Explanatory Memorandum
(Circulated by authority of the Minister for Health, The Hon Sussan Ley MP)SCHEDULE 3 - Amendments commencing 1 January 2017
From 1 January 2017, the National Human Papilloma virus Vaccination Program Register (HPV Register) will be expanded to become the Australian School Vaccination Register (ASVR). The expansion will facilitate the inclusion of any vaccines administered through a school-based immunisation program. Amendments are made to the Australian Immunisation Register Act 2015 and the National Health Act 1953 to reflect this expansion.
Australian Immunisation Register Act 2015
1. Subsection 8(2)
A note is to be included at the end of the subsection to mention that parts of the register could be kept separately and be known by different names. The Australia School Vaccination Register may be maintained separately to the information recorded about early childhood and adult vaccinations.
2. Paragraph 22(2)(f)
Within this paragraph omission of the 'coroner or' and substitute to 'coroner'.
3. Paragraph 22(2)(g)
With the HPV Register administration powers being transferred to sit under the new Australian Immunisation Register Act 2015 the provisions referencing the National Health Act 1953 are no longer required.
National Health Act 1953
4. Section 9BA
This clause repeals section 9BA of the National Health Act 1953 (NHA) in its entirety. This part of the NHA provided for the operation of the HPV Register. From 1 January 2017, the HPV Register will no longer be operational as it will be replaced by Australian School Vaccination Register (ASVR). The legislative powers for the ASVR are transitioned to the new Australian Immunisation Registers Act 2015 effective 1 January 2017.
5. Paragraph 135(5C)(c)
Within this paragraph omission of the 'powers; or' and substitute to 'powers.'.
6. Paragraph 135(5C)(d)
Specific reference to the HPV Register is made in this paragraph and is no longer required as 9BA will be repealed.
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