Medical and Midwife Indemnity Legislation Amendment Act 2019 (105 of 2019)

Schedule 6   Allied health professionals

Medical Indemnity Act 2002

7   Subsection 4(1)


practitioner's contract limit , in relation to a person for whom a contract of insurance provides medical indemnity cover, means the maximum amount payable, in aggregate, by the insurer under the contract in relation to claims against the person.

Note 1: If the contract provides medical indemnity cover for more than one person, there must be a separate contract limit for each of those persons.

Note 2: For how this definition applies if the contract provides for deductibles, see section 8B.

Note 3: For how this definition interacts with the high cost claim indemnity scheme and the allied health high cost claim indemnity scheme, see sections 34D and 34ZZJ.

qualifying allied health claim certificate means a certificate issued by the Chief Executive Medicare under section 34ZZK.

qualifying allied health liability , in relation to a claim, has the meaning given by section 34ZZS.

qualifying allied health payment : see subsection 34ZZB(4).

qualifying liability , in relation to a claim, has the meaning given by section 34M.

qualifying payment : see subsection 30(2).

relevant allied health threshold : see subsection 34ZZL(1).

relevant threshold : see subsection 34F(1).

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