Re Lander.

RK Todd DP

Sir E Coates M
GD Grant M

Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Decision date: Decision handed down 31 October 1985.

R.K. Todd (Deputy President), Sir E. Coates and G.D. Grant (Members)

This is an application for review of a decision refusing access, in whole or in part, to a number of documents access to which was sought by the applicant pursuant to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (``the FOI Act'').

2. The evidence before us and to which we have referred consists of the following:

3. The applicant had some minor disputes with the Australian Taxation Office (``ATO'') about deductions for home office expenses. In late 1979 or early 1980 a computer matching run by the ATO detected the apparent omission of building society interest from the applicant's tax returns. In May 1980 the ATO wrote asking the applicant to examine his records and to furnish within 21 days a statement of income from investments for the years ended 30 June 1977 to 1979 inclusive. The applicant replied stating that he had no records and asking the ATO to give him details of the information which it had. The ATO told him that it had information that he had a joint account with Irena Lander, his wife, in the Civic Co-operative Permanent Building Society which had been credited with $190 interest for the year ended 30 June 1978. The applicant was again asked to supply within 14 days the information previously requested, and to explain the reasons for any omission of income from his tax returns.

4. The applicant complained to the ombudsman, to the treasurer, and to senior officers of the ATO. The matter dragged on until 24 March 1981, when he and his wife were asked to go to the ATO for an interview. This did not take place until 9 October 1981. The applicant was in general terms apparently regarded as unco-operative: See the transcript of an interview between the applicant and officers of the ATO at exhibit 28.

5. In the meantime a full scale investigation was put in train and in due course amended

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assessments, which included in assessable income of the applicant profits from certain share transactions in relation to certain years of income, were issued for the years of income ended 30 June 1975 to 1980. The total of ``omitted income'' brought to assessment for the seven years was less than $3,000. The amount of additional tax was less than $1,500. Penalties, after remission, were a little over $1,000.

6. The applicant objected to the amended assessments, but his objections were disallowed. He requested a reference to a Board of Review. The hearing before the Board of Review took place on 20 May 1983 and 15 September 1983.

7. On 15 June 1983 the applicant addressed a request to the ATO under the FOI Act for access to ``all documents relative to my income tax affairs including all correspondence and all file notes submissions etc.''. On 17 August 1983 access was granted to approximately 1,000 documents subject to deletions in many cases. Access was refused to some 400 documents. The documents covered the years 1975 to 1982. Prior years had been destroyed.

8. On 19 August 1983 the applicant applied for internal review of the decision to refuse access. On such review some further documents were released, some with deletions. Otherwise the original decision was confirmed.

9. On 26 October 1983 the applicant made application to this tribunal for review of the decision on internal review. The decision was stated to be:

``Denial of access and deletions conveyed by attached copies of correspondence with ATO (with the exception of documents relating solely to Mrs I. Lander).''

10. In a decision given on 9 February 1984, the Board of Review confirmed the amended assessments and penalties. On 5 March 1984 the applicant lodged a notice of appeal to the Supreme Court of the A.C.T. from the decision of the Board of Review. In relation to the FOI application, an initial hearing of the matter by this tribunal was held over five days in July 1984 and was then adjourned to a date to be fixed for the purpose of lodgment of submissions by the applicant. This he did in August 1984, and in October 1984 the respondent filed submissions in reply. The presiding member of the tribunal having taken up another appointment, the tribunal was later reconstituted. In February 1985 the applicant advised the tribunal that the Supreme Court appeal had been disposed of without proceeding to a hearing. The tribunal communicated with the respondent and asked, in substance, whether the termination of the proceedings in the Supreme Court affected the claims of exemption. Initially the respondent did not seek to make any submissions, but the tribunal, faced with the problem generated by the effect of the cessation of the proceedings on claims of exemption based on sec. 37(1) of the FOI Act, listed the matter again for hearing on 3 May 1985. The respondent then realised the need for reassessment of the claims of exemption and the matter was again adjourned. At the further adjourned hearing on 6 June 1985 an amended schedule was presented, and while some claims of exemption were withdrawn, some that had previously been withdrawn at the original hearing were reinstated. We have attempted to encompass the difficulties caused by all this, but in the end result the tribunal must simply do its best to cope with the question whether the documents are exempt in whole or in part, fulfilling its review function as envisaged by sec. 58(1) of the FOI Act.

11. In addition, there were ultimately three concessions of exemption made by the applicant, namely in respect of names of other taxpayers shown on computer print-outs, in respect of computer codes, and in respect of documents claimed to be the subject of legal professional privilege. On computer codes the applicant said that if the code triggered a document, such as a letter, he would still desire access to that document. As to claims of legal professional privilege, the applicant at the hearing contested the validity of any such claim if the document represented a communication within the ATO involving what we may call an ``in-house'' legal officer.

12. Four particular claims of exemption may be dealt with under broad headings and disposed of at this stage. We shall not refer to them again, unless special reference is requisite, save by reference to the number of the Schedule that is set out at the end of these reasons and in which the documents, or portions of documents, that relate to the relevant Schedule heading are enumerated. The headings are as follows:

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13. We now discuss the documents, or portions thereof, still remaining in dispute. Where the documents are listed in Sch. 1-4 and are thus already dealt with in para. 12 above, we do no more than refer to the relevant Schedule:

14. In the result the decision of the tribunal is that the claims of exemption in respect of the documents listed in Sch. 5 to these reasons for decision are not upheld, and to that extent the decision under review is set aside. Otherwise the decision under review is affirmed. In view of the complexity of the matter we shall reserve liberty to apply in case any difficulty occurs in giving effect to our decision, but we nevertheless trust that resort to the tribunal will only occur in the case of serious difficulty emerging.

[ CCH Note: Schedules 1-5 are not reproduced.]


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