Tax Laws Amendment (Fairer Taxation of Excess Concessional Contributions) Act 2013 (118 of 2013)
Schedule 1 Fairer taxation of excess concessional contributions
Part 3 Other consequential amendments
Taxation Administration Act 1953
34 Subsection 280-100(4) in Schedule 1
Repeal the subsection, substitute:
Liability to shortfall interest charge - excess concessional contributions charge
(4) Despite subsection (1), if:
(a) you are liable under that subsection to pay *shortfall interest charge on an additional amount of income tax; and
(b) that additional amount includes an amount of income tax on which you are liable to pay an amount of *excess concessional contributions charge;
the additional amount of income tax on which you are liable to pay shortfall interest charge is taken to be increased by the amount of excess concessional contributions charge mentioned in paragraph (b).
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