House of Representatives
Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Stronger Super) Bill 2012
Superannuation Supervisory Levy Imposition Amendment Bill 2012
Explanatory Memorandum
(Circulated by the authority of the Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, the Hon Wayne Swan MP)Index
Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Stronger Super) Bill 2012
Schedule 1: Data and payment standards relating to superannuation and retirement savings
Bill reference | Paragraph number |
Item 1, section 45 of the RSA Act and item 2, section 34H of the SIS Act | 1.11 |
Item 1, section 45A of the RSA Act and item 2, section 34J of the SIS Act | 1.12 |
Item 1, paragraphs 45B(1)(a) and (b) of the RSA Actand item 2, paragraphs 34K(1)(a) and (1)(b) of the SIS Act | 1.26 |
Item 1, subsection 45B(2) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34K(2) of the SIS Act | 1.28 |
Item 1, paragraphs 45B(3)(a) and (b) of the RSA Act and item 2, paragraphs 34K(3)(a) and (b) of the SIS Act | 1.29 |
Item 1, subsection 45B(4) of the RSA Actand item 2, subsection 34K(4) of the SIS Act | 1.30 |
Item 1, paragraphs 45B(5)(a) and (b) of the RSA Actand item 2, paragraphs 34K(5)(a) and (b) of the SIS Act | 1.27 |
Item 1, paragraphs 45B(6)(a), (b) and (c) of the RSA Act and item 2, paragraphs 34K(6)(a), (b) and (c) of the SIS Act | 1.33 |
Item 1, paragraph 45B(6)(d) of the RSA Act and item 2, paragraph 34K(6)(d) of the SIS Act | 1.36 |
Item 1, paragraph 45B(6)(e) of the RSA Actand item 2, paragraph 34K(6)(e) of the SIS Act | 1.34 |
Item 1, paragraph 45B(6)(f) of the RSA Actand item 2, paragraph 34K(6)(f) of the SIS Act | 1.35 |
Item 1, paragraphs 45B(7)(a) and (b) of the RSA Act and item 2, paragraphs 34K(7)(a) and (b) of the SIS Act | 1.38 |
Item 1, subsection 45B(8) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34K(8) of the SIS Act | 1.40 |
Item 1, subsection 45B(9) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34K(9) of the SIS Act | 1.41 |
Item 1, subsection 45B(10) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34K(10) of the SIS Act | 1.43 |
Item 1, subsection 45C(1) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34L(1) of the SIS Act | 1.44 |
Item 1, subsection 45C(2) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34L(2) of the SIS Act | 1.45 |
Item 1, subsection 45D(1) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34M(1) of the SIS Act | 1.55 |
Item 1, paragraphs 45D(1)(a) and (b) of the RSA Act and item 2, paragraphs 34M(1)(a) and (b) of the SIS Act | 1.54 |
Item 1, subsection 45D(2) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34M(2) of the SIS Act | 1.56 |
Item 1, subsection 45D(3) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34M(3) of the SIS Act | 1.57 |
Item 1, subsection 45E(1) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34N(1) of the SIS Act | 1.59 |
Item 1, paragraphs 45E(1)(a) and (b) of the RSA Act and item 2, paragraphs 34N(1)(a) and (b) of the SIS Act | 1.58 |
Item 1, subsection 45E(2) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34N(2) of the SIS Act | 1.60 |
Item 1, subsection 45E(3) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34N(3) of the SIS Act | 1.61 |
Item 1, paragraphs 45F(1)(a) and (b) of the RSA Act and item 2, paragraphs 34P(1)(a) and (b) of the SIS Act | 1.64 |
Item 1, paragraphs 45F(2)(a) and (b) of the RSA Act and item 2, paragraphs 34P(2)(a) and (b) of the SIS Act | 1.65 |
Item 1, paragraphs 45F(4)(a) and (b) of the RSA Act and item 2, paragraphs 34P(4)(a) and (b) of the SIS Act | 1.66 |
Item 1, subsections 45F(5)and (6) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsections 34P(5) and (6) of the SIS Act | 1.67 |
Item 1, subsection 45F(6) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34P(6) of the SIS Act | 1.68 |
Item 1, subsection 45F(7) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34P(7) of the SIS Act | 1.69 |
Item 1, subsections 45F(8) and (9) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsections 34P(8) and (9) of the SIS Act | 1.70 |
Item 1, paragraphs 45G(1)(a) and (b) of the RSA Act and item 2, paragraphs 34Q(1)(a) and (b) of the SIS Act | 1.71 |
Item 1, paragraphs 45G(4)(a) and (b) of the RSA Act and item 2, paragraphs 34Q(4)(a) and (b) of the SIS Act | 1.73 |
Item 1, subsections 45G(5) and (6) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsections 34Q(5) and (6) of the SIS Act | 1.74 |
Item 1, subsection 45G(6) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34Q(6) of the SIS Act | 1.75 |
Item 1, subsection 45G(7) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34Q(7) of the SIS Act | 1.76 |
Item 1, subsection 45G(8) and (9) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34Q(8) and (9) of the SIS Act | 1.77 |
Item 1, subsection 45H(1) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34R(1) of the SIS Act | 1.79 |
Item 1, subsection 45H(2) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34R(2) of the SIS Act | 1.80 |
Item 1, subsection 45J(1) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34S(1) of the SIS Act | 1.81 |
Item 1, subsection 45J(2) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34S(2) of the SIS Act | 1.82 |
Item 1, subsection 45K(1) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34T(1) of the SIS Act | 1.83 |
Item 1, subsection 45L(1) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34U(1) of the SIS Act | 1.84 |
Item 1, subsections 45L(2) and (3) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsections 34U(2) and (3) of the SIS Act | 1.85 |
Item 1, subsections 45L(4) and (5) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsections 34U(4) and (5) of the SIS Act | 1.86 |
Item 1, subsection 45M (1) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34V(1) of the SIS Act | 1.87 |
Item 1, subsection 45N(a) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34W(a) of the SIS Act | 1.88 |
Item 1, subsection 45N(c) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34W(c) of the SIS Act | 1.89 |
Item 1, subsection 45N(d) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34W(d) of the SIS Act | 1.90 |
Item 1, subsections 45P(1)(a) and (b) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34X(1)(a) and (b) of the SIS Act | 1.91 |
Item 1, subsection 45P(2) of the RSA Act and item 2, subsection 34X(2) of the SIS Act | 1.92 |
Item 3, subsection 288-110 of the TAA 1953 | 1.94 |
Item 3, paragraphs 288-110(1)(a) and (b) and (2)(a) and (b) of the TAA 1953 | 1.96 |
Item 3, paragraphs 288-110(3)(a) and (b) and (4)(a) and (b) of the TAA 1953 | 1.98 |
Item 3, paragraph 288-110(6)(a) of the TAA 1953 | 1.99 |
Item 3, paragraph 288-110(6)(b) of the TAA 1953 | 1.100 |
Item 4, paragraph 3(1)(bb) of the RSA Act | 1.20 |
Item 4, paragraph 3(1)(bb) of the RSA Act and item 11, subparagraph 6(1)(a)(ib) of the SIS Act | 1.78 |
Item 4, paragraph 3(1)(bb) of the RSA Act and item 12, subparagraph 6(1)(a)(ib) of the SIS Act | 1.62 |
Item 5, subparagraphs 3(1)(f)(i), (ii)and (iii) of the RSA Act | 1.19 |
Item 5, subparagraphs 3(1)(f)(ii) and (iii) of the RSA Act and item 13, subparagraphs 6(1)(fa)(ii) and (iii) of the SIS Act | 1.95 |
Item 5, subparagraphs 3(1)(f)(ii) and (iii) of the RSA Act and, item 12, subparagraph (6)(1)(e)(ia) and item 13, subparagraphs 6(1)(fa)(ii) and (iii) of the SIS Act | 1.63 |
Item 5, subparagraph 3(1)(f)(iv) of the RSA Act and item 13, subparagraph 6(fa)(iv) of the SIS Act | 1.21 |
Item 10, paragraph 6(1)(a)(fa) of the SIS Act | 1.22 |
Item 11, subparagraph (6)(1)(a)(ib) of the SIS Act | 1.18 |
Item 12, subparagraph 6(1)(e)(ia) and item 13, subparagraph 6(1)(fa)(ii) of the SIS Act | 1.15 |
Item 13, subparagraphs (6)(1)(e)(ia), 6(1)(fa)(ii) and (iii) of the SIS Act | 1.17 |
Item 13, subparagraph 6(1)(fa)(i) of the SIS Act | 1.16 |
Item 20, subsections (1)(a) and (b) of the RSA Act and SIS Act | 1.102 |
Item 20, subsection (2) of the RSA Act and SIS Act | 1.103 |
Item 20, subsection (3) of the RSA Act and SIS Act | 1.104 |
Item 20, subsection (4) of the RSA Act and SIS Act | 1.105 |
Item 20, subsection (4) of the RSA Act and SIS Act | 1.106 |
Schedule 2: Costs of implementing SuperStream measures
Bill reference | Paragraph number |
Items 1 and 2, subparagraphs 50(1)(a)(iii) and 50(1)(b)(iii) of the APRA Act | 2.17 |
Item 4, section 50(1)(A) of the APRA Act | 2.18 |
Item 4, subsection 50(2) and paragraphs 50(3)(a) and (b) of the APRA Act | 2.20 |
Item 5, section 50(6) of the APRA Act | 2.21 |
Supervisory Levy Imposition Amendment Bill 2012
Schedule 1: Amendment to the Superannuation Supervisory Levy Imposition Act 1998
Bill reference | Paragraph number |
Item 1, section 7 of the Superannuation Supervisory Levy Imposition Act 1998 | 3.8 |
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