RCTI 2015/15


This legislative instrument has been repealed by F2023L00785 - A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax): Recipient Created Tax Invoice Determination 2023.

This legislative instrument replaces and repeals A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 Classes of Recipient Created Tax Invoice Determination (No 14) 2000. (F2007C00486), registered on 18 July 2007.

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

I, James O'Halloran, Deputy Commissioner of Taxation, make this determination under subsection 29-70(3) of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.

1. Name of Determination

1. This determination is the Goods and Services Tax: Classes of Recipient Created Tax Invoice Determination (No. 15) 2015.

2. Commencement

2. This determination commences on the day after registration.

Repeal of previous instrument

3. A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 Classes of Recipient Created Tax Invoice Determination ( No. 14) 2000 - F2005B02415, registered on 12/09/2005 is repealed on the commencement of this determination.

Determination (Who is covered by this Determination)

4. This determination applies to:

an entity that was previously determined in the previous instrument as being able to issue a tax invoice belonging to a class of tax invoices that may be issued by a recipient; or
an entity that was not determined in the previous instrument, provided it satisfies all the requirements of this instrument.

Classes of tax invoices that may be issued by the recipient of a taxable supply

5. A tax invoice that belongs to a class of tax invoices for a taxable supply of goods may be issued by a merchandiser that is the recipient of a sale or return basis taxable supply where:

the recipient establishes the value of that supply after it is made using a quantitative process; and
the recipient satisfies the requirements set out in Clause 6.

Requirements that must be satisfied by the recipient of a taxable supply

6. A recipient of a taxable supply must satisfy the following requirements:

the recipient must be registered for GST when the invoice is issued;
the recipient must set out the Australian Business Number of the supplier in the tax invoice;
the recipient must issue the original or a copy of the tax invoice to the supplier within 28 days of making, or determining the value of, the taxable supply and must retain the original or the copy;
the recipient must issue the original or a copy of an adjustment note to the supplier within 28 days of becoming aware of the adjustment and must retain the original or the copy;
the recipient must reasonably comply with its obligations under the taxation laws; and
the recipient must have either a written agreement with the supplier that meets the requirements of Clause 7, or a written agreement embedded in the tax invoice that meets the requirements of Clause 8.

Requirements of a written agreement with the supplier

7. The written agreement the recipient has with the supplier must: specify the supplies to which it relates; be current and effective when the recipient created tax invoice (RCTI) is issued; and agree that:

the recipient can issue tax invoices in respect of the supplies;
the supplier will not issue tax invoices in respect of the supplies;
the supplier acknowledges that it is registered for GST when it enters into the agreement and that it will notify the recipient if it ceases to be registered; and
the recipient acknowledges that it is registered when it enters into the agreement and that it will notify the supplier if it ceases to be registered for GST.

Requirements of a written agreement embedded in the tax invoice

8. The agreement the recipient has with the supplier embedded in a tax invoice issued by the recipient must contain the following statement:

The recipient and the supplier declare that this agreement applies to supplies to which this tax invoice relates. The recipient can issue tax invoices in respect of these supplies. The supplier will not issue tax invoices in respect of these supplies. The supplier acknowledges that it is registered for GST and that it will notify the recipient if it ceases to be registered. The recipient acknowledges that it is registered for GST and that it will notify the supplier if it ceases to be registered for GST. Acceptance of this RCTI constitutes acceptance of the terms of this written agreement.
Both parties to this supply agree that they are parties to a RCTI agreement. The supplier must notify the recipient within 21 days of receiving this document if the supplier does not wish to accept the proposed agreement.


9. The following expressions are defined for the purposes of this determination:

merchandiser means an entity that acquires goods on a sale or return basis.
sale or return basis means a supply of goods made to a merchandiser on the basis that if the goods are not sold by that entity they will be returned to the supplier.

10. Other expressions in this determination have the same meaning as in the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.

15 September 2015

James O'Halloran
Deputy Commissioner of Taxation

Registration Number: F2015L01588

Registration Date: 30 September 2015

Related Explanatory Statements:

RCTI 2015/15 - Explanatory statement

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