Corporations Act 2001
Modifying legislative instruments: The application of Ch 6C is affected by the following legislative instruments that commenced on or after 1 January 2022: the ASIC Corporations (Warrants: Relevant Interests and Associations) Instrument 2023/687; and the ASIC Corporations (Relief to Facilitate Admission of Exchange Traded Funds) Instrument 2024/147.
For legislative instruments or class orders before 1 January 2022 that affect the application of Ch 6C, please consult the legislative instruments or class orders directly. These are reproduced in the regulatory-resources section of the company-law practice area in CCH iKnowConnect.
A person who contravenes section 671B is liable to compensate a person for any loss or damage the person suffers because of the contravention.
It is a defence in proceedings brought under this section if the person who contravenes section 671B proves that they contravened that section: (a) because of inadvertence or mistake; or (b) because they were not aware of a relevant fact or occurrence.
In determining whether the defence is available, disregard the person's ignorance of, or a mistake on the person's part concerning, a matter of law.
If 2 or more persons each contravene section 671B because of the same act or omission, their liability under this section for the contravention is joint and individual.
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