Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013



Division 2 - The Dictionary  



In this Act:

accountable authority
: see subsection 12(2) .

accounting standards
means the accounting standards issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board, as in force or applicable from time to time.

Agency Head
has the meaning given by section 7 of the Public Service Act 1999 .

: see subsection 23(2) .

authorised investment
: see subsection 58(8) .


(a) an authorised deposit-taking institution (within the meaning of the Banking Act 1959 ); or

(b) the Reserve Bank of Australia; or

(c) a person who carries on the business of banking outside Australia.

bankable money
: see subsection 55(2) .

Commonwealth company
: see subsection 89(1) .

Commonwealth entity
: see subsections 10(1) and (2) .

: see subsection 89(2) .

corporate Commonwealth entity
: see paragraph 11(a) .

Corporations Act company
means a body corporate that is incorporated, or taken to be incorporated, under the Corporations Act 2001 .

(short for Consolidated Revenue Fund) means the Consolidated Revenue Fund referred to in section 81 of the Constitution.

Department of State

(a) includes any body (except a body corporate), person, group of persons or organisation that is prescribed by an Act or the rules in relation to a specified Department of State; and

(b) excludes any part of a Department of State that is a listed entity.

of a Commonwealth company has the meaning given by the Corporations Act 2001 .

eligible delegate
: see subsection 108(2) .

enabling legislation
for a Commonwealth entity that is established by or under an Act or legislative instrument means that Act or legislative instrument.

finance law

(a) this Act; or

(b) the rules; or

(c) any instrument made under this Act; or

(d) an Appropriation Act.

Finance Minister
means the Minister who administers this Act.

Finance Secretary
means the Secretary of the Department.

Future Fund Board of Guardians
means the Future Fund Board of Guardians established by section 34 of the Future Fund Act 2006 .

governing body
of a corporate Commonwealth entity means:

(a) for a corporate Commonwealth entity that has a board, council or other governing body - that board, council or governing body; and

(b) otherwise - all of the members of the entity.

government business enterprise
means a Commonwealth entity or Commonwealth company that is prescribed by the rules.

government policy order
: see subsections 22(1) and 93(1) .

has the same meaning as in the GST Act.

means the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 , as it applies because of Division 177 of that Act.


Under Division 177 of the GST Act, that Act applies notionally to the Commonwealth and Commonwealth entities. They are therefore notionally liable to pay GST, are notionally entitled to input tax credits and notionally have adjustments.

GST qualifying amount
: see subsection 74A(3) .

intelligence or security agency
has the same meaning as in section 85ZL of the Crimes Act 1914 .

listed entity

(a) any body (except a body corporate), person, group of persons or organisation (whether or not part of a Department of State); or

(b) any combination of bodies (except bodies corporate), persons, groups of persons or organisations (whether or not part of a Department of State);

that is prescribed by an Act or the rules to be a listed entity.

listed law enforcement agency
means a law enforcement agency (within the meaning of section 85ZL of the Crimes Act 1914 ) that is prescribed by the rules.

includes a Presiding Officer.

includes cheques and similar instruments.

non-corporate Commonwealth entity
: see paragraph 11(b) .

: see subsections 13(2) , (3) , (4) and (5) .

other CRF money
: see subsection 105(2) .

Parliamentary Department
means a Department of the Parliament established under the Parliamentary Service Act 1999 and includes any body (except a body corporate), person, group of persons or organisation that is prescribed by an Act or the rules in relation to a specified Parliamentary Department.

Presiding Officer
means the President of the Senate or the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

, when used in relation to the use or management of public resources, means efficient, effective, economical and ethical.

public resources
means relevant money, relevant property, or appropriations.

of a Commonwealth entity or Commonwealth company includes the objectives, functions or role of the entity or company.

relevant body
: see subsection 72(2) .

relevant company
: see subsection 85(2) .

relevant money

(a) money standing to the credit of any bank account of the Commonwealth or a corporate Commonwealth entity; or

(b) money that is held by the Commonwealth or a corporate Commonwealth entity.

relevant property

(a) property (other than relevant money) that is owned or held by the Commonwealth or a corporate Commonwealth entity; or

(b) any other thing prescribed by the rules.

reporting period
for a Commonwealth entity, a Commonwealth company, or a subsidiary of a corporate Commonwealth entity or Commonwealth company, means:

(a) the period of 12 months commencing on 1 July; or

(b) any other period prescribed by an Act or the rules for the entity, company or subsidiary.

responsible Minister
for a Commonwealth entity or Commonwealth company means the Minister who is responsible for the entity or company, unless otherwise prescribed by the rules.

means the rules made under section 101 .

special account

(a) a special account that is established by the Finance Minister under section 78 ; or

(b) a special account that is established by an Act (including this Act).

spending limit provision
: see subsection 59(3) .

of a corporate Commonwealth entity or a Commonwealth company means an entity that is controlled by the corporate Commonwealth entity or Commonwealth company. For this purpose, entity and control have the same meanings as in the accounting standard that applies for the purpose of deciding whether a company has to prepare consolidated financial statements under the Corporations Act 2001 .

wholly-owned Commonwealth company
: see section 90 .


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