smart Watch has similar functions to that of a mobile phone, however, as stated in the “Smart Watch Features” heading above, the Smart Watch has limited phone-like functionality and is designed for brief interactions for when the user is on the move. It is designed to let the user do things they are used to doing on their phone but in a more convenient and less obtrusive way.

The Smart Watch cannot do all the functions of a mobile phone, and is designed to act as a complimentary device to the user’s mobile phone. The Smart Watch is capable of performing basic tasks such:

As detailed above, the Smart Watch has basic functionality to compliment the user’s mobile phone, however if the user wishes to perform more complex tasks such as replying to a message or email via keyboard text, the user must use their mobile phone as the Smart Watch does not have keyboard functionality.

The Smart Watch does not also allow for majority of mobile phone applications (“Apps”) to be used on the device. Only applications specifically designed for the Smart Watch may be utilised.

The Smart Watch is also not capable of viewing complex webpages on the screen of the Smart Watch, and thus would require the user to use their mobile phone to access websites and complex applications.

These limitations of the Smart Watch satisfy its need to be substantially different to a mobile phone. Therefore, if earlier in the FBT year, an expense payment benefit or a property benefit provided by the employer to their employee has arisen in relation to an eligible work related item (i.e. mobile phone) under subsection 58X(2) of the FBTAA, subsection 58X(3) of the FBTAA will not preclude the Smart Watch from being an eligible work related item under subsection 58X(2).

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