
Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Building on the Child Care Package) Bill 2019

Revised Explanatory Memorandum

(Circulated by authority of the Minister for Education, the Honourable Dan Tehan MP)
This memorandum takes account of amendments made by the House of Representatives to the bill as introduced.

Notes on Clauses

Clause 1 - Short title

This clause provides for the Act to be the Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Building on the Child Care Package) Act 2019.

Clause 2 - Commencement

The table in subclause 2(1) sets out when the Act's provisions will commence. The table provides that:

Schedule 1, Part 1 commences at the start of the first CCS fortnight after Royal Assent;
Schedule 1, Part 2 commences on 13 January 2020;
Schedule 1, Part 3 commences on 13 July 2020; and
Schedule 2 commences the day after Royal Assent.

Subclause 2(2) provides that information in column 3 of the table at subclause 2(1) is not part of the Act and information may be inserted into column 3 or information in it may be edited in any published version of the Act.

Clause 3 - Schedules

This clause provides that any legislation that is specified in a schedule is amended or repealed as set out in the applicable items in the schedule and that any other item in a schedule has effect according to its terms.


AAT means the Administrative Appeals Tribunal;
ACCS means Additional Child Care Subsidy;
ATI means adjusted taxable income;
CCS means Child Care Subsidy;
Family Assistance Act means the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999;
Family Assistance Administration Act means the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999;
Family Assistance Law means the Family Assistance Act and the Family Assistance Administration Act and relevant subordinate legislation;
IHC means In Home Care;
JFF Act means the Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Jobs for Families Child Care Package) Act 2017;
Minister's Rules means the Child Care Subsidy Minister's Rules 2017 (being the rules made by the Minister under subsection 85GB(1) of the Family Assistance Act);
National Law means the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 (VIC) (and equivalent legislation in other state and territory jurisdictions);
Regulatory Powers Act means the Regulatory Powers (Standard Provisions) Act 2014;
Secretary's Rules means the Child Care Subsidy Secretary's Rules 2017 (being the rules made by the Secretary under subsection 85GB(2) of the Family Assistance Act); and
TFN means Tax File Number.

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