Bankruptcy Legislation Amendment (Superannuation Contributions) Act 2007 (57 of 2007)
Schedule 1 Amendments relating to superannuation contributions
Part 2 Amendments commencing on Proclamation
Bankruptcy Act 1966
20 After subsection 128C(7)
Refund of contributions tax etc.
(7A) If:
(a) as a result of subsection (1), a transfer made by way of a contribution to an eligible superannuation plan is void against the trustee in the beneficiarys bankruptcy; and
(b) any of the following amounts was debited from the contribution:
(i) an amount in respect of tax in respect of the contribution;
(ii) a fee, or a charge, in respect of the contribution; and
(c) in compliance with a section 139ZQ notice that relates to the transfer, the trustee of the eligible superannuation plan pays an amount to the trustee in the beneficiarys bankruptcy; and
(d) the amount paid in compliance with the section 139ZQ notice exceeds the amount so debited;
the trustee in the beneficiarys bankruptcy must pay to the trustee of the eligible superannuation plan an amount equal to the amount so debited.
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