Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Omnibus No. 2) Act 2023 (98 of 2023)

Schedule 2   Border controlled drugs, plants and precursors

Customs Act 1901

20   Subsection 112A(3)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(3) Subsection (4) applies if a substance is a border controlled precursor because of a determination made under section 301.14 of the Criminal Code (which deals with emergency Ministerial determinations of serious drug precursors).

Note: Border controlled precursor has the same meaning as in Part 9.1 of the Criminal Code(see subsection 4(1) of this Act). In that Part, that term includes substances that are, under section 301.14 of the Criminal Code, taken, for the purposes of the Part, to be border controlled precursors only in relation to particular offences against the Part, or particular elements of those offences.

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