Customs Act 1901


Division 7 - Procedural and evidentiary matters  


269ZJ(1)   [Public record]  

The Commissioner must, in relation to each application received under section 269TB that leads to an investigation, each application or request under section 269ZA that leads to a review, each application or request under section 269ZDBC that leads to an inquiry and each application under section 269ZHB that leads to an inquiry:

(a) maintain a public record of the investigation, review or inquiry conducted for the purposes of the application or request, containing, subject to subsection (2), a copy of all submissions from interested parties, the statement of essential facts compiled in respect of that investigation, review or enquiry, and a copy of all relevant correspondence between the Commissioner and other persons; and

(b) draw the attention of all interested parties to the existence of the public record, and to their entitlement to inspect that record; and

(c) at the request of an interested party, make the record available to that party for inspection.

269ZJ(2)   [No breach of confidentiality]  

To the extent that information given to the Commissioner by a person is claimed to be confidential or to be information whose publication would adversely affect a person ' s business or commercial interests, the person giving that information must ensure that a summary of that information:

(a) that contains sufficient detail to allow a reasonable understanding of the substance of the information; but

(b) that does not breach that confidentiality or adversely affect those interests;

is given to the Commissioner for inclusion in the public record.

269ZJ(3)   [Summary of information not required]  

A person is not required to give the Commissioner a summary of information under subsection (2) for inclusion in the public record if the person satisfies the Commissioner that there is not way such a summary can be given to allow a reasonable understanding of the substance of the information.

269ZJ(4)   [Oral information]  

If oral information is given to the Commissioner by a person, the Commissioner must not take that information into account unless it is subsequently put in writing by the person or by the Commissioner and thereby becomes available, subject to considerations of confidentiality and to the need to protect business and commercial interests, as a part of the public record.

269ZJ(5)   [Confidential information]  


(a) in relation to an application under subsection 269TB(1) or (2) , 269ZA(1) or 269ZDBC(1) or section 269ZHB or to a request under subsection 269ZA(3) or 269ZDBC(2) , a person claims that information is confidential or would adversely affect a person ' s business or commercial interests; and

(b) the Commissioner indicates to the party that he or she disagrees with the claim;

but, despite the opinion of the Commissioner, the person making the claim will not:

(c) agree to the inclusion of the information in the public record; or

(d) prepare a summary of the information for inclusion in that record;

the Commissioner may disregard the information unless it is demonstrated that the information is correct.

269ZJ(6)   [Information disregarded]  


(a) in relation to an application under subsection 269TB(1) or (2) , 269ZA(1) or 269ZDBC(1) or section 269ZHB or to a request under subsection 269ZA(3) or 269ZDBC(2) , a person claims that information is confidential or would adversely affect a person ' s business or commercial interests; and

(b) the Commissioner indicates to the party that he or she agrees with the claim;

but the person making the claim will not prepare a summary of the information for inclusion in that record, the Commissioner may disregard the information unless it is demonstrated that the information is correct.


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