Goods and Services Tax Advice


Goods and services tax: How is the final adjustment calculated when a building is renovated and the owner's GST registration is cancelled?

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This document is a ruling for the purposes of section 37 of the Taxation Administration Act 1953. You can rely on the information presented in this document, which provides advice on the operation of the GST system.


A business bought a commercial property before the introduction of GST for $110,000. The supply of the property was not a taxable supply. The business carried out extensive renovations including new kitchens, alteration to walls, and painting. These things became part of the building and lost their identity. The value of each acquisition exceeded $1,000. The total amount of these alterations was $55,000 (of which a $5,000 input tax credit was claimed). The business ceased its enterprise and is cancelling its GST registration. The assets remain with the existing entity. There is no market value of attached things, but the market value of the building is $250,000.


When it cancels its registration, the business still has assets on hand for which it has previously claimed input tax credits. It is required to make an increasing adjustment under subsection 138-5(1) of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act), in respect of each thing included in the assets on hand, to cancel those input tax credits.

The reason for the adjustment is that the assets are being taken out of the GST system. As the assets are not being used in the GST system, there is no entitlement to an input tax credit for those assets. The adjustment operates to take back any input tax credits already given in respect of things acquired that are included in the assets.

The structural improvements made to the commercial building are things included in the assets of the entity for the purposes of Division 138 of the GST Act.

However, the business does not have an adjustment in respect of a thing if there was one or more adjustment periods for the thing acquired and the last of those adjustment periods has ended before the cancellation of registration takes effect.

In answering the question it has been assumed that for of each of the things acquired (for which input tax credits were claimed), the last adjustment period has not ended.

The amount of the adjustment for each thing referred to in paragraph 138-5(1)(b) of the GST Act is calculated using the formula provided in subsection 138-5(2) of the GST Act as follows:

1/11 * Actual application of the thing * Applicable value

Where the applicable value is the lesser of:

the GST-inclusive market value of the thing immediately before the cancellation takes effect, and
if the entity is, or was, entitled to an input tax credit for acquiring the thing - the amount of the consideration that it provided, or was liable to provide, for its acquisition of the thing.

Accordingly, the 'applicable value' is the lesser of the cost and the GST-inclusive market value immediately before the cancellation. The adjustment recognises that some of the assets used in the enterprise may have lost value. In effect, the value represents usage in the enterprise while the asset was in the GST system. The adjustment allows an input tax credit for the value used in the enterprise for a creditable purpose, and recoups the difference. If the amount of consideration provided for acquiring the asset is less than its GST-inclusive market value (for example, where the asset has appreciated over time), the applicable value is the amount of consideration provided.

In this case, the improvements have no market value. However, the value of the improvements is reflected in the value of the property immediately before cessation of registration. The market value of the improvements is equal to:

Cost of improvements/Cost of improvement + Value of property before improvements * Value of property at cessation of registration
$55,000/$55,000 + $110,000 * $250,000

(In this calculation, it has been assumed that the value of the property immediately before the improvements were made was equal to the acquisition cost. This will not necessarily be the case.)

= $83,333

As the market value of the improvements is greater than the consideration provided for the acquisition of the improvements the applicable value is $55,000.

The term 'actual application' refers to the degree that an item has been used for a creditable purpose in a period starting from the time it was acquired or imported, and finishing at the end of the adjustment period. The amount is expressed as a percentage.

Therefore, the adjustment required is

1/11 * 100% * $55,000 = $5,000.

Application of this GST Advice
This Advice explains our view of the law as it applied from 1 July 2000. You can rely on this Advice on and from its date of issue for the purposes of section 37 of the Taxation Administration Act 1953. Goods and Services Tax Ruling GSTR 1999/1 explains the GST rulings system and our view of when you can rely on our interpretation of the law in GST public and private rulings.
If this Advice conflicts with a previous ruling that you have obtained, this public ruling prevails. However, if you have relied on a previous ruling, you are protected in respect of what you have done up to the date of issue of this public ruling. This means that if you have underpaid an amount of GST, you are not liable for the shortfall prior to the date of issue of this later ruling. Similarly, you are not liable to repay an amount overpaid by the Commissioner as a refund.

Commissioner of Taxation
1 February 2006

Not previously issued as a draft


ATO references:
NO 05/3095

ISSN: 1833-0053

Related Rulings/Determinations:


Subject References:
Adjustment events
Concluding tax period
GST registration
GST sale of real property

Legislative References:
ANTS(GST)A 1999 Div 138
TAA 1953 37

GSTA TPP 094 history
  Date: Version: Change:
You are here 1 February 2006 Original ruling  
  31 October 2012 Consolidated ruling Addendum

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