Customs Amendment (Export Controls and Other Measures) Act 2011 (63 of 2011)

Schedule 2   Strengthening of security measures at depots and warehouses

Part 1   Depot licences

Customs Act 1901

19   After section 77V


77VA Depot must not be used if depot licence is suspended etc.


(1) If a depot licence is suspended under section 77V, a person must not use the depot for a purpose referred to in subsection 77G(1).

Penalty: 50 penalty units.

Collector may permit use of depot etc. during suspension

(2) If a depot licence is suspended under section 77V, a Collector may, while the licence is so suspended and despite subsection (1) of this section:

(a) permit imported goods, or goods for export, that are subject to the control of Customs to be held in the depot; and

(b) permit the unpacking or packing of such goods; and

(c) permit the removal of such goods from the depot, including the removal of such goods to another depot; and

(d) by notice in a prescribed manner to the owner of such goods, require the owner to remove the goods to another depot, or to a warehouse, approved by the Collector; and

(e) take such control of the depot, or all or any goods in the depot, as may be necessary:

(i) for the protection of the revenue; or

(ii) for ensuring compliance with the Customs Acts, any other law of the Commonwealth prescribed by the regulations or a law of a State or Territory prescribed by the regulations; and

(f) by notice in writing to the holder of the licence, require the holder to pay to Customs, in respect of the services of officers required as the result of the suspension, such fee as the CEO determines having regard to the cost of the services.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in subsection (2) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

(3) Without limiting paragraph (2)(f), the services referred to in that paragraph include services relating to:

(a) the enforcement of the suspension; and

(b) the supervision of activities in relation to the depot that are permitted by a Collector.

(4) If an amount that the holder of a depot licence is required to pay in accordance with a notice under paragraph (2)(f) is not paid, that amount may be recovered as a debt due to the Commonwealth by action in a court of competent jurisdiction.

77VB Revocation of suspension of depot licences

If a depot licence is suspended under section 77V, the CEO:

(a) may at any time revoke the suspension; and

(b) if the licence has not been cancelled within 28 days after the day on which the licence was suspended - must revoke the suspension.

Note: For the cancellation of depot licences, see section 77VC.

77VC Cancellation of depot licences

(1) The CEO may, by notice in writing, cancel a depot licence if the CEO is satisfied of any matter mentioned in subparagraphs 77V(1)(a)(i) to (viii), or of the matter mentioned in paragraph 77V(1)(b), in relation to the licence.

(2) The CEO must, by notice in writing, cancel a depot licence if the CEO receives a written request from the holder of the licence that the licence be cancelled on and after a specified day.

(3) A notice under subsection (1) or (2) must be:

(a) served, either personally or by post, on the holder of the depot licence; or

(b) served personally on a person who, at the time of service, apparently participates in the management or control of the depot.

(4) If a depot licence is cancelled under this section, the CEO must, by notice published in a newspaper circulating in the locality in which the depot is situated, inform the owners of goods in the depot of the cancellation and the date of the cancellation.

(5) If a depot licence is cancelled under this section, the person or partnership who held the licence before the cancellation must return the licence to Customs within 30 days after the cancellation.

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