Crimes Legislation Amendment (Powers, Offences and Other Measures) Act 2015 (153 of 2015)

Schedule 7   Sentencing and parole

Part 6   Parole - general

Crimes Act 1914

21   Before section 19AQ


19APB Effect of parole order and licence on sentence

(1) If a parole order is made, or a licence is granted, in relation to a person:

(a) the person is taken to be still under sentence and not to have served the part of any sentence that remained to be served at the beginning of the parole period or licence period, until:

(i) the parole period or licence period ends without the parole order or licence being revoked; or

(ii) the person is otherwise discharged from imprisonment; and

(b) the person is taken:

(i) to have served the part of any sentence that remained to be served at the beginning of the parole period or licence period; and

(ii) to have been discharged from imprisonment;

if the parole period or licence period ends without the parole order or licence being revoked.

(2) Subsection (1) has effect as if the parole period or the licence period had not ended without the parole order or the licence being revoked, if the parole order or licence is, under subsection 19AQ(2) or (4), taken to have been revoked as from the time just before the end of the parole period or licence period.

Subdivision B - Revocation of parole order or license

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