Diesel and Alternative Fuels Grants Scheme Act 1999 (Repealed)

Part 10 - Protection of confidentiality of information  

46   Protection of confidentiality of information  

This section restricts what a person (the entrusted person) may do with protected information, or protected documents, that the person has obtained in the course of official employment.

The entrusted person: (a) must not make a record of protected information; and (b) must not disclose it to anyone else;

if the recording or disclosure is not in accordance with subsection (3).

Penalty: Imprisonment for 2 years.


Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code sets out the general principles of criminal responsibility.

It is not an offence against subsection (2) if any of the following apply to the recording or disclosure:

(a) the recording or disclosure is for the purposes of this Act;

(b) the recording or disclosure happens in the course of the performance of the duties of the entrusted person's official employment;

(c) the entrusted person is the Commissioner or a Deputy Commissioner and the disclosure is to:

(i) the Chief Executive Officer of Customs; or

(ii) the Australian Statistician and is of information to be used for the purposes of the Census and Statistics Act 1905 ; or

(iii) another person for the purpose of that other person carrying out functions under a taxation law; or

(iv) the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in connection with proceedings under a taxation law;

(d) the disclosure is by a person authorised by the Commissioner or a Deputy Commissioner to disclose the information and the disclosure is to:

(i) the Chief Executive Officer of Customs; or

(ii) the Australian Statistician and is of information to be used for the purposes of the Census and Statistics Act 1905 ; or

(iii) another person for the purpose of that other person carrying out functions under a taxation law.

A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to a matter in subsection (3) - see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Subsection (3) does not authorise the disclosure of information to a Minister.

Unless it is necessary for the purposes of this Act, the entrusted person is not to be required:

(a) to produce any protected document to a court; or

(b) to disclose protected information to a court.

In this section:

means divulge or communicate.

official employment

(a) appointment or employment by the Commonwealth, or the performance of services for the Commonwealth; or

(b) the exercise of powers or performance of functions under a delegation by the Commissioner.

protected document
means any document made or given under, or for the purposes of, this Act.

protected information
means information that meets all the following conditions:

(a) it relates to the affairs of a person other than the entrusted person;

(b) it was obtained by the entrusted person, or by any other person, in the course of official employment;

(c) it was disclosed or obtained for the purposes of this Act.

taxation law
has the same meaning as in the Taxation Administration Act 1953 .


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