Freedom of Information Amendment (Reform) Act 2010 (51 of 2010)

Schedule 4   Information Commissioner amendments

Part 1   Main amendments

Freedom of Information Act 1982

34   Sections 54 to 57

Repeal the sections, substitute:

53A What is an access refusal decision ?

An access refusal decision is any of the following decisions:

(a) a decision refusing to give access to a document in accordance with a request;

(b) a decision giving access to a document but not giving, in accordance with the request, access to all documents to which the request relates;

(c) a decision purporting to give, in accordance with a request, access to all documents to which the request relates, but not actually giving that access;

(d) a decision to defer the provision of access to a document (other than a document covered by paragraph 21(1)(d) (Parliament should be informed of contents));

(e) a decision under section 29 relating to imposition of a charge or the amount of a charge;

(f) a decision to give access to a document to a qualified person under subsection 47F(5);

(g) a decision refusing to amend a record of personal information in accordance with an application made under section 48;

(h) a decision refusing to annotate a record of personal information in accordance with an application made under section 48.

Note: If a decision is not made on a request under section 15 within the time required by that section, a decision is taken to have been made to refuse to give access to a document in accordance with the request (see section 15AC).

53B What is an access grant decision ?

An access grant decision is a decision covered by the following table:

Note: The table covers documents that may be conditionally exempt under section 47B (item 1), 47G (item 2) or 47F (items 3 and 4), or exempt under section 47 (item 2). Access must generally be given to a conditionally exempt document unless it would be contrary to the public interest (see section 11A).

Access grant decisions


If, in relation to a request for access to a document ...

the access grant decision is ...


consultation with a State under section 26A (documents affecting Commonwealth-State relations) is required

a decision of an agency or Minister to give the applicant access to the document (or an edited copy of the document) because:

(a) the document is not conditionally exempt under section 47B (Commonwealth-State relations); or

(b) access to the document would not, on balance, be contrary to the public interest for the purposes of subsection 11A(5).


section 27 (business documents) applies in relation to business information in the document

a decision of an agency or Minister to give access to the document (or an edited copy of the document) because:

(a) the document is neither exempt under section 47, nor conditionally exempt under section 47G; or

(b) if the document is conditionally exempt under section 47G - access to the document would not, on balance, be contrary to the public interest for the purposes of subsection 11A(5).

Note: Section 47 deals with documents disclosing trade secrets or commercially valuable information. Section 47G deals with other business documents.


section 27A (documents affecting personal privacy) applies in relation to personal information in the document about a living person

a decision of an agency or Minister to give the applicant access to the document (or an edited copy of the document) because:

(a) the document is not conditionally exempt under section 47F (personal privacy); or

(b) access to the document would not, on balance, be contrary to the public interest for the purposes of subsection 11A(5).


section 27A (documents affecting personal privacy) applies in relation to personal information in the document about a deceased person

a decision of an agency or Minister to give the applicant access to the document (or an edited copy of the document) because:

(a) the document is not conditionally exempt under section 47F (personal privacy); or

(b) access to the document would not, on balance, be contrary to the public interest for the purposes of subsection 11A(5).

53C Internal review - who is an affected third party ?

The following table has effect:

Who is an affected third party ?


If, in relation to a request for access to a document ...

the affected third party for the document is ...


consultation with a State under section 26A (documents affecting Commonwealth-State relations) is required

the State.


section 27 (business documents) applies in relation to business information in the document

the person or organisation concerned (within the meaning of section 27).


section 27A (documents affecting personal privacy) applies in relation to personal information in the document about a living person

the person.


section 27A (documents affecting personal privacy) applies in relation to personal information in the document about a deceased person

the legal personal representative of the deceased person.

54 Internal review - access refusal decision

(1) This section applies if an access refusal decision is made in relation to a request to an agency for access to a document, other than a decision made personally by the principal officer of the agency or the responsible Minister.

(2) The applicant in relation to the request may apply under this Part for the review (the internal review ) of the access refusal decision.

54A Internal review - access grant decision

(1) This section applies if an access grant decision is made in relation to a request to an agency for access to a document, other than a decision made personally by the principal officer of the agency or the responsible Minister.

(2) The affected third party for the document may apply under this Part for the review (the internal review ) of the access grant decision.

Note: For affected third party , see section 53C.

54B Internal review - application for review

(1) An application for internal review must be in writing and must be made:

(a) within 30 days, or such further period as the agency allows, after the day the decision is notified to the applicant for internal review (the internal review applicant ); or

(b) in the case of an access refusal decision of a kind mentioned in paragraph 53A(b), (c) or (f), within whichever of the following is the longer period:

(i) 30 days, or such further period as the agency allows, after the day the decision is notified to the internal review applicant;

(ii) 15 days after the day the access referred to in that paragraph was given (or purported to be given).

(2) A decision by an agency to allow a further period for making an application may be made whether or not the time for making such an application has already expired.

(3) The agency's power to allow a further period for making an application may be exercised by an officer of the agency who is:

(a) acting within the scope of authority exercisable by him or her; and

(b) acting in accordance with arrangements approved by the responsible Minister or principal officer of the agency.

54C Internal review - decision on internal review


(1) This section applies if an application for internal review of an access refusal decision or an access grant decision (the original decision ) is made in accordance with this Part.


(2) The agency must, as soon as practicable, arrange for a person (other than the person who made the original decision) to review the decision.

(3) The person must make a fresh decision on behalf of the agency within 30 days after the day on which the application was received by, or on behalf of, the agency.

Notice of decision

(4) Section 26 extends to a decision made under this section.

54D Internal review - deemed affirmation of original decision

(1) This section applies if:

(a) an application for internal review has been made to an agency; and

(b) the period (the initial decision period ) of 30 days (as mentioned in subsection 54C(3)) has ended since the day the application for internal review was received by the agency; and

(c) notice of a decision on the application has not been received by the internal review applicant.

(2) Subject to this section:

(a) the principal officer of the agency is taken to have made a decision personally affirming the original decision on the last day of the initial decision period; and

(b) notice of the decision is taken to have been given under section 26 to the internal review applicant on the same day.

Agency may apply for further time

(3) However, the agency may apply, in writing, to the Information Commissioner for further time to deal with the application.

(4) The Information Commissioner may allow further time considered appropriate by the Information Commissioner for the agency to deal with the application.

(5) If the Information Commissioner allows further time the Information Commissioner may impose any condition that he or she considers appropriate.

(6) Subsection (2) (deemed affirmation) does not apply, and is taken never to have applied, if the agency:

(a) makes a decision on the application within the further time allowed; and

(b) complies with any condition imposed under subsection (5).

(7) However, subsection (2) (deemed affirmation) applies as if the initial decision period were extended by the time allowed by the Information Commissioner under subsection (4) if the agency:

(a) does not make a decision on the request within the further time allowed; or

(b) does not comply with any condition imposed under subsection (5).

No further time allowed

(8) If subsection (7) (deemed affirmation after allowance of further time) applies, the Information Commissioner does not have the power to allow further time under this section in relation to the decision taken to be made under subsection (2) in its operation as affected by subsection (7).

54E Internal review - decisions to which this Part does not apply

This Part does not apply in relation to:

(a) a decision on internal review; or

(b) a decision in relation to the provision of access to a document upon a request that is taken to have been made under section 15AC or 51DA.

Part VII Review by Information Commissioner

Division 1 Guide to this Part

54F Review by the Information Commissioner - guide

This Part sets up a system for review of decisions by the Information Commissioner.

Division 2 sets out the key concepts for the Part.

Division 3 sets out the types of decisions that are reviewable.

Division 4 provides for the making of applications for review by the Information Commissioner, including the time limits within which applications must be made.

The Information Commissioner may make preliminary inquiries before deciding whether or not to conduct a review. In certain circumstances, the Information Commissioner may decide not to review a decision (or a part of a decision) (see Division 5).

Division 6 provides for the procedure in an IC review, including the parties to the proceeding, circumstances in which a hearing may be held and who bears the onus of proof.

The Information Commissioner may refer questions of law to the Federal Court of Australia at any time during the review.

The Information Commissioner must make a decision on the review in accordance with Division 7.

The Information Commissioner has powers to gather information for the purposes of an IC review (see Division 8).

In certain circumstances, the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security must be called to give evidence (see Division 9).

An application for review of a decision of the Information Commissioner may be made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. A review party may appeal to the Federal Court of Australia, on a question of law, from a decision of the Information Commissioner (see Division 10).

Division 2 Key concepts

54G Key concepts - what is an IC review ?

An IC review is a review of an IC reviewable decision undertaken by the Information Commissioner under this Part.

Note: IC review is short for Information Commissioner review.

54H Key concepts - what is an IC review application ?

An IC review application is an application made under Division 4 for the review of an IC reviewable decision.

Note: IC review application is short for Information Commissioner review application.

54J Key concepts - who is an IC review applicant ?

An IC review applicant is a person who applies for an IC review under section 54L or 54M.

Note: IC review applicant is short for Information Commissioner review applicant.

54K Key concepts - what is an IC reviewable decision ?

An IC reviewable decision is:

(a) a decision covered by subsection 54L(2) (access refusal decisions); or

(b) a decision covered by subsection 54M(2) (access grant decisions).

Note: IC reviewable decision is short for Information Commissioner reviewable decision.

Division 3 IC reviewable decisions

54L IC reviewable decisions - access refusal decisions

(1) An application may be made to the Information Commissioner for a review of a decision covered by subsection (2).

(2) This subsection covers the following decisions:

(a) an access refusal decision;

(b) a decision made by an agency on internal review of an access refusal decision (see section 54C);

(c) a decision refusing to allow a further period for making an application for internal review of an access refusal decision (under section 54B).

Note 1: An application for the review of an access refusal decision made for the purposes of paragraph (a) may be made regardless of whether the decision was the subject of internal review.

Note 2: If no decision is made on internal review within 30 days, a decision to affirm the original access refusal decision is taken to have been made (see section 54D).

(3) The IC review application may be made by, or on behalf of, the person who made the request to which the decision relates.

54M IC reviewable decisions - access grant decisions

(1) An application may be made to the Information Commissioner for a review of a decision covered by subsection (2).

(2) This subsection covers the following decisions:

(a) an access grant decision;

(b) a decision made by an agency on internal review of an access grant decision (see section 54C).

Note: If no decision is made on internal review within 30 days, a decision to affirm the original access grant decision is taken to have been made (see section 54D).

(3) The IC review application may be made by, or on behalf of, the following:

(a) in any case - an affected third party for the document in relation to which the decision covered by subsection (2) was made;

(b) in a case covered by paragraph (2)(b) - the person who made the request to which the decision relates.

Note: For affected third party , see section 53C.

Division 4 IC review applications

Subdivision A - Making an application

54N IC review applications - application

Content of application

(1) An IC review application must be in writing, and must:

(a) give details of how notices under this Part may be sent to the IC review applicant (for example, by providing an electronic address to which notices may be sent by electronic communication); and

(b) include a copy of the notice given under section 26 of the IC reviewable decision for which an IC review is sought.

Note: For who may make an IC review application, see sections 54L and 54M.

(2) The IC review application may contain particulars of the basis on which the IC review applicant disputes the IC reviewable decision.

(3) The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner must provide appropriate assistance to a person who:

(a) wishes to make an IC review application; and

(b) requires assistance to prepare the IC review application.

Delivery of application

(4) The IC review application must be sent to the Information Commissioner. The IC review application may be sent in any of the following ways:

(a) delivery to the Information Commissioner at the address of the Information Commissioner specified in a current telephone directory;

(b) postage by pre-paid post to an address mentioned in paragraph (a);

(c) sending by electronic communication to an electronic address specified by the Information Commissioner.

54P IC review applications - requirement to notify affected third parties


(1) This section applies if:

(a) an agency or Minister decides not to give access to a document to which a consultation requirement applies under section 26A, 27 or 27A; and

(b) an IC review application is made for an IC review of that decision.

Requirement to notify

(2) The agency or Minister must, as soon as practicable, take all reasonable steps to notify the affected third party for the document of the application.

Note 1: For affected third party , see section 53C.

Note 2: The agency or Minister is not required to give notice if the Information Commissioner orders that it is not appropriate to do so in the circumstances (see section 54Q).

(3) The agency or Minister must, as soon as practicable, give a copy of the notice to the Information Commissioner.

54Q IC review applications - circumstances in which not giving notice is appropriate

(1) This section applies in relation to a document to which a consultation requirement applies under section 27 or 27A.

(2) An agency or Minister is not required to notify an affected third party for the document under subsection 54P(2) if:

(a) the agency or the Minister applies to the Information Commissioner for an order that it would not be appropriate to notify the affected third party in the circumstances covered by subsection (3); and

(b) the Information Commissioner makes the order.

Note: For affected third party , see section 53C.

(3) The circumstances covered by this subsection are whether notifying the affected third party would, or could reasonably be expected to, do any of the following:

(a) prejudice the conduct of an investigation of a breach, or possible breach, of the law, or a failure, or possible failure, to comply with a law relating to taxation;

(b) prejudice the enforcement or proper administration of the law in a particular instance;

(c) disclose, or enable a person to ascertain, the existence or identity of a confidential source of information, or the non-existence of a confidential source of information, in relation to the enforcement or administration of the law;

(d) endanger the life or physical safety of any person;

(e) cause damage to the security, defence or international relations of the Commonwealth.

54R IC review applications - withdrawal

(1) An IC review applicant may, in writing, withdraw the IC review application at any time before the Information Commissioner makes a decision under section 55K.

(2) If the IC review application is withdrawn, it is taken never to have been made.

Subdivision B - Time limits

54S IC review applications - time limits

Access refusal decisions

(1) An IC review application in relation to a decision covered by subsection 54L(2) (access refusal decisions) must be made within 60 days after the day notice of the IC reviewable decision was given under section 26.

Access grant decisions

(2) An IC review application in relation to a decision covered by subsection 54M(2) (access grant decisions) must be made within 30 days after:

(a) if a decision is made on internal review of the decision - the day notice of the decision under section 54C was given to the affected third party for the document in relation to which the decision is made; or

(b) otherwise - the day notice under section 26A, 27 or 27A was given to the affected third party for the document in relation to which the decision was made.

Note: For affected third party , see section 53C.

54T IC review applications - extension of time

Application for extension of time

(1) A person may apply to the Information Commissioner for an extension of time for making an IC review application.

(2) The Information Commissioner may extend the time if the Information Commissioner is satisfied that it is reasonable in all the circumstances to do so.

(3) The time for making an IC review application may be extended under this section although the period mentioned in section 54S has ended.

Requirement to notify

(4) Before determining an application under subsection (1), the Information Commissioner may require the IC review applicant to give notice of the application to a specified person or persons that the Information Commissioner considers is affected by the application.

Person may oppose application

(5) A person to whom notice is given under subsection (4) may notify the Information Commissioner in writing that he or she opposes the application under subsection (1). The person must do so within the time required by the Information Commissioner.

Reasonable opportunity to be heard

(6) If notice is given under subsection (5), the Information Commissioner must give the IC review applicant and the person to whom notice has been given under subsection (4) a reasonable opportunity to present their cases before determining the application under subsection (1).

Division 5 Decision to review

54U Decision to review - interpretation

This Division applies to a part of an IC review application as if a reference to an IC review application were a reference to the part of the IC review application.

54V Decision to review - preliminary inquiries

The Information Commissioner may make inquiries of the review parties for the purpose of determining whether or not to undertake an IC review.

54W Decision to review - discretion not to review

The Information Commissioner may decide not to undertake an IC review, or not to continue to undertake an IC review, if:

(a) the Information Commissioner is satisfied of any of the following:

(i) the IC review application is frivolous, vexatious, misconceived, lacking in substance or not made in good faith;

(ii) the IC review applicant has failed to cooperate in progressing the IC review application, or the IC review, without reasonable excuse;

(iii) the Information Commissioner cannot contact the IC review applicant after making reasonable attempts; or

(b) the Information Commissioner is satisfied that the interests of the administration of this Act make it desirable that the IC reviewable decision be considered by the Tribunal; or

(c) the IC review applicant fails to comply with a direction of the Information Commissioner.

Note 1: The Information Commissioner may make a decision under this section to review only part of an IC reviewable decision (see section 54U).

Note 2: If the Information Commissioner makes a decision under paragraph (b), an application for review may be made to the Tribunal for review of the IC reviewable decision (see section 57A).

Note 3: Division 1 of Part VIII sets out the circumstances in which a vexatious applicant declaration may be made in relation to a person. A declaration may permit the Information Commissioner to refuse to consider an IC review application if the person makes the IC review application under this section without the written permission of the Information Commissioner.

54X Decision to review - notice requirement if discretion not to review exercised

(1) This section applies if the Information Commissioner decides not to undertake an IC review, or not to continue to undertake an IC review.

(2) The Information Commissioner must, as soon as practicable, notify the review parties of the decision in writing.

(3) The notice must:

(a) state the reasons for the Information Commissioner's decision; and

(b) if the Information Commissioner makes a decision under paragraph 54W(b) - state that an application for review of the relevant IC reviewable decision may be made to the Tribunal under section 57A.

Note: See section 57A for the time within which the application for review must be made to the Tribunal.

(4) However, the notice must not include:

(a) exempt matter; or

(b) information of the kind referred to in subsection 25(1).

Note: Subsection 25(1) deals with information about the existence or otherwise of certain documents.

54Y Decision to review - actual decisions made after IC review has commenced

(1) This section applies if:

(a) an agency or Minister has been taken to have made a decision (the deemed decision ) under subsection 15AC(3), 51DA(2) or 54D(2); and

(b) a person makes an IC review application for review of the deemed decision; and

(c) the Information Commissioner has not made a decision under section 54W (decision not to review) or 55K (decision on review) in relation to the deemed decision; and

(d) subsection 15AC(7), 51DA(6) or 54D(6) applies in relation to a decision (the actual decision ) made by the agency or Minister.

(2) The Information Commissioner must deal with the IC review application for review of the deemed decision as if it were an IC review application for the review of the actual decision, subject otherwise to this Part.

Note: When making the actual decision, a consultation requirement under section 26A (documents affecting Commonwealth-State relations), 27 (business documents) or 27A (documents affecting personal privacy) may apply.

Division 6 Procedure in IC review

54Z Procedure in IC review - general notice requirement

Before undertaking an IC review, the Information Commissioner must inform:

(a) the person, agency or Minister who made the decision; or

(b) if the IC review application is made under section 54M (access grant decisions) - the person who made the request.

55 Procedure in IC review - general

(1) The Information Commissioner may, for the purposes of an IC review, review an IC reviewable decision by considering the documents or other material lodged with or provided to the Information Commissioner, and without holding a hearing, if:

(a) it appears to the Information Commissioner that the issues for determination on the IC review can be adequately determined in the absence of the review parties; and

(b) the Information Commissioner is satisfied that there are no unusual circumstances that would warrant the Information Commissioner holding a hearing; and

(c) none of the review parties have applied for a hearing under section 55B.

(2) The Information Commissioner may otherwise:

(a) conduct an IC review in whatever way he or she considers appropriate; and

(b) use any technique that the Information Commissioner considers appropriate to facilitate an agreed resolution of matters at issue in the IC review (for example by using techniques that are used in alternative dispute resolution processes); and

(c) allow a person to participate in an IC review by any means of communication; and

(d) obtain any information from any person, and make any inquiries, that he or she considers appropriate; and

(e) give written directions as to the procedure to be followed in relation to:

(i) IC reviews generally; or

(ii) a particular IC review.

Example 1: The Information Commissioner may allow a person under paragraph (2)(c) to participate in a hearing by telephone.

Example 2: The Information Commissioner may give written directions under subparagraph (2)(e)(ii) as to the procedure to be followed when dealing with confidential documents in a particular IC review.

(3) A direction given under paragraph (2)(e) is not a legislative instrument.

(4) Without limiting subsection (2), the Information Commissioner must, in relation to an IC review:

(a) conduct the IC review with as little formality and as little technicality as is possible given:

(i) the requirements of this Act; and

(ii) the requirements of any other law; and

(iii) a proper consideration of the matters before the Information Commissioner; and

(b) ensure that each review party is given a reasonable opportunity to present his or her case; and

(c) conduct the IC review in as timely a manner as is possible given the matters mentioned in subparagraphs (a)(i) to (iii).

(5) If the Information Commissioner holds a hearing, the Information Commissioner:

(a) must hold the hearing in public, unless the Information Commissioner is satisfied that it is not desirable to do so:

(i) because of the confidential nature of any evidence or matter relating to the proceeding; or

(ii) for any other reason; and

(b) is not bound by the rules of evidence; and

(c) may hold a part of the hearing in the absence of a review party (or a review party's representative) if it is necessary to do so to prevent disclosure to the review party (or the review party's representative) of any evidence or matter relating to the proceeding that is of a confidential nature.

55A Procedure in IC review - parties to proceeding

Who are the review parties?

(1) The parties to an IC review (the review parties ) are as follows:

(a) the IC review applicant;

(b) the principal officer of the agency, or the Minister, to whom the request was made;

(c) an affected third party (if any) required to be notified of the IC review application under section 54P (requirement to notify affected third parties);

(d) a party to the proceeding under subsection (3).

Note: For affected third party , see section 53C.

Application to become a review party

(2) If an IC review application is made in relation to an IC reviewable decision, a person whose interests are affected by the IC reviewable decision may apply, in writing, to the Information Commissioner to be a review party.

(3) The Information Commissioner may, by notice in writing, make a person who applies under subsection (2) an IC review party.

55B Procedure in IC review - application for hearing

(1) At any time during an IC review, a review party may apply to the Information Commissioner requesting that the Information Commissioner hold a hearing for the purposes of the IC review.

(2) The Information Commissioner must notify the other review parties of the application.

(3) The Information Commissioner must:

(a) give all review parties a reasonable opportunity to make submissions on the application; and

(b) decide whether or not to hold a hearing.

55C Procedure in IC review - representation

At the hearing of a proceeding before the Information Commissioner, a review party may:

(a) appear in person; or

(b) be represented by another person.

55D Procedure in IC review - onus

(1) Subject to subsection (2), in an IC review in relation to a request or an application under section 48, the agency or Minister concerned has the onus of establishing that:

(a) a decision given in respect of the request or application is justified; or

(b) the Information Commissioner should give a decision adverse to the IC review applicant.

(2) In an IC review of a decision for which an IC review application is made under section 54M (access grant decisions), the affected third party for the document in relation to which the decision was made has the onus of establishing that:

(a) a decision refusing the request is justified; or

(b) the Information Commissioner should give a decision adverse to the person who made the request.

Note: For affected third party , see section 53C.

55DA Decision-maker must assist Information Commissioner

In an IC review, the agency or Minister who made the IC reviewable decision must use the agency's or the Minister's best endeavours to assist the Information Commissioner to make his or her decision in relation to the IC review.

55E Procedure in IC review - inadequate reasons from decision maker

(1) This section applies if:

(a) an IC review application is made in relation to an IC reviewable decision made by an agency or a Minister; and

(b) the agency or Minister was required to provide a statement of reasons under section 26 for the decision to the person who made the request; and

(c) the Information Commissioner believes that:

(i) no statement has been provided; or

(ii) the statement that has been provided is inadequate.

(2) The Information Commissioner may, by notice in writing, require the agency or Minister to provide an adequate statement of reasons as mentioned in subsection 26(1).

(3) If the Information Commissioner gives notice under subsection (2), the agency or Minister must provide the adequate statement of reasons to the IC review applicant and the Information Commissioner within:

(a) the period specified in the notice; or

(b) if no period is specified in the notice - 28 days after the day the notice was given to the agency or Minister.

55F Procedure in IC review - review parties reach agreement

(1) This section applies if, at any stage of an IC review:

(a) the review parties reach agreement as to the terms of a decision on an IC review:

(i) on the IC review application; or

(ii) in relation to a part of the IC review application; or

(iii) in relation to a matter arising out of the IC review application; and

(b) the agreement is acceptable to all of the review parties; and

(c) the terms of the agreement are reduced to writing, signed by, or on behalf of, the review parties and given to the Information Commissioner; and

(d) the Information Commissioner is satisfied that a decision in those terms or consistent with those terms would be within the powers of the Information Commissioner.

(2) The Information Commissioner may, if satisfied that it is appropriate:

(a) in the case of an agreement as to the terms of a decision of the Information Commissioner on the IC review - make a decision in accordance with those terms without completing the IC review; or

(b) in the case of an agreement that relates to a part of the proceeding or a matter arising out of the proceeding - in the Information Commissioner's decision on the IC review, give effect to the terms of the agreement without completing the IC review with respect to the part.

55G Procedure in IC review - revocation or variation of access refusal decision

(1) An agency or Minister may vary (or set aside and substitute) an access refusal decision (the original decision ) in relation to a request or an application under section 48 at any time during an IC review of the access refusal decision if the variation or substitution (the revised decision ) would have an effect of:

(a) giving access to a document in accordance with the request; or

(b) relieving the IC review applicant from liability to pay a charge; or

(c) requiring a record of personal information to be amended or annotated in accordance with the application.

Note: When making the revised decision, a consultation requirement under section 26A (documents affecting Commonwealth-State relations), 27 (business documents) or 27A (documents affecting personal privacy) may apply.

(2) If an agency or Minister varies (or sets aside and substitutes) an access refusal decision under subsection (1):

(a) the agency or Minister must, in writing, notify the Information Commissioner as soon as practicable after the agency or Minister makes the variation or substitution; and

(b) the Information Commissioner must deal with the IC review application for review of the original decision as if it were an IC review application for the review of the varied or substituted decision, subject otherwise to this Part.

55H Procedure in IC review - reference of questions of law to Federal Court of Australia

(1) The Information Commissioner may, at any time during an IC review, refer a question of law arising in an IC review to the Federal Court of Australia for decision.

(2) The Information Commissioner may refer the question of law:

(a) on the application of a review party; or

(b) on the Information Commissioner's initiative.

(3) The Federal Court of Australia has jurisdiction to hear and determine a question of law referred to it.

(4) The jurisdiction of the Federal Court of Australia may be exercised by a single judge of the Court.

(5) If a question of law is referred, the Information Commissioner must not, for the purposes of the IC review:

(a) give a decision to which the question is relevant before the Federal Court of Australia makes a decision in relation to the reference; or

(b) proceed in a manner, or make a decision, that is inconsistent with the opinion of the Federal Court of Australia on the question.

55J Procedure in IC review - sending of documents to, and disclosure of documents by, the Federal Court of Australia

If a question of law is referred under section 55H:

(a) the Information Commissioner must cause all documents and information in the possession of the Information Commissioner that relate to the IC review and to the reference to be sent to the Federal Court of Australia; and

(b) at the conclusion of the proceeding before the Federal Court of Australia, the Court must cause the documents to be returned to the Information Commissioner.

Division 7 Decision on IC review

55K Decision on IC review - decision of Information Commissioner

(1) After undertaking an IC review, the Information Commissioner must make a decision in writing:

(a) affirming the IC reviewable decision; or

(b) varying the IC reviewable decision; or

(c) setting aside the IC reviewable decision and making a decision in substitution for that decision.

(2) For the purposes of implementing a decision on an IC review, the Information Commissioner may perform the functions, and exercise the powers, of the person who made the IC reviewable decision.

(3) A decision of the Information Commissioner on an IC review has the same effect as a decision of the agency or Minister who made the IC reviewable decision.

Content of the decision

(4) A decision on an IC review must include the following:

(a) a statement of reasons for the decision;

(b) a statement of the rights of the review parties to apply to the Tribunal for review of the decision under section 57A.

(5) However, a decision on an IC review must not include:

(a) information of the kind referred to in subsection 25(1); or

(b) exempt matter.

Note: Subsection 25(1) deals with information about the existence or otherwise of certain documents.

Providing copy of decision

(6) The Information Commissioner must give a copy of a decision on an IC review to each review party.

Copy of decision prima facie evidence

(7) A document is prima facie evidence of a decision on an IC review if:

(a) the document purports to be a copy of the decision; and

(b) the document purports to be certified by, or on behalf of, the Information Commissioner to be a true copy of the decision.

Publication requirement

(8) The Information Commissioner must publish a decision on an IC review to members of the public generally.

55L Decision on IC review - no power to give access to exempt documents

(1) This section applies if it is established in proceedings on an IC review that a document is an exempt document.

(2) The Information Commissioner does not have power to decide that access to the document is to be given, so far as it contains exempt matter.

55M Decision on IC review - limitation on amending records

(1) The Information Commissioner may, in a decision under section 55K, make a decision that requires, or has the effect of requiring, that an amendment be made to a record that relates to a record of an opinion only if he or she is satisfied of either (or both) of the following:

(a) the opinion was based on a mistake of fact;

(b) the author of the opinion was biased, unqualified to form the opinion or acted improperly in conducting the factual inquiries that led to the formation of the opinion.

(2) The Information Commissioner must not, in a decision under section 55K, make a decision that requires, or has the effect of requiring, that an amendment be made to a record if he or she is satisfied of either of the following:

(a) the record is a record of a decision, under an enactment, by a court, tribunal, authority or person;

(b) the decision whether to amend the record involves the determination of a question that the person seeking amendment of the record is, or has been, entitled to have determined by the agency (on internal review), the Information Commissioner, a court or tribunal.

55N Decision on IC review - obligation to comply with decision

A principal officer of an agency or a Minister must comply with a decision of the Information Commissioner under section 55K on an IC review.

55P Decision on IC review - enforcement of decision against agency

(1) If the principal officer of an agency or a Minister fails to comply with section 55N, an application may be made to the Federal Court of Australia for an order directing the principal officer or Minister to comply.

(2) The application may be made by:

(a) the Information Commissioner; or

(b) the IC review applicant.

(3) The court may make any other orders that it thinks fit to secure compliance by the principal officer or the Minister.

(4) An application under subsection (1) may only be made if:

(a) the time has ended for making an application to the Tribunal under section 57A for review of the Information Commissioner's decision; and

(b) such an application is not made before the end of the time.

55Q Decision on IC review - correction of errors

(1) The Information Commissioner may correct an obvious error in a decision under section 55K of the Information Commissioner on an IC review.

Example: The following are examples of obvious errors:

(a) an obvious clerical or typographical error in the text of the decision or statement of reasons;

(b) an inconsistency between the decision and the statement of reasons.

(2) The Information Commissioner may correct an obvious error:

(a) on an application by a review party; or

(b) on the Information Commissioner's initiative.

Division 8 Information gathering powers

55R Information gathering powers - obliging production of information and documents


(1) This section applies if the Information Commissioner has reason to believe that a person has information, or a document, relevant to an IC review.

(2) This section applies subject to sections 55T (exempt documents generally) and 55U (particular exempt documents).

Notice to produce

(3) The Information Commissioner may, by written notice, require a person to, for the purposes of an IC review:

(a) give the Information Commissioner information of a kind specified by the notice; or

(b) produce to the Information Commissioner a document specified by the notice.

(4) The notice must:

(a) be in writing; and

(b) specify the place at which the person must comply with the notice; and

(c) state that the person must comply with the notice:

(i) within a specified period that is not less than 14 days after the day on which the person is given the notice; or

(ii) at a specified time that is not less than 14 days after the time at which the person is given the notice.

Offence for failure to comply

(5) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement specified in a notice under subsection (3); and

(b) the person engages in conduct; and

(c) the person's conduct breaches the requirement.

Penalty for a contravention of this subsection: Imprisonment for 6 months.

Note: Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code sets out the general principles of criminal responsibility.

55S Information gathering powers - dealings with documents

What the Information Commissioner may do with documents

(1) The Information Commissioner may do any of the following in relation to any documents produced in accordance with a notice under subsection 55R(3):

(a) take possession of the documents;

(b) make copies of the documents;

(c) take extracts from the documents;

(d) hold the documents for a period that is necessary for the purposes of the IC review.

Information Commissioner must permit access by those entitled

(2) For the purposes of an IC review, the Information Commissioner must permit a person to inspect a document that the person would be entitled to inspect if the document were not held by the Information Commissioner.

(3) The Information Commissioner must permit the person to inspect the document at any reasonable time.

55T Information gathering powers - production of exempt documents generally


(1) This section applies to an IC review of a decision in relation to a document if:

(a) the principal officer of an agency or a Minister claims that the document is an exempt document; and

(b) section 55U does not apply to the document.

Note: Section 55U deals with the production of documents that are claimed to be exempt documents under section 33 (national security etc.) or 34 (Cabinet documents).

Exempt document produced under obligation

(2) The Information Commissioner may, for the purposes of deciding whether the document is an exempt document, require the document to be produced.

(3) If the Information Commissioner is satisfied that the document is an exempt document, the Information Commissioner must return the document to the person by whom it was produced.

Production to determine whether access can be given to part of document

(4) The Information Commissioner may require the production of an exempt document for the purpose of determining whether it is practicable for an agency or a Minister to give access to an edited copy of the document.

(5) If the document is produced to the Information Commissioner (whether under this section or voluntarily), only the following persons may have access to the document, or to the contents of the document:

(a) the Information Commissioner;

(b) a member of the staff of the Information Commissioner in the course of the performance of his or her duties as a member of that staff.

55U Information gathering powers - production of national security and cabinet documents

(1) This section applies to an IC review of a decision in relation to a document that is claimed to be an exempt document under section 33 (national security documents) or 34 (cabinet documents).

(2) The Information Commissioner may only require the production of the document in accordance with this section.

(3) If the Information Commissioner is not satisfied by evidence on affidavit or otherwise that the document is an exempt document under section 33 or 34, the Information Commissioner may require the document to be produced for inspection by the Information Commissioner.

(4) If the Information Commissioner is satisfied that the document is an exempt document, the Information Commissioner must return the document to the person by whom it was produced without permitting a person to have access to the document or disclosing the contents of the document to a person, unless the person is:

(a) the Information Commissioner; or

(b) a member of the staff of the Information Commissioner in the course of the performance of his or her duties as a member of that staff; or

(c) in the circumstances permitted under paragraph 55ZD(3)(a) - the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security.

55V Information gathering powers - further searches for a document

(1) This section applies to an IC review in relation to a request for access to a document if:

(a) access to the document is refused under section 24A (document cannot be found etc.); or

(b) access is purportedly given to the document (amongst others to which the request relates), but is not actually given.

(2) The Information Commissioner may require the agency or Minister concerned to conduct further searches for the document.

55W Information gathering powers - obliging persons to appear

Notice to appear

(1) The Information Commissioner may, by written notice, require a person to appear before the Information Commissioner to answer questions for the purposes of an IC review.

(2) The notice must:

(a) be in writing; and

(b) state that the person must comply with the notice at a specified time that is not less than 14 days after the time at which the person is given the notice; and

(c) specify the place at which the person must comply with the notice.

Offence for failure to comply

(3) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement specified in a notice under subsection (1); and

(b) the person engages in conduct; and

(c) the person's conduct breaches the requirement.

Penalty for a contravention of this subsection: 6 months imprisonment.

Note: Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code sets out the general principles of criminal responsibility.

55X Information gathering powers - administration of oath or affirmation

(1) If, by a notice under subsection 55W(1), the Information Commissioner requires a person to appear before him or her, the Information Commissioner may:

(a) administer an oath or affirmation to the person; and

(b) examine the person on oath or affirmation.

(2) The oath or affirmation to be taken or made by a person for the purposes of this section is an oath or affirmation that the answers the person will give will be true.

(3) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is required under this section to be examined on oath or affirmation; and

(b) the person engages in conduct; and

(c) the person's conduct breaches that requirement.

Penalty for a contravention of this subsection: 6 months imprisonment.

Note: Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code sets out the general principles of criminal responsibility.

55Y Information gathering powers - no loss of legal professional privilege

Information or a document does not cease to be the subject of legal professional privilege merely because it is given, provided, produced or referred to for the purposes of this Part.

55Z Information gathering powers - protection from liability

(1) This section applies if a person does any of the following in good faith for the purposes of an IC review:

(a) gives information;

(b) produces a document;

(c) answers a question.

(2) If this section applies, then:

(a) civil proceedings do not lie against a person because the person does any of the matters mentioned in paragraphs (1)(a) to (c); and

(b) the person is not liable for a penalty under a provision of any law because the person does any of those matters.

(3) This section applies whether or not the person is required to do a thing mentioned in subsection (1) in accordance with this Division.

Division 9 Evidence by Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security

55ZA Evidence by Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security - scope

This Division applies in an IC review of a decision in relation to a document that is claimed to be an exempt document under section 33 (national security documents).

55ZB Evidence by Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security - request to give evidence

(1) Before determining that a document is not an exempt document under section 33, the Information Commissioner must request the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security to appear personally and give evidence on:

(a) the damage that would, or could reasonably be expected to, be caused to:

(i) the security of the Commonwealth; or

(ii) the defence of the Commonwealth; or

(iii) the international relations of the Commonwealth;

if access to the document were given in accordance with the request; or

(b) whether giving access to the document in accordance with the request would divulge any information or matter communicated in confidence by, or on behalf of, a foreign government, an authority of a foreign government or an international organisation to the Government of the Commonwealth, to an authority of the Commonwealth or to a person receiving the communication on behalf of the Commonwealth or of an authority of the Commonwealth.

(2) Before determining that an agency or Minister must grant access to a copy of the document with deletions, the Information Commissioner must request the Inspector-General to appear personally and give evidence on:

(a) the damage that would, or could reasonably be expected to, be caused to:

(i) the security of the Commonwealth; or

(ii) the defence of the Commonwealth; or

(iii) the international relations of the Commonwealth;

if the proposed deletions were not made; or

(b) whether giving access to the document without the proposed deletions would divulge any information or matter communicated in confidence by, or on behalf of, a foreign government, an authority of a foreign government or an international organisation to the Government of the Commonwealth, to an authority of the Commonwealth or to a person receiving the communication on behalf of the Commonwealth or of an authority of the Commonwealth.

(3) Before hearing the evidence of the Inspector-General, the Information Commissioner must hear any evidence to be given or submissions to be made by, or on behalf of, the agency to which, or the Minister to whom, the request was made for access to the document.

(4) The Information Commissioner is not bound by any opinion of the Inspector-General expressed while giving evidence under this Division.

55ZC Evidence by Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security - compliance with request

The Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security must comply with a request under section 55ZB unless, in the opinion of the Inspector-General, the Inspector-General is not appropriately qualified to give evidence on the matters in relation to which the Inspector-General has been requested to give evidence.

55ZD Evidence by Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security - procedural matters

(1) This section applies for the purposes of enabling the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security to comply with a request under section 55ZB.

(2) The Information Commissioner must allow the Inspector-General to take possession of, and make copies of or take extracts from, any document given to the Information Commissioner for the purposes of the proceeding.

(3) The Inspector-General may require the production of the following:

(a) the document that is claimed to be an exempt document under section 33 by the agency to which or the Minister to whom the request was made for access to the document;

(b) any document of an agency or official document of a Minister that relates to the document mentioned in subsection (2) by the agency or Minister.

(4) The Inspector-General may make copies of, or take extracts from, the documents mentioned in subsection (3).

(5) After the period that is reasonably necessary for the purposes of giving evidence to the Information Commissioner, the Inspector-General must:

(a) return the original of any document to the Information Commissioner or to the agency or Minister; and

(b) destroy any copies of or extracts taken from any document.

(6) The Inspector-General must permit a person to inspect a document that the person would be entitled to inspect if the document were not held by the Inspector-General.

(7) The Inspector-General must permit the person to inspect the document at all reasonable times.

(8) The Information Commissioner must allow the Inspector-General a period within which to consider the documents mentioned in subsections (2) to (4) that is reasonable having regard to:

(a) the nature of the evidence that the Inspector-General has been requested to give; and

(b) the time required by the Inspector-General to perform the Inspector-General's other functions.

Division 10 Appeals

56 Appeals - appeals to Federal Court of Australia on questions of law

(1) A review party may appeal to the Federal Court of Australia, on a question of law, from a decision of the Information Commissioner on an IC review.

(2) An appeal under this section must be instituted:

(a) either:

(i) not later than 28 days after the day a decision under section 55K of the Information Commissioner on an IC review is given to the review party; or

(ii) within the further time that the Federal Court of Australia allows; and

(b) in any way that is prescribed by rules of court made under the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976.

(3) The Federal Court of Australia has jurisdiction to hear and determine appeals instituted under this section.

(4) The jurisdiction of the Federal Court of Australia under subsection (3) includes jurisdiction to make findings of fact under section 56A.

(5) The Federal Court of Australia:

(a) must hear and determine the appeal; and

(b) may make any order or orders that it thinks appropriate by reason of its decision.

(6) Without limiting subsection (5), the orders that the Federal Court of Australia may make include the following:

(a) an order affirming the decision of the Information Commissioner;

(b) an order setting aside the decision of the Information Commissioner and making a decision in substitution for the decision;

(c) an order remitting the case to be considered and decided again by the Information Commissioner in accordance with the directions of the Court:

(i) with or without the holding of a hearing; and

(ii) with or without the hearing of further evidence.

56A Appeals - Federal Court of Australia may make findings of fact

(1) If a review party appeals to the Federal Court of Australia under section 56, the Court may make findings of fact if:

(a) the findings of fact are not inconsistent with findings of fact made by the Information Commissioner (other than findings made by the Information Commissioner as the result of an error of law); and

(b) it appears to the Court that it is convenient for the Court to make the findings of fact, having regard to all of the following:

(i) the extent (if any) to which it is necessary for facts to be found;

(ii) the means by which those facts might be established;

(iii) the expeditious and efficient resolution of the whole of the matter to which the IC review relates;

(iv) the relative expense to the parties of the Court, rather than the Information Commissioner, making the findings of fact;

(v) the relative delay to the parties of the Court, rather than the Information Commissioner, making the findings of fact;

(vi) whether any of the parties considers that it is appropriate for the Court, rather than the Information Commissioner, to make the findings of fact;

(vii) such other matters (if any) as the Court considers relevant.

(2) For the purposes of making findings of fact under subsection (1), the Federal Court of Australia may:

(a) have regard to the evidence given in the IC review; and

(b) receive further evidence.

(3) Subsection (2) does not limit the Federal Court of Australia's power under subsection 56(6) to make an order remitting the case to be heard and decided again by the Information Commissioner.

Part VIIA Review by the Tribunal

Division 1 Guide to this Part

57 Review by the Tribunal - guide

An application may be made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for the review of certain decisions (see section 57A).

Division 3 sets out the powers of the Tribunal in a review.

Division 4 deals with the procedure to be followed in a review by the Tribunal.

Division 5 deals with ensuring that exempt matter that comes before the Tribunal is protected from disclosure.

Division 6 deals with the circumstances in which the Tribunal may make recommendations as to costs.

Division 7 deals with the stay of decisions pending appeal to the Federal Court of Australia.

Division 2 Tribunal reviewable decisions

57A Tribunal reviewable decisions - which decisions are reviewable?

(1) An application may be made to the Tribunal for review of the following decisions:

(a) a decision of the Information Commissioner under section 55K on an IC review;

(b) if the Information Commissioner makes a decision under paragraph 54W(b) (matters inappropriate for IC review) - the IC reviewable decision in relation to which the Information Commissioner makes the decision.

Note 1: An application for the review of a decision may be made by a person whose interests are affected by the decision (see section 27 of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975).

Note 2: Subsection 29(2) of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 sets out the time within which the application for review must be made.

Time for applying to Tribunal if Information Commissioner declines to review decision

(2) Despite subsection 29(2) of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975, for the purposes of paragraph 29(1)(d) of that Act, the prescribed time for a person to lodge an application for review of an IC reviewable decision mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) of this section is the period:

(a) starting on the day on which the decision by the Information Commissioner under paragraph 54W(b) of this Act is made; and

(b) ending on the 28th day after the day on which notice of the decision under paragraph 54W(b) was given to the person under section 54X of this Act.

Division 3 Powers of Tribunal

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