Financial Framework Legislation Amendment Act 2005 (8 of 2005)
Schedule 1 Amendments relating to the Financial Management Legislation Amendment Act 1999 and Special Accounts
Part 2 Special Accounts and references to paid to the Consolidated Revenue Fund
National Cattle Disease Eradication Reserve Act 1991
190 Section 6
Repeal the section, substitute:
6 Application of National Cattle Disease Eradication Account
(1) The amount standing to the credit of the Account may, with the approval of the Minister, be debited for the following purposes:
(a) making payments to the States, and in meeting costs incurred by the Commonwealth, for the purpose of the eradication of any disease of cattle that is endemic in Australia;
(b) making payments in respect of any expenses connected with the eradication of any disease of cattle that is endemic in Australia that have been paid by the Commonwealth and have not been debited from the Account.
(2) An amount that has been credited to the Account under an Appropriation Act, may be debited from the Account.
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