Schedule 1 - Institutions or bodies eligible for special research assistance  

Note: See section 23

Institutions or bodies eligible for special research assistance
Item Name of institution or body
1 Australian Catholic University
2 Charles Sturt University
3 Southern Cross University
4 Macquarie University
5 The University of New England
6 The University of New South Wales
7 The University of Newcastle
8 The University of Sydney
9 University of Technology, Sydney
10 University of Western Sydney
11 University of Wollongong
12 Deakin University
13 La Trobe University
14 Monash University
15 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
16 Swinburne University of Technology
17 The University of Melbourne
18 University of Ballarat
19 Victoria University of Technology
20 Melbourne College of Divinity
21 Central Queensland University
22 Griffith University
23 James Cook University
24 Queensland University of Technology
25 The University of Queensland
26 University of Southern Queensland
27 University of the Sunshine Coast
28 Bond University
29 Curtin University of Technology
30 Edith Cowan University
31 Murdoch University
32 The University of Western Australia
33 The Flinders University of South Australia
34 The University of Adelaide
35 University of South Australia
36 University of Tasmania
37 Batchelor College
38 Northern Territory University
39 Australian Maritime College
40 The Australian National University
41 University of Canberra
42 The University of Notre Dame Australia


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