Higher Education Support Amendment (Further Streamlining and Other Measures) Act 2013 (23 of 2013)
Schedule 2 Variation of approval: change of name
Part 1 Amendments
Higher Education Support Act 2003
2 At the end of Subdivision 3-B of Schedule 1A
12C Variation of approval if body's name changes
(1) If a body is approved as a *VET provider under clause 6 and the body's name changes, the Minister mayvarythe approval to include the new name.
(2) The Minister must notify the body in writing of the variation.
(3) A notice of variation under subclause (2) is a legislative instrument.
(4) The variation takes effect when the notice of variation takes effect under the Legislative Instruments Act 2003.
Note: Section 12 of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 provides for when a legislative instrument takes effect.
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