National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment Act 2010 (9 of 2010)

Schedule 1   Amendments

National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009

6   Subsections 19(1) and (2)

Repeal the subsections, substitute:

Meaning of referring State

(1) A State is a referring State if, for the purposes of paragraph 51(xxxvii) of the Constitution, the Parliament of the State:

(a) has referred the matters covered by subsections (3) and (4) to the Commonwealth Parliament; or

(b) has:

(i) adopted the relevant version of this Act and the relevant version of the Transitional Act; and

(ii) referred the matter covered by subsection (4) to the Commonwealth Parliament.

(2) A State is a referring State even if the State's referral law provides that:

(a) the reference to the Commonwealth Parliament of a matter covered by subsection (3) or (4) is to terminate in particular circumstances; or

(b) the adoption of the relevant version of this Act or the relevant version of the Transitional Act is to terminate in particular circumstances; or

(c) the reference to the Commonwealth Parliament of the matter covered by subsection (4) does not include:

(i) the matter of making provision with respect to the imposition or payment of State taxes, duties, charges or other imposts, however described; or

(ii) the matter of making provision with respect to the general system for the recording of estates or interests in land and related information; or

(iii) the matter of providing for the priority of interests in real property; or

(iv) the matter of making a law that excludes or limits the operation of a State law, to the extent that the State law makes provision with respect to the creation, holding, transfer, assignment, disposal or forfeiture of a State statutory right; or

(d) the reference to the Commonwealth Parliament of a matter covered by subsection (3) or (4) has effect only:

(i) if and to the extent that the matter is not included in the legislative powers of the Commonwealth Parliament (otherwise than by a reference under section 51(xxxvii) of the Constitution); or

(ii) if and to the extent that the matter is included in the legislative powers of the Parliament of the State.

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