Veterans' Affairs Legislation Amendment (Exempting Disability Payments from Income Testing and Other Measures) Act 2021 (142 of 2021)
Schedule 1 Exempting adjusted disability pension from the social security income test and removal of Defence Force Income Support Allowance
Social Security Act 1991
33 Subclause 146(3) of Schedule 1A
Repeal the subclause, substitute:
Provisional annual payment rate
(3) The person's provisional annual payment rate is taken to be the amount worked out under subclause (4) if 1/364 of that amount is greater than 1/364 of the person's provisional annual payment rate apart from this clause.
Note: The provisional annual payment rate is an amount worked out under the method statement in point 1064-A1. Point 1064-A1 may be relevant of its own force or because of point 1065-A1 or section 796.
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