Tax Law Improvement Act (No. 1) 1998 (46 of 1998)
3 Company bad debts
4 Consequential amendment of other Acts
Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993
23 Subsection 22(4)
Repeal the subsection, substitute:
Limit on deductions for partly written-off debt
(4) If this Act applies to the transfer of a debt that has been partly written off, the maximum that the receiving corporation can deduct for the debt for one or more years of income under section 8-1 or 25-35 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 is worked out using the formula:
Amount of the debt - Unrecouped deductions
unrecouped deductions means the total of the amounts that the transferring corporation has deducted or can deduct for any year of income under:
(a) section 8-1 or 25-35 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; or
(b) section 51 or 63 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936;
reduced by the total of any amounts included in its assessable income in respect of the debt under:
(c) Subdivision 20-A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; or
(d) subsection 63(3) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.
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