Customs Amendment (Anti-Dumping Commission Transfer) Act 2013 (139 of 2013)
- Front Matter
- 1 Short title
- 2 Commencement
- 3 Schedule(s)
- Schedule 1 Amendments
- Part 1 Main amendments
- Customs Act 1901
- 1 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Commissioner)
- 2 Subsection 4(1)
- 3 Subsections 9(3A) and (4)
- 4 Subsection 45(2)
- 5 Paragraph 45(4)(a)
- 6 Section 269SMA
- 7 Section 269SMA
- 8 Section 269SMB
- 9 Section 269SMP
- 10 Subsection 269SMQ(1)
- 11 Subsection 269SMQ(2) (note)
- 12 At the end of Division 1A of Part XVB
- 13 Subparagraphs 269TAE(2C)(b)(i) and (ii)
- 14 After section 269TAG
- 15 Subsections 269TB(1) and (2)
- 16 Subsection 269TB(3)
- 17 Paragraph 269TB(4)(b)
- 18 Subsection 269TB(5)
- 19 Paragraph 269TB(5)(a)
- 20 Paragraphs 269TB(5)(b) and (c)
- 21 Subsection 269TB(5)
- 22 Subsection 269TB(5)
- 23 Subsections 269TC(1) and (2)
- 24 Subsection 269TC(2A)
- 25 Paragraphs 269TC(2A)(a) and (b)
- 26 Subparagraph 269TD(2)(a)(ii)
- 27 Subsection 269TD(3)
- 28 Paragraph 269TD(4)(b)
- 29 Subparagraph 269TDAA(2)(a)(ii)
- 30 Subsection 269TDAA(3)
- 31 Subparagraph 269TEA(3)(a)(iv)
- 32 Subsection 269TEA(4)
- 33 Subsection 269U(1)
- 34 Subsection 269U(2)
- 35 Subsections 269U(3) to (9)
- 36 Paragraph 269W(2)(a)
- 37 Subsection 269W(2)
- 38 Subsection 269YA(1)
- 39 Paragraph 269ZB(1)(b)
- 40 Subsection 269ZB(2)
- 41 Subsection 269ZB(3)
- 42 Paragraph 269ZB(3)(a)
- 43 Paragraphs 269ZB(3)(b) and (c)
- 44 Subsection 269ZB(3)
- 45 Subsection 269ZC(1)
- 46 Subsection 269ZC(1)
- 47 Section 269ZCA
- 48 Paragraph 269ZCB(1)(c)
- 49 Subsection 269ZCB(2)
- 50 Subsection 269ZCB(3)
- 51 Paragraph 269ZCB(3)(a)
- 52 Paragraphs 269ZCB(3)(b) and (c)
- 53 Subsection 269ZCB(3)
- 54 Subsection 269ZCC(1)
- 55 Subsection 269ZCC(1)
- 56 Subparagraphs 269ZD(2)(a)(ii) and (iii)
- 57 Subsection 269ZD(3)
- 58 Subparagraph 269ZDA(3)(a)(iv)
- 59 Subsection 269ZDA(4)
- 60 Paragraph 269ZDBD(1)(b)
- 61 Subsection 269ZDBD(3)
- 62 Paragraph 269ZDBD(3)(a)
- 63 Paragraphs 269ZDBD(3)(b) and (c)
- 64 Subsection 269ZDBD(4)
- 65 Subsection 269ZDBE(1)
- 66 Subsection 269ZDBE(1)
- 67 Subparagraph 269ZDBF(2)(a)(ii)
- 68 Subsection 269ZDBF(3)
- 69 Subparagraph 269ZDBG(2)(a)(iv)
- 70 Subparagraph 269ZDBG(2)(aa)(ii)
- 71 Subsections 269ZDBG(3) and (3A)
- 72 Subsection 269ZF(2)
- 73 Paragraph 269ZF(2)(a)
- 74 Subsection 269ZF(2)
- 75 Paragraph 269ZH(b)
- 76 Paragraph 269ZHC(1)(b)
- 77 Subsection 269ZHC(2)
- 78 Paragraph 269ZHC(2)(a)
- 79 Paragraphs 269ZHC(2)(b) and (c)
- 80 Subsection 269ZHC(2)
- 81 Subsection 269ZHD(1)
- 82 Subparagraph 269ZHE(2)(a)(ii)
- 83 Subsection 269ZHE(3)
- 84 Subparagraph 269ZHF(3)(a)(iv)
- 85 Subsection 269ZP(3)
- 86 Paragraphs 269ZU(2)(b) and (3)(d)
- 87 Paragraph 269ZZYD(1)(a)
- 88 Subsections 269ZZYE(1), (2) and (3)
- 89 Subsection 269ZZYF(1)
- 90 Subsection 269ZZYG(2) (heading)
- 91 Subsections 269ZZYG(2) and (3)
- 92 At the end of section 269ZZYG
- 93 At the end of Part XVC
- Customs Administration Act 1985
- 94 Section 3 (definition of Commissioner )
- 95 Subsection 4(3)
- 96 Subsection 14(4A)
- 97 Paragraph 16(1AA)(aa)
- Part 2 Other amendments
- Criminal Code Act 1995
- 98 Section 146.1 of the Criminal Code (paragraph (da) of the definition of Commonwealth law enforcement officer)
- Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006
- 99 Paragraph 10(2A)(aa)
- Part 3 Application, saving and transitional provisions
- 100 Application provisions
- 101 Continuity of Commissioner not affected
- 102 Continuity of members of the Review Panel not affected
- 103 Continuity of members of the International Trade Remedies Forum not affected
- 104 Continuity of applications and submissions
- 105 Continuation of secrecy provision
- 106 Continuation of offences under the Criminal Code
- 107 Continuation of processes under the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006
- 108 Transitional rules
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