Income Tax Assessment Act 1997



Division 13 - Tax offsets  

SECTION 13-1  

13-1   List of tax offsets  

The provisions set out in the list allow you a tax offset.

Provisions of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 are identified in normal text. The other provisions, in bold , are provisions of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 .

Aboriginal study assistance
  see social security and other benefit payments
annual leave
  see leave payments
  see superannuation
approved deposit funds (ADFs)
  see dividends
attribution managed investment trusts
  non-resident beneficiary 276-110
  see primary production
  see life assurance
  increased tax payable under Part III Division 6AA, unreasonable 102AH
trust income 100(2)
[ child/housekeeper] (Repealed by No 70 of 2015)
corporate unit trusts
  see dividends
Cyclone Larry or Cyclone Monica income support payment
  see social security and other benefit payments
defence force
  members serving overseas 79B
  invalid relative, invalid spouse or carer in receipt of carer benefit Subdivision 61-A
  general 207-20(2) , 207-45 , 207-110(2) (c), 210-170(1)
early stage venture capital limited partnerships
  contributions to ESVCLPs Subdivision 61-P
[ education expenses] (Repealed by No 50 of 2012)
[ drought relief] (Repealed by No 179 of 1997)
employment termination
  employment termination payments 82-10 , 82-70
see leave payments, superannuation and sections 82-10A and 82-10C of the Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997
[ entrepreneurs ' tax offset] (Repealed by No 23 of 2012)
Equine Workers Hardship Wage Supplement Payment
  see social security and other benefit payments
[ exceptional circumstances relief] (Repealed by No 13 of 2014)
exploration for minerals
  junior minerals exploration incentive Subdivision 418-B
[ farm help income support] (Repealed by No 13 of 2014)
[ farm household support] (Repealed by No 97 of 2008 )
  Division 376
[ films] (Repealed by No 143 of 2007 )
foreign income tax
  foreign income tax paid, tax offset for Division 770
franking deficit tax
  liabilities to pay 205-70
franked dividends
  see dividends
  see child
[ housekeeper] (Repealed by No 70 of 2015)
  National Rental Affordability Scheme Division 380
  see dividends and franking deficit tax
[ infrastructure] (Repealed by No 4 of 2018)
innovation companies
  certain shares issued to early stage investors Subdivision 360-A
inter-corporate dividends
  see dividends
  tax paid on by company 127
interim income support payment
  see social security and other benefit payments
invalid relative
  see dependants
[ land transport facilities borrowings] (Repealed by No 41 of 2011)
leave payments
  unused annual leave payment 83-15
unused long service leave payment 83-85
see employment termination
legal disability
  see trusts
life assurance
  bonus, receipt of 160AAB
life insurance company
  subsidiary joining consolidated group 713-545(5)
long service leave
  see leave payments
  loss carry back Division 160
low income earner
  aged or pensioner beneficiary, trustee liable to be assessed for beneficiary ' s share of net income of trust estate 160AAAB
aged person or pensioner 160AAAA
general Subdivision 61-D
lump sum income arrears
  receipt of 159ZRA , 159ZRB , Subdivision 61-L
[ mature age workers] (Repealed by No 20 of 2015)
[ medical expenses] (Repealed by No 11 of 2014)
non-resident beneficiary
  see trusts
non-resident trust estate
  see trusts
overseas defence force service
  see defence force
[ overseas tax] (Repealed by No 143 of 2007 )
[ parent/parent-in-law] (Repealed by No 70 of 2015)
  see dividends , housing and small business entities
  see social security and other benefit payments
pooled superannuation trusts (PSTs)
  see dividends
primary production
averaging of income, trustees 156
averaging of tax liability, individuals 392-35(2)
farm household allowance
  see social security and other benefit payments
interim income support payments
  see social security and other benefit payments
private health insurance Subdivision 61-G
public trading trust
  see dividends
public unit trust
  see dividends
R & D Division 355
[ rebatable ETP annuity] (Repealed by No 15 of 2007)
[ research and development] (Repealed by No 93 of 2011)
residents of isolated areas
  see zone
[ restart income support] (Repealed by No 144 of 2000)
[ savings and investment income] (Repealed by No 60 of 1999)
[ shipping income] (Repealed by No 143 of 2007 )
[ sickness benefits] (Repealed by No 26 of 2018)
small business
  small business income Subdivision 328-F
[ small business entities] (Repealed by No 23 of 2012)
social security and other benefit payments
  Aboriginal study assistance scheme 160AAA(3)
children, assistance for isolated 160AAA(3)
Cyclone Larry or Cyclone Monica income support payment 160AAA(3)
Disaster income support allowance for special category visa (subclass 444) holders 160AAA(3)
Equine Workers Hardship Wage Supplement Payment 160AAA(3)
farm household allowance under the Farm Household Support Act 2014
see unemployment and other benefit payments under the Social Security Act 1991
interim income support payment 160AAA(3)
pension, social security pension and veteran ' s pension 160AAAA
textile, clothing and footwear allowance 160AAA(3)
unemployment and other benefit payments under the Social Security Act 1991 160AAA(3)
[ sole parent] (Repealed by No 83 of 1999)
[ spouse] (Repealed by No 70 of 2015)
  generally Divisions 301 and 302
associated earnings on non-concessional contributions Subdivision 292-B
spouse contributions Subdivision 290-D
death benefits 302-75 , 302-85 , 302-145
excess concessional contributions 291-15(b)
first home super saver scheme 313-25
member benefits 301-20 , 301-25 , 301-35 , 301-40 , 301-95 , 301-100 , 301-105 , 301-115
TFN quoted to superannuation or RSA provider after no-TFN contributions tax paid 295-675
veterans ' invalidity pensions Subdivision 301-F
[ superannuation funds] (Repealed by No 15 of 2007)
[ tax credit] (Repealed by No 143 of 2007 )
termination payments
  see employment termination, leave payments and superannuation
  see dividends , low income earner and trusts
  beneficiary in a foreign trust 98B
non-resident beneficiary 98A(2)(a)
trust income of beneficiary with legal disability 100(2)
trust income (modifications for special disability trusts) 95AB(5)
see also dividends , housing and small business entities
United Nations forces
  salary, wages and allowances from service as a member of 23AB(7)
unemployment benefits
see social security and other benefit payments
unit trusts
  see dividends
[ water] (Repealed by No 84 of 2013)
winding-up of non-resident trust estates
  see trusts
withholding payments
  made by companies to Australian seafarers Subdivision 61-N
  residents of isolated areas 79A


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