House of Representatives

Financial System Legislation Amendment (Resilience and Collateral Protection) Bill 2016

Explanatory Memorandum

(Circulated by authority of the Minister for Small Business and Assistant Treasurer, the Hon Kelly O'Dwyer MP)


Schedule 1: Amendments

Bill reference Paragraph number
Part 1, item 1, Section 5, 'derivative' of the PSN Act and item 4, section 5, 'foreign exchange contract' of the PSN Act and item 31, after section 14, paragraph 14A(8)(a) of the PSN Act 1.139
Part 1, item 1, Section 5, 'direction stay provision' definition of the PSN Act 1.199
Part 1, item 1, Section 5, definition of 'derivative' of the PSN Act and item 4, Section 5, 'financial property' of the PSN Act 1.117
Part 1, item 1, section 5 of the PSN Act 1.136
Part 1, item 3, section 5 (definition of external administrator) 1.183
Part 1, item 4 Section 5, 'give security' definition of the PSN Act and item 12, At the end of Part 1, Section 5A Security given over a person's right to require payment or performance of an obligation of the PSN Act 1.107
Part 1, item 4, Section 5, 'financial property' and 'intermediated financial property' definitions of the PSN Act 1.117
Part 1, item 4, Section 5, 'financial property' definition of the PSN Act 1.118
Part 1, item 5, section 5 (after paragraph (a) of the definition of market netting contract), 'market netting contract' definition of the PSN Act 1.288
Part 1, item 6, Section 5, 'non-terminal administration' definition of the PSN Act 1.272
Part 1, item 6, Section 5, 'resolution period' definition of the PSN Act 1.208
Part 1, item 6, section 5, 'regulated body' definition of the PSN Act 1.220
Part 1, item 6, Section 5, 'regulated business' definition of the PSN Act 1.235
Part 1, item 7, section 5 (paragraphs (a) and (b) of the definition of specified provisions) of the PSN Act 1.164
Part 1, item 8, section 5 (paragraph (d) of the definition of specified provisions) of the PSN Act 1.164
Part 1, item 8, Section 5 (paragraph (d) of the definition of specified provisions) , paragraph (d) of the definition of 'specified provisions' of the PSN Act, item 9 Section 5 (after paragraph (f) of the definition of specified provisions) of the PSN Act, paragraph (fb) of the definition of 'specified provisions' and item 28 After paragraph 14(2)(f), paragraph 14(2)(fb) of the PSN Act 1.132
Part 1, item 9, section 5 (after paragraph (f) of the definition of specified provisions), paragraph (fb) of the PSN Act 1.164
Part 1, item 9, section 5 (after paragraph (f) of the definition of specified provisions), paragraph (fa) of the PSN Act 1.164
Part 1, item 10, Section 5, 'statutory/judicial management' definition of the PSN Act 1.195
Part 1, item 10, Section 5, 'specified stay provision' definition of the PSN Act 1.198
Part 1, item 10, section 5, 'trigger event' definition of the PSN Act 1.219
Part 1, item 11 Section 5 (definition of voidable), 'voidable' definition of the PSN Act 1.133
Part 1, item 13, section 6 (heading) of the PSN Act 1.278
Part 1, item 14, paragraph 6(1)(a) of the PSN Act 1.277
Part 1, item 15, subsection 6(2) of the PSN Act and item 16, after section 6, subsection 6A(2) of the PSN Act 1.245
Part 1, item 16, After section 6, section 6A Non terminal administration not to affect transactions of the PSN Act 1.273
Part 1, item 17, paragraph 10(2)(a) of the PSN Act 1.281
Part 1, item 18, after paragraph 10(2)(a), paragraph 10(2)(aa) of the PSN Act 1.279
Part 1, item 19, after paragraph 10(2)(e) (before note 1), paragraph 10(2)(f) of the PSN Act 1.283
Part 1, item 19 At the end of subsection 10(2) (before note 1), paragraph 10(2)(g) of the PSN Act, item 29 Paragraph 14(2)(g), paragraph 14(2)(h) of the PSN Act and item 34 At the end of subsection 16(2) (before the note), paragraph 16(2)(h) of the PSN Act 1.124
Part 1, item 20, Subsection 10(2) (note 1) of the PSN Act 1.285
Part 1, item 21, subsection 10(3) and item 35, subsection 16(3) of the PSN Act 1.248
Part 1, item 21, subsection 10(3) of the PSN Act 1.246
Part 1, item 22, Before section 14, Division 1-Effectiveness of close out netting contracts of the PSN Act 1.108
Part 1, item 23, after paragraph 14(1)(c), paragraph (ca) of the PSN Act, and item 28 After paragraph 14(2)(f), paragraph 14(2)(fa) of the PSN Act 1.105
Part 1, item 23 After paragraph 14(1)(c), paragraph 14(1)(ca) of the PSN Act, and item 28 After paragraph 14(2)(f), paragraph 14(2)(fa) of the PSN Act 1.106
Part 1, item 24, paragraph 14(1)(d) of the PSN Act 1.122
Part 1, item 25, Subparagraph 14(1)(d)(ii) of the PSN Act, item 26, Subparagraph 14(1)(d)(iii) of the PSN Act and item 27, Paragraph 14(2)(d) of the PSN Act 1.123
Part 1, item 28, after paragraph 14(2)(f), paragraph 14(2)(fa) of the PSN Act 1.126
Part 1, item 28 After paragraph 12(2)(f), paragraph 14(2)(fb) of the PSN Act 1.131
Part 1, item 29, paragraph 14(2)(g) of the PSN Act 1.127
Part 1, item 30, subsections 14(3), (4) and (5), paragraph 14(9)(d) of the PSN Act 1.256
Part 1, item 30, Subsections 14(3), (4) and (5), subsection 14(5) of the PSN Act 1.176
Part 1, item 30, paragraphs 14(3)(a) and 14(9)(a) of the PSN Act 1.210
Part 1, item 30 Subsections 14(3), (4) and (5), Note 2 at the end of subsection 14(3) of the PSN Act and item 32, at the end of Part 4, Division 2 of the PSN Act 1.211
Part 1, item 30, subsections 14(3), (4) and (5), subsection 14(6) of the PSN Act 1.177
Part 1, item 30, subsections 14(3), (4) and (5), paragraph 14(9)(c) of the PSN Act 1.178
Part 1, item 30, subsections 14(3), (4) and (5), subsection 14(3) of the PSN Act 1.161
Part 1, item 30, subsections 14(3), (4) and (5), paragraph 14(9)(a) of the PSN Act 1.162
Part 1, item 30, subsections 14(3), (4) and (5), subsection 14(4) of the PSN Act 1.174
Part 1, item 30, subsections 14(3), (4) and (5), subsection 14(9) of the PSN Act 1.175
Part 1, item 30, subsections 14(3), (4) and (5), subsection 14(7) of the PSN Act 1.253
Part 1, item 30, subsections 14(3), (4) and (5), subsection 14(8) of the PSN Act 1.254, 1.255
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, paragraph 14A(8)(a) of the PSN Act 1.140
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, paragraph 14A(8)(b) of the PSN Act 1.141
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, paragraph 14A(1)(b) of the PSN Act 1.142, 1.143
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, paragraph 14A(1)(b) of the PSN Act 1.144
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, subsections 14A(2) and (3) of the PSN Act 1.147
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, subsection 14A(6) of the PSN Act 1.149
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, subsections 14A(2) and 14A(3) of the PSN Act 1.150
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, subsection 14A(4) of the PSN Act 1.152
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, subsection 14A(4) of the PSN Act and item 4, Section 5 of the PSN Act 1.153
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, subsection 14A(5) of the PSN Act 1.154
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, subsection 14A(6) of the PSN Act 1.156
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, subsection 14A(7) of the PSN Act 1.157
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, paragraph 14A(1)(c) of the PSN Act 1.158
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, subsection 14A(1) of the PSN Act 1.134
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, subsection 14A(8) of the PSN Act 1.136
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, paragraphs 14A(8)(a) and 14A(8)(c) and subsection 14A(9) of the PSN Act 1.138
Part 1, item 31, after section 14, paragraph 14A(1)(a) of the PSN Act 1.135
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, subsections 15A(1) and 15A(2) of the PSN Act 1.213
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, subsection 15A(1) of the PSN Act 1.217
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, subsection 15A(3) of the PSN Act 1.221
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, subsection 15A(4) of the PSN Act 1.223
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, note at the end of subsection 15A(4) of the PSN Act 1.224
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, subsection 15A(5) of the PSN Act 1.225
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, subsection 15A(6) of the PSN Act 1.226
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, section 15B of the PSN Act 1.228
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, subsections 15B(2), (3) and (4) of the PSN Act 1.229
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, subsection 15B(5) of the PSN Act 1.230
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, subsections 15C(1) and (2) of the PSN Act 1.232
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, subsection 15C(2) of the PSN Act 1.233
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, subsection 15A(2) of the PSN Act 1.218
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, subsections 15C(3), (4) and (5) of the PSN Act 1.235
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, subsection 15C(6) of the PSN Act 1.238
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, subsection 15C(7) of the PSN Act 1.239
Part 1, item 32, at the end of Part 4, subsections 15B(6) and 15C(8) of the PSN Act 1.241
Part 1, item 33, subparagraph 16(2)(g)(iii) of the PSN Act 1.290
Part 1, item 35, subsection 16(3) of the PSN Act 1.247
Part 2, item 36, after paragraph 11CD(1A)(c), paragraph 11CD(1A)(d) of the Banking Act, item 38, at the end of subsections 13N(2) and 14AC(2) of the Banking Act, item 41, at the end of subsection 36AA(2) of the Business Transfer Act, item 43, at the end of subsections 62V(2), 62ZB(2) and 103K(2) of the Insurance Act, item 44, after paragraph 105(1A)(c) of the Insurance Act, item 45, at the end of subsections 165B(2), 168C(2) and 230AJ(2) of the Life Insurance Act, item 46, after paragraph 230C(1A)(c) of the Life Insurance Act and item 47, at the end of subsection 101(2) of the PHI Act 1.257
Part 2, item 37, subsection 11CD(1A) of the Banking Act and item 39, at the end of subsection 15C(2) of the Banking Act 1.258
Part 2, item 40, subsection 4(1) of the Business Transfer Act 1.267
Part 2, item 42, after section 36AA, note after subsection 36AB(1) of the Business Transfer Act 1.265
Part 2, item 42, after section 36AA, section 36AB of the Business Transfer Act 1.264
Item 48, application of amendments of the Bill 1.292
Item 48, application of amendments, subitem (5) of the Bill 1.296

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