Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024 (40 of 2024)

Part 8   Members and staff of Tribunal

Division 1   Preliminary

192   Simplified outline of this Part

The Tribunal has different jurisdictional areas. Lists may be established as sub-areas within jurisdictional areas. The President, or some Non-Judicial Deputy Presidents, may lead a jurisdictional area. A Deputy President or senior member may lead a list. Members may be assigned to one or more jurisdictional areas.

Members of the Tribunal have different functions and obligations. Generally, before a person is appointed as a member (other than a Judicial Deputy President) the Minister must be satisfied that the person was assessed as suitable for the appointment through a merit-based assessment process.

The President must determine a code of conduct and performance standard for non-judicial members. The President may investigate some conduct of non-judicial members, and must notify the Minister if the President reasonably believes there are grounds for termination of a non-judicial member.

One of the President's functions is to inform relevant Ministers, relevant Commonwealth entities and the Council of identified systemic issues. Jurisdictional area leaders are to inform the President of systemic issues identified in relation to their jurisdictional areas.

The President is responsible for managing the administrative affairs of the Tribunal.

The Principal Registrar's functions include:

(a) assisting the President in managing the administrative affairs of the Tribunal; and

(b) providing the corporate and registry services of the Tribunal.

There are provisions related to the terms and conditions on which members and the Principal Registrar hold office.

The Tribunal Advisory Committee is established. The Committee consists of the President, the Principal Registrar, the jurisdictional area leaders and other nominated members.

The staff of the Tribunal must be persons engaged under the Public Service Act 1999. Staff members may be appointed as registrars.

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