Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Modernisation) Act 2023 (73 of 2023)

Schedule 1   Amendments

Part 1   Main amendments

Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Act 1986

20   Paragraphs 8(3)(a) and (b)

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

(a) at the request of the Attorney-General or the responsible Minister, of the Inspector-General's own motion, or in response to a complaint made to the Inspector-General by a person who is an Australian citizen or a permanent resident, to inquire into any matter that relates to:

(i) the compliance by that agency with the laws of the Commonwealth and of the States and Territories; or

(ii) the compliance by that agency with directions or guidelines given to that agency by the responsible Minister; or

(iii) the propriety of particular activities of that agency; and

(aa) at the request of the Attorney-General or the responsible Minister, or of the Inspector-General's own motion, to inquire into any matter that relates to the effectiveness and appropriateness of the procedures of that agency relating to the legality or propriety of the activities of that agency; and

(b) at the request of the Attorney-General or the responsible Minister, of the Inspector-General's own motion, or in response to a complaint made to the Inspector-General by a person who is an Australian citizen or a permanent resident, to inquire into any matter that relates to an act or practice of that agency:

(i) that is or may be inconsistent with or contrary to any human right; or

(ii) that constitutes or may constitute discrimination; or

(iii) that is or may be unlawful under the Age Discrimination Act 2004, the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 or the Sex Discrimination Act 1984; and

(ba) at the request of the Attorney-General or the responsible Minister, or of the Inspector-General's own motion, to inquire into any matter that relates to the procedures of that agency relating to redress of grievances of employees of that agency; and

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