Aged Care Legislation Amendment (New Commissioner Functions) Act 2019 (116 of 2019)
Schedule 4 Transitional, application, saving and other provisions
Part 3 Responsibilities of approved providers etc.
Division 2 Application provisions relating to Part 6.4 of the Aged Care Act
20 Application - notices to attend to answer questions etc.
Subsection 93-1(1) of the Aged Care Act, as inserted by Schedule 2 to this Act, applies in relation to the following, whether made before, at or after the transition time:
(a) an application under the Aged Care Act or the Aged Care (TP) Act;
(b) an appraisal under section 25-3 of the Aged Care Act;
(c) a reappraisal under sections 27-3 and 27-5 of the Aged Care Act;
(d) a claim for payment of subsidy under Chapter 3 of the Aged Care Act or Chapter 3 of the Aged Care (TP) Act;
(e) a grant under Chapter 5 of the Aged Care Act.
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