Family Law Amendment (De Facto Financial Matters and Other Measures) Act 2008 (115 of 2008)
Schedule 1 Amendments relating to de facto financial matters
Part 1 Amendments
Family Law Act 1975
78 At the end of subsection 90MX(3)
Example 2: W has a superannuation interest that is subject to 3 payment splits in respect of W's de facto relationship with X, W's marriage to Y and W's de facto relationship with Z (in that order). The operative times of the payment splits are in the same order as the relationships. Assume each payment split provides for a 50% share to the non-member spouse. W becomes entitled to a splittable payment of $100. The final payment entitlements are as follows: X gets $50. Y gets $25. Z gets $12.50. W gets the remaining $12.50.
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