GST issues registers

Primary production industry partnership

This issues register, originally published on our main website, provides guidance on issues identified during past consultation with industry participants.

Issues in this register that are a public ruling can now be found in the Public Rulings section of this Legal Database.

Issues in this register that have not been labelled as public rulings, constitute written guidance. We are committed to providing you with accurate, consistent and clear information to help you understand your rights and entitlements and meet your obligations.

If you follow our information on these issues and it turns out to be incorrect, or it is misleading and you make a mistake as a result, we must still apply the law correctly. If that means you owe us money, we must ask you to pay it but we will not charge you a penalty. Also, if you acted reasonably and in good faith we will not charge you interest. If correcting the mistake means we owe you money, we will pay it to you. We will also pay you any interest you are entitled to.

If you feel that the guidance in this issues register does not fully cover your circumstances, or you are unsure how it applies to you, you can seek further assistance from us.


For GST, Luxury Car Tax and Wine Equalisation Tax purposes, from 1 July 2015, where the term 'Australia' is used in this document, it is referring to the 'indirect tax zone' as defined in subsection 195-1 of the GST Act.


1.1 Agents

Issue Number Issue Update
1.1.1 Do the provisions of subdivision 153-B of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act) (dealing with arrangements under which intermediaries are treated as suppliers or acquirers) require you to treat all supplies or acquisitions made through an agent as separate supplies or acquisitions to or from that agent, or is there some choice? 22/09/00
1.1.2 Where an agent acts as a Principal under Subdivision 153-B of the GST Act, does the agent collect and remit GST? 20/11/00
1.1.3 Does an agent have to include this in their GST turnover threshold? 20/11/00
1.1.4 Agents charge their clients for bank charges incurred by the agent in operating the agents' business bank account. Is this a financial supply or is this part of the overhead costs of an enterprise being conducted by an agent? 20/11/00
1.1.5 How does the GST law in relation to tax invoices apply to situations involving agents? 28/03/13
1.1.6 When an agent pays a spotters fee to another agent is this subject to GST? 20/11/00
1.1.7 Where a 'bulk billing' entity operates as an agent for a selling agent what are the GST implications? 28/03/13
1.1.8 Agents charge their clients for Financial Institutions Duty (FID) incurred by the agent in operating the agents' business bank account. Is this a financial supply or is this part of the overhead costs of an enterprise being conducted by an agent? 18/12/00
1.1.9 Where an agent acts on behalf of transport carriers (that is, livestock or timber carriers) what are the GST implications? 27/03/01
1.1.10 An agent sells goods for a vendor at an auction on the basis that the vendor is not registered for GST, however after the sale the vendor informs the agent that they are registered for GST. What are the GST implications? 15/06/01

1.2 Del Credere

Issue Number Issue Update
1.2.1 With reference to attribution rules, is there any difference in the GST treatment between supplies made through 'agents' and supplies made through a Del Credere agency arrangement? 02/08/00
1.2.2 Del Credere Agency - GST implications of payment default by purchaser 15/08/02


2.1 Apples

Issue Number Issue Update
2.1.1 What is the GST treatment in relation to the packaging of food in the following circumstances; a farmer grows apples, and has them bagged by a third party. The farmer pays for this service then sells the bagged apples at the market? 09/04/01

2.2 Cotton

2.3 Levies

Issue Number Issue Update
2.3.1 Are commonwealth grain levies (of a kind described in the explanation below) that are not subject to GST by virtue of Division 81 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act) deducted from the value or the price of the product? 18/12/00

2.4 Potatoes

Issue Number Issue Update
2.4.1 Are seed potatoes 'food' for GST purposes? 02/08/00

2.5 Pulses

Issue Number Issue Update
2.5.1 At what point do pulses, for example, peas, chick peas, mung beans and lupins, become food for the purposes of the GST Act? 09/04/01

2.6 Sugar cane

Issue Number Issue Update
2.6.1 Which entity is the entity making a taxable supply of sugar cane in the following situation: Where the sugar cane assignment holder (A) provides the land and sugar assignment to a related business entity (B) by virtue of a written agreement, lease or contract and that related entity then produces and sells cane to the mill. The related business entity is neither subcontracted by the assignment holder nor acts as agent of the holder. 22/09/00
2.6.2 What are the GST implications where the sugar cane assignment holder, under a sharefarming agreement, receives the proceeds of sale and pays 85% to a share farmer who pays all operating and harvesting costs. 22/09/00
2.6.3 At what point in the production/distribution chain does the status of sugar cane change from a taxable supply to a GST-free supply of food? 22/09/00
2.6.4 CPA Issues Which entity is making the taxable supply of cane to the mill for the purposes of A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act)? 26/07/02

2.7 Tea and coffee

Issue Number Issue Update
2.7.1 At what point does green tea become GST-free? 20/11/00
2.7.2 Are coffee beans and green tea subject to GST? 02/08/00

2.8 Wheat

Issue Number Issue Update
2.8.1 Whether supplies of wheat made by growers prior to 1 July 2000 (and for which considerations received on or after 1 July 2000) is subject to GST? 22/09/00

2.9 Unharvested crops

Issue Number Issue Update
2.9.1 Where one entity owns farming land and another entity operates a farming business on that land, are any unharvested crops, which are included in the sale of such land, GST-free under section 38-480 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act). 02/08/00
2.9.2 Does a business operator own annual crops growing on a land owners land when the business operator pays all the expenses for the crops? 27/03/01
2.9.5 When a farm is sold, are crops owned by the business operator sold by the land owner as agent for the business operator? 27/03/01

2.10 Marketing boards

Issue Number Issue Update
2.10.1 Will a loan provided by a subsidiary of a grain marketing organisation to grain suppliers (growers) upon delivery of grain to a grain marketing organisation, constitute 'consideration' in regard to the supply of grain for the purposes of the GST legislation? 22/09/00
2.10.2 Will a loan provided by a subsidiary of a grain marketing organisation to grain suppliers (growers) upon delivery of grain to the grain marketing organisation, constitute a 'financial supply' for the purposes of the GST legislation? 22/09/00

2.11 Packaging

Issue Number Issue Update
2.11.1 What is the GST treatment in relation to the packaging of food in the following circumstances; a farmer grow apples, and has them bagged by a third party. The farmer pays for this service then sells the bagged apples at the market? 09/04/01

2.20 Sundry

Issue Number Issue Update
2.20.1 Are raw/unprocessed olives GST-free as food for human consumption? 18/03/02


3.1 Deregulation

Issue Number Issue Update
3.1.1 Will dairy farmers be liable for GST on payments made under the Dairy Structural Adjustment Program and the Dairy Exit Program? 02/08/00

3.2 Levies

Issue Number Issue Update
3.2.1 Are the intermediate entities making taxable supplies in relation to the dairy adjustment levy (DAL) collected for Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry - Australia (AFFA)?

Are the intermediate entities required to show the DAL collected at G1 and G11 of their business activity statement (BAS)?

Is the levy amount considered to be ordinary income of the intermediaries and need to be included at T1 on their BAS?


3.3 Milk

Issue Number Issue Update
3.3.1 Is unprocessed cow's milk subject to GST? 02/08/00
3.3.2 Are the supplies of excess unprocessed milk between dairy manufacturers taxable? 18/12/00
3.3.3 Are the acquisitions of the milk creditable acquisitions? 18/12/00
3.3.4 What would the value of the milk be? 18/12/00
3.3.5 When does the GST liability and input tax credit entitlement occur when a manufacturer accounts on a non-cash basis? 18/12/00


4.1 Agents

Issue Number Issue Update
4.1.1 Can an agent for a recipient (buyer) issue recipient created tax invoices (RCTIs)? 28/03/13
4.1.3 Dealing through agents 26/07/02
4.1.4 What does a tax invoice which is issued by an agent on behalf of the vendor, have to contain to satisfy the provisions of the GST legislation? 28/03/13
4.1.5 Where you are the agent for two parties (for example a farmer and a livestock carrier) who transact with each other through you and you charge each party a commission for your services, what are the tax invoice requirements? 28/03/13

4.3 Model tax invoice

Issue Number Issue Update
4.3.1 What does a Tax Invoice have to contain to satisfy the provisions of the GST legislation? 28/03/13

4.4 Recipient created tax invoices (RCTI)

Issue Number Issue Update
4.4.1 Can recipients of supplies of wild game issue recipient created tax invoices (RCTI)? 28/03/013
4.4.2 What form should an agreement to issue a recipient created tax invoice (RCTI) take? 22/09/00
4.4.4 What does a recipient created tax invoice have to contain to satisfy the provisions of the GST legislation? 26/07/02
4.4.5 RCTI's and co-ops and marketing boards. 18/03/02

4.5 Tax invoices

Issue Number Issue Update
4.5.1 Is it permissible to use a tax invoice when only GST-free supplies are made? 22/09/00
4.5.2 Can a monthly statement from a supplier satisfy tax invoice requirements? 26/07/02
4.5.3 Can a tax invoice be copied? 28/03/13
4.5.4 Where two or more GST registered enterprises make a creditable acquisition jointly, how does each enterprise claim their share of any input tax credit entitlement where there is only one tax invoice issued by the supplier? 16/02/01

4.6 Stock and station agents

Issue Number Issue Update
4.6.1 (A) Stock and station agents traditionally send account sales documentation to their vendors advising of the amounts fetched on livestock or produce sold on their behalf, and also advising of expenses. Can the ATO comment on the GST requirements for the different parts of this documentation, and also provide an example of the documentation? 26/07/02
4.6.2 (B) Stock and station agents have been advised that for GST they must separate vendor expenses into expenses merely paid for by the agent on the vendor's behalf, and actual professional charges by the agent, such as commission. What guidance is available from the ATO on this and what will be the repercussions if an agent misclassifies a selling service item as an expense paid on behalf of the vendor, or vice versa? 26/07/02

4.7 Adjustment note

Issue Number Issue Update
4.7.1 Can the recipient of a supply issue an adjustment note? 28/03/13

Joint ventures

5.1 Commercial fishing

Issue Number Issue Updated Issue History
5.1.1 How do Commercial Fishing arrangements apply to GST Joint Ventures? 26/10/04 View history: GST joint ventures and taxable supplies


6.1 Crown land

Issue Number Issue Update
6.1.1 Second lease of crown land - GST status

Where a piece of crown land is leased for a second time will the supply of the second lease be exempt from GST under section 38-445 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act)?

6.1.2 Sale of a farm with an area under licence

What are the GST consequences on the sale of a farm that includes an area under licence from the crown or a third party?


6.2 Farm land

Issue Number Issue Update
6.2.1(a) Sale of farmland - Section 38-480 of the GST Act

How does section 38-480 of A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act) apply to supplies of farmland?

6.2.1(b) Sale of farm land - farm business v farmed continuously

Is the sale of farm land GST-free if a farming business has been carried on for five years but the land has not been farmed continuously during the five years preceding the sale?

6.2.2 Farmed for five years but not immediately prior to the sale.

Is the sale of farm land GST-free if a farming business has been carried on for five years but not for the five years immediately prior to the sale?

6.2.3 Sale of farm land - temporary cessation of farming activity.

Is the sale of farm land GST-free if a farming business has been carried on for five years immediately prior to the sale, except for a break which occurs as a consequence of sale?

6.2.4 Documentary evidence - farming business What, if any, documentary evidence is necessary to show that the intention of a purchaser of farm land is that the farm land is to be used to carry on a farming business? 24/10/03
6.2.5 Acquisition GST free - no farming business

What are the GST consequences if the purchaser acquires farm land GST-free but does not actually carry out a farming business?

6.2.6(a) Intent

When farmland is purchased GST-free, is a time limit imposed upon the recipient to commence the carrying on of a farming business?

6.2.6(b) Exemption for supplies of farm land under section 38-480 of the GST Act.

Does exemption for supplies of farm land under section 38-480 of the GST Act depend upon the period of time that a purchaser intends that a farming business be carried out on the land?

6.2.7 Resale of farm land If a person has purchased farm land GST-free, how long does the land have to be used to carry on a farming business before it can be resold GST-free? 24/10/03
6.2.8 Sale of farm land to son/daughter

This section has been moved to 6.6.1 - GST and inter family transactions

6.2.9 Sale of farmland - transitional

This question relates to a transitional issue that was more relevant at the outset of GST. The answer is displayed here for reference purposes.

6.2.10 Sale of moveable chattels

Where a contract for the sale of farm land includes plant in the form of a chattel, would the chattel be considered a separate supply and subject to GST?

6.2.12 Security deposits and land sales

Where a security deposit is paid on part of a land sale contract, when does the liability arise? The agreement is that the deposit may be forfeited if the purchaser does not complete the contract.


6.2.13 Leases to associates

Issue Number Issue Update
6.2.13(a) Is a land owner who allows a related entity to conduct a farm business on the land required to register for the purposes of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act)? 24/10/03
6.2.13(b) Where farms are leased to associates, (for example, a retired farmer allows his son to continue the farm business without a formal lease in return for income support) will it be a taxable supply and will the associate provisions of the GST Act deem a market value of consideration. 24/10/03
6.2.14 Increasing Adjustment under Division 135 of the GST Act

Does the recipient of a supply that is GST-free under section 38-480 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act) have to make an increasing adjustment under Division 135 of the GST Act if the use of the land is converted from:

the conduct of a farming business to

the conduct of another enterprise in the course or furtherance of which supplies are made that are either taxable or GST-free?

6.2.15 Increasing adjustment under Division 129 of the GST Act

Can there be an increasing adjustment under Division 129 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999, if the use of the farmland purchased GST free under section 38-480 of the GST Act is different from the intended use when it was purchased?


6.2.17 Ownership of crops before harvest - growing crops

Issue Number Issue Update
6.2.17(a) Do growing crops form part of the land in or on which they are growing? 24/10/03
6.2.17(b) What are the GST implications when land on which there are growing crops is sold in circumstances which would satisfy the provisions of section 38-480 of the GST Act? 24/10/03
6.2.19 Inputs tax credits in relation to uncleared bushland section

In operating a farming business, is a farmer entitled to input tax credits in relation to expenditure incurred on uncleared bushland sections of his farmland?

6.2.20 GST-free Farm Land and Costs Incurred

When farmland is sold GST-free, how are the costs incurred in the sale treated for GST purposes?

6.2.21 Farm land set aside for conservation covenants

A farmer registered for GST enters into a covenant, or other agreement, for part of the farmer's land to be set aside for conservation purposes. The farmer receives money, or other consideration, for supplying the land and the rights to the land. Is the supply subject to GST?

6.2.22 Farm Land - related entity

This section has been moved to 6.2.13(a) - Leases to Associates

6.2.23 Sales of farmland - Section 38-480 of the GST Act

This section has been moved to 6.2.1(a) - Farm Land


6.3 Leases

Issue Number Issue Update
6.3.1 Definition of Long Term Lease

Does the reference to long-term lease in section 38-475 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act) and section 38-480 of the GST Act (the farmland provisions), cover pastoral and other leases granted by Commonwealth, State or Territory governments in circumstances where those leases are granted for a period of less than 50 years but are either renewable, or can be converted to perpetual leases or freehold title?

6.3.2 Section 38-450 of the GST Act and Short Term Leases

When will a short-term lease of land by the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory be GST-free under section 38-450 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services) Act 1999 (GST Act)?

6.3.3 Farm Land and Terminated Leases Prior to Sale

Can section 38-480 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (the GST Act) apply to the sale of farmland where the land has been previously leased as a farm, and where the lease has terminated prior to the sale. From the time of termination of the lease to the sale of the farmland, no farming business has been carried on, on the land. The purchaser of the freehold farmland intends to carry on a farming business on the land.

6.3.4 Interpretation of the definition of long-term lease

Will the requirement for the supply of a long-term lease to be for at least 50 years as described in section 195 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act), be met where a lease with an original term in excess of 50 years is assigned part way through the original term and the time remaining until the cessation of the lease is less than 50 years?


6.4 Residency

Issue Number Issue Update
6.4.1 This issue was withdrawn 30 May 2002. 24/10/03

6.5 Fixtures and fittings

Issue Number Issue Update
6.5.1 Tenants fixtures

This issue has been removed. Please refer to issue 6.5.2.

6.5.2 Tenants fixtures

What are the GST consequences when a tenant attaches a fixture to farmland?


6.6 GST and inter family transactions

Issue Number Issue Update
6.6.1 Sale of farmland to son/daughter

How does GST apply where I sell my farm land to my son/daughter, assuming the following:

The final consideration is determined,

Payments are periodical and spread over time (with payments able to be changed from time to time),

Property passes at the earlier of the full amount being paid, or upon death, it being bequeathed pursuant to the will.

6.6.2 Enterprise, landowner and related entity

Is a landowner who allows a related entity to conduct a farm business on the land carrying on an enterprise for the purposes of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act)?


6.6.3 GST and Inter Family Transactions

Issue Number Issue Update
6.6.3(a) The landowner leases farmland to the business operator for no consideration. The landowner is not registered for GST. The business operator is registered for GST.

Is the landowner required to be registered?

6.6.3(b) The landowner leases farmland to the business operator for no consideration. The landowner is not registered for GST. The business operator is registered for GST.

Is the supply of land taxable?

6.6.4 The landowner and the business operator are registered for GST. The landowner leases farmland to the business operator for $75,000.

Is there a taxable supply of land from the landowner to the business operator?
Can the landowner and the business operator group?

6.6.5 The landowner and the business operator are registered for GST. The landowner leases farmland to the business operator for no consideration.

Is there a taxable supply by the landowner?



7.1 Cattle

7.2 Game

Issue Number Issue Update
7.2.1 Will the supply of game carcasses from a harvester to a wild game processor be subject to GST? 26/07/02

7.3 Horses

7.4 Levies

Issue Number Issue Update
7.4.1 What is the correct treatment in relation to GST and the deduction of livestock transaction levies? 18/12/00
7.4.2 Will Rural Lands Protection Board (RLPB) rates that apply on the basis of the number of stock carried on farms be GST free? 22/09/00

7.5 Sales

Issue Number Issue Update
7.5.1 How does GST apply to livestock, game and carcass sales? 22/09/00

7.20 Sundry

Issue Number Issue Update
7.20.1 What is the GST treatment on the importation of frozen/fresh animal semen? 27/03/01
7.20.2 This issue was withdrawn on the 1 August 2002

What are the GST implications when livestock are transferred by an entity registered for GST using an election under section 70-100 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (the ITAA 97)?



8.1 Fishing

Issue Number Issue Updated Issue History
8.1.1 What are the elements required under GST to sell a fishing business as a going concern? 26/10/04 View history: seafood and fishing
8.1.2 What are the special claiming arrangements for commercial fishing under the Energy Grants Credit Scheme? 26/10/04 NA

8.2 Seafood

Issue Number Issue Update
8.2.1 Are live fish (for example, Banded Morwong and Wrasse) which are sold for domestic consumption considered to be food for GST purposes and hence GST-free? 26/10/04
8.2.2 Are supplies of oyster spat and adult oysters GST -free? 26/10/04


9.1 Acquisitions

Issue Number Issue Update
9.1.1 Are the supplies of timber between forestry companies taxable? 26/10/04
9.1.2 Are the acquisitions of the timber creditable acquisitions? 26/10/04
9.1.3 What would the value of the timber be? 26/10/04
9.1.4 When does the GST liability and input tax credit entitlement occur when a forestry company accounts on a non-cash basis? 26/10/04

9.2 Registration

Issue Number Issue Update
9.2.1 Where a supplier is unregistered, are the following disregarded for the purposes of section 188-25 of the GST Act in determining whether a supplier has a GST turnover which meets the registration threshold:-

The sale to a single purchaser of:

land with standing timber on the land at time of sale;
land together with already felled timber;
grazing permits?


Wool and shearing

10.1 Shearing

Issue Number Issue Update
10.1.1 Does the contractor's tax invoice need to show cost of shearing and GST separately where shearing is undertaken on a full contract basis? 28/03/13
10.1.2 How is the GST liability calculated on a 'cost plus' basis shearing contract? 22/09/00
10.1.3 Is the employer liable for GST on the labour component of a 'cocky shearing' arrangement? 22/09/00
10.1.4 Is the contractor liable for GST on fees charged to woolgrowers under a 'levy shearing' arrangement? 22/09/00
10.1.5 Does GST apply on supplies of meals or accommodation to shearers by their employers? 22/09/00

10.2 Wool

Issue Number Issue Update
10.2.1 Wool is being sold at auction towards the end of June 2000. Will GST apply if payment is not made until after 30 June? 09/04/01
10.2.2 How is GST calculated when wool tax is imposed on the same transaction? 02/08/00

Government grants and payments

11 Grants - rewritten and amended 9/01/01

11.1 Grants

Issue Number Issue Updated Issue History
11.1.1 How will grants be treated under GST? 26/10/04 View history

11.2 Government relief payments

Issue Number Issue Update
11.2.1 Government relief payments for destruction of crops etc due to disasters

Will government relief payments associated with the destruction of livestock, crops, etc., due to disasters, for example, bushfire, flood, oil spill, etc., be subject to GST?

11.2.2 PAYG treatment of income from forced disposal of livestock.

For PAYG purposes how is the income from the forced disposal of livestock treated?


11.3 Dairy

Issue Number Issue Update
11.3.1 Dairy Industry Restructuring Compensation Package

Will dairy farmers be liable for GST on payments made under the Dairy Structural Adjustment Program (DSAP) and the Dairy Exit Program (DEP)?

11.3.2 Income Tax effect of Dairy Structural Adjustment Program (DSAP)

What is the Income Tax effect of the Dairy Structural Adjustment Program (DSAP)?

11.3.3 Dairy Deregulation - Capital Loss on Quotas

(i) What happens to the quotas once the regulations are removed?
(ii) After deregulation by the States quotas will no longer exist. Does this mean that they have zero value and holders can realise a capital loss?
(i) Do quotas have to be sold to realise any capital loss?
(ii) Is the capital loss attributable to the 1999/2000 income year or the 2000/2001 income year?
(i) Do State Governments actually have to resume the quotas at 'nil' value for a capital loss to exist?
(ii) Is such a capital loss allowable for taxation purposes?


11.4 Flood relief

Issue Number Issue Update
11.4.1 Flood package and GST - income support

Are the payments of income support and existing debt interest rate subsidies from the Federal Government Flood Package to farmers subject to GST?

11.4.2 Flood Package and GST - reimbursement grants for small business and crop replanting

Are the payments of reimbursement grants for small business and crop replanting from the Federal Government flood package to farmers subject to GST?


11.5 Farm help

Issue Number Issue Update
11.5.1 GST on Farm Help Payments

Will farmers be liable for GST on payments made under the Farm Help Income Support (formerly Restart Income Support) and the Farm Help Re-establishment Grant Scheme (formerly Restart Re-establishment Grant)?

11.5.2 Farm Help/ Farm Restart Scheme (PAYG & Income Tax)

1. Income support payment

1.1 Will the Farm Help income support payment be assessable income to the recipient?

1.2 Is the Farm Help income support payment included in the instalment income of the recipient for PAYG instalments purposes?

1.3 Will the beneficiary rebate apply to the Farm Help income support payments?

1.4 Is the payment to be treated as income from primary production in applying the provisions of Division 392 ITAA97 - Long-term averaging of primary producers' tax liability?

2. Re-establishment grant

2.1 Will the Farm Help re-establishment grant be assessable income to the recipient?

2.2 Will there be Capital Gains Tax implications on the receipt of the Farm Help re-establishment grant?

2.3 Is the Farm Help re-establishment grant included in the instalment income of the recipient for PAYG instalments purposes?

11.5.3 Exceptional Circumstances Relief Payments 26/10/04

11.6 Landcare

Issue Number Issue Update
11.6.1 Can a number of small landcare groups get together as one large group and apply for one ABN? 26/10/04
11.6.2 If a landcare entity receives a grant of just over $75,000 a year, does the entity have to register for the GST? 26/10/04
11.6.3 If a landcare entity's turnover is below the GST registration threshold, and it chooses not to register for GST, does the landcare entity still need an ABN? 26/10/04
11.6.4 If a landcare entity makes arrangements for another organisation (for example, local council) to be the designated funding manager, does that landcare entity need to have an ABN and/or register for the GST? 26/10/04
11.6.5 Will not for profit Landcare groups be able to claim back any GST they pay on goods such as fencing? 26/10/04
11.6.6 What are the GST consequences of the following events:

A grant is paid under an agreement for the period 1 July 1999 to 30 June 2000 The agreement stipulates that any monies that remain unspent as at 30 June 2000 must be refunded to the government unless alternative arrangements are made, and

Agreement is reached whereby the grantee will be able to spend the excess funds in the 2001 financial year.

11.6.7 What are the GST implications where a landholder provides services to the entity and receives payment in return? 26/10/04
11.6.8 What are the Pay As You Go (PAYG) Withholding tax requirements where the landcare entity does not quote an ABN to the payer of grant monies? 26/10/04
11.6.9 What are the Pay As You Go (PAYG) Withholding tax requirements where a landholder does not quote an ABN to the landcare entity? 26/10/04
11.6.10 What can the entity do if it has inadequate accounting systems, and cannot afford to update them? 26/10/04
11.6.11 Is a landcare group entitled to obtain an ABN? 26/10/04

11.7 Under and over passes

Issue Number Issue Update
11.7.1 Reimbursement grant from RIDF - GST status

Is the payment of a reimbursement grant from the Victorian Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) to farmers for the completion of a stock under/overpass subject to GST?

Note This information has not been updated to take into account the Sugar Industry Reform Program 2004 that was announced by the Prime Minister, the Hon John Howard MP, on the 29 April 2004. 26/10/04

11.8 Sugar

Issue Number Issue Update
11.8.1 Sugar Industry Assistance Package - GST treatment

Are payments to canegrowers under the Sugar Industry Assistance Package subject to GST?

11.8.2 Sugar Industry Assistance Package - BAS issues

Should payments made to sugar cane farmers under the Interest Rate Subsidy scheme, which is part of the Sugar Industry Assistance Package, be included at G1 on the farmer's business activity statement (BAS)?

11.8.3 Sugar Industry Assistance Package - income tax and PAYG questions:

Interest Rate Subsidy (on loans used for planting cane crops)

Interest Rate Subsidy (loans associated with the business of producing cane)

Income Support Payment

Vouchers to access financial counselling services


Water, sewerage and sullage

12.1 Water

Issue Number Issue Updated Issue History
12.1.1 What is the GST treatment of irrigation water, irrigation licences, and farmers who buy and sell water rights between each other. 26/10/04 View history: Water, sewerage and sullage

12.2 Sewerage

Issue Number Issue Updated Issue History
12.2.1 What is the GST treatment of sewerage and sewerage-like services (for example, night cans, sullage tanks, and bio-systems)? 26/10/04 View history: Water, sewerage and sullage

Partnerships and associated entities

13.1 Partnerships

Issue Number Issue Updated Issue History
13.1.1 Can a partnership have access to input tax credits without reimbursement of partners? 26/10/04 View history: Partnerships and associated entities

13.2 Associated entities

Issue Number Issue Update
13.2.1 Does a taxable supply occur when a property is made available by one family member to another to operate as a farming business; for example, by a parent (landowner) to a partnership of son and daughter-in-law (operating entity). This arrangement involves the operating entity paying all the costs associated with holding the property (such as rates and taxes) in lieu of paying rent to the landowner?

If the rates and taxes exceed $75,000 per annum, will this make any difference to the outcome?

Where the amount payable is less than $75,000 would the landowner require an ABN to avoid the operating entity withholding 46.5% of the rates for PAYG withholding?

13.2.2 Does a taxable supply occur when a Primary Production business, formerly operated by a partnership and now operated by a trust, pays a hire fee to the partnership for use of plant. The original partnership is still in existence but its only 'activity' is the ownership of the plant that is used by the trust. The hire fee is usually equal to tax depreciation relating to assets owned by the partnership?

If the partnership has no ABN, does the no ABN withholding rule apply?


13.5 Estates

Issue Number Issue Updated Issue History
13.5.1 This issue has been relocated to Issue 20 - Sundry. 18/02/04 View history: Partnerships and associated entities

13.10 Death

Issue Number Issue Update
13.10.1 This issue has been relocated to Issue 20 - Sundry. 18/02/04

Non business use

14.1 Apportionment

Issue Number Issue Update
14.1.1 What is the correct basis for apportionment of expenses such as electricity and insurance? 09/04/01

14.2 Reimbursement

Issue Number Issue Update
14.2.1 Is an entity registered for GST entitled to claim an input tax credit for motor vehicle expenses that are incurred by way of reimbursement to an employee, where the reimbursement is calculated on a cents per kilometre basis? 09/04/01
14.2.2 How can a non-profit organisation, that is not a charitable institution, trustee of a charitable fund, a gift deductible entity or a government school claim input tax credits for reimbursing volunteers? 04/10/01

14.3 Personal use

Issue Number Issue Update
14.3.1 How does a farmer account for GST paid on bulk fuel if the fuel is used by more than one vehicle for both business and personal use? 22/09/00
14.3.2 This issue was withdrawn on the 30 August 2002

What are the GST implications where primary produce is used or consumed by the producer?



15.1 Registration

Issue Number Issue Updated Issue History
15.1.1 This question has been moved to Issue 9 - timber

For further information on registration issues please refer to the registration menu of GST essentials.

26/10/04 View history: Registrations


16.1 Carrying on

Issue Number Issue Updated Issue History
16.1.1 This issue has been removed. Please refer to issue 13.2.1 Is a land owner who allows a related entity to conduct a farm business on the land carrying on an enterprise for the purposes of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act)? 27/03/01 History of issue 16.1.1
16.1.2 Is the provision of agistment a farming business? 15/08/02

Going concerns

17.1 Going concerns

Issue Number Issue
17.1.1 Can the entity proceed and treat the supply as a supply of a going concern and therefore GST-free, on the basis there was originally an intention to supply everything necessary for the continued operation of the enterprise?

Can the entity proceed to supply its enterprise as a going concern if it is first able to remedy the loss of the asset, for example, by (a) leasing another boat, (b) repairing the damaged boat, or (c) purchasing another boat?

Wine equalisation tax (WET)

Issue Number Issue Update
18.1.1 Is there a rebate system for cellar door and mail order sales? 14/10/02
18.1.2 What is the Wine Equalisation Tax? 14/10/02
18.1.3 To what beverages does the WET apply? 14/10/02
18.1.4 Who pays the WET? 14/10/02
18.1.5 How are exports of wine treated? 14/10/02
18.1.6 How is the WET applied? 14/10/02
18.1.7 What happens if I sell to a distributor who then sells to a retailer? 14/10/02
18.1.8 Who administers the WET? 14/10/02
18.1.9 Who needs to register for WET? 14/10/02
18.1.10 Is there an exemption from WET based on my level of sales? 14/10/02
18.1.11 How do I calculate the WET on my wholesale sales? 14/10/02


20.1. Cash back payments

Issue Number Issue Updated Issue History
20.1.1 What are the GST implications of a cash back payment offered by a supplier to a farmer? 27/03/01

20.2 Schools

Issue Number Issue Updated Issue History
20.2.1 What components of boarding school fees are GST-free, and what components are not? This goes right down to food supplied for home economics classes, etc. 07/08/02 History of issue 20.2.1
20.2.2 Is food supplied by boarding schools subject to GST? 22/09/00 Not applicable

20.3 Penalties

Issue Number Issue Update
20.3.1 Who is responsible for late lodgment penalties where a taxpayer lodges a GST return through a tax agent and the return is lodged late because the taxpayer did not get their records to the tax agent on time? 09/04/01
20.3.2 Who is responsible for late lodgment penalties where a taxpayer lodges a GST return through a tax agent and the return is lodged late due to the tax agent? 09/04/01

20.4 Food

Issue Number Issue Update
20.4.1 Are products that can be consumed as 'food' but also have other uses, considered to be food? 27/03/01
20.4.2 How are rotten fruit and vegetables defined in relation to food? 13/11/02
20.4.3 How are rotten grapes defined in relation to food? 13/11/02

20.5 Deposits

Issue Number Issue Update
20.5.1 Where a commitment to purchase equipment is made and a security deposit is paid, when does the GST liability in relation to the sale arise? The agreement is that the deposit may be forfeited if the customer does not complete the purchase 22/09/00

20.6 In kind

Issue Number Issue Update
20.6.1 Do payments in kind represent two supplies in the following situation? Taxpayer 1 grows a grain crop on Taxpayer 2's property. In return for the use of Taxpayer 2's property, Taxpayer 1 gives him a percentage of his grain crop which Taxpayer 2 sells at a later date. Both taxpayers are registered for GST. 07/08/02

20.7 Prizes

Issue Number Issue Update
20.7.1 What are the GST implications for payment of prize money by agricultural show societies? 04/07/00

20.8 Employees

Issue Number Issue Updated Issue History
20.8.1 Does GST apply on supplies by employers to jackaroos, jillaroos, station hands and similar employees of (a) food and drink, or (b) accommodation? 07/08/02 History of issue 20.8.1

20.9 Financial arrangements

Issue Number Issue Updated Issue History
20.9.1 Is primary produce (for example, wool or cotton) traded through the futures market, subject to GST when

the futures contracts are created; or
only when there is a physical delivery of produce?

07/08/02 History of issue 20.9.1
20.9.2 Hire Purchase and GST 26/10/12

20.10 ATO Rulings

Issue Number Issue Update
20.10.1 Can an industry organisation request a Goods and services tax class Ruling on behalf of its members? 15/08/02


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© Australian Taxation Office for the Commonwealth of Australia

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