Tax and Superannuation Laws Amendment (2016 Measures No. 1) Act 2016 (52 of 2016)

Schedule 2   GST treatment of cross-border transactions between businesses

Part 2   Cross-border supplies that are GST-free

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

19   At the end of subsection 38-190(3)


; and (c) for a supply other than an *input taxed supply - none of the following applies:

(i) the other entity would be an *Australian-based business recipient of the supply, if the supply had been made to it;

(ii) the other entity is an individual who is provided with the supply as an employee or *officer of an entity that would be an Australian-based business recipient of the supply, if the supply had been made to it; or

(iii) the other entity is an individual who is provided with the supply as an employee or officer of the *recipient, and the recipient's acquisition of the thing is solely for a *creditable purpose and is not a *non-deductible expense.

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