Primary Industries (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2024 (60 of 2024)

Schedule 4   Application, saving and transitional provisions - operation of old law

Part 3   National Residue Survey Special Account

7   Saving and transitional provisions - National Residue Survey


(1) If an amount of levy payable under the National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998 or the National Residue Survey (Excise) Levy Act 1998 is collected by or on behalf of the Commonwealth after the commencement of this item, an amount equal to that amount of levy is to be credited to the National Residue Survey Special Account.

(2) If an amount of penalty in connection with that levy is collected by or on behalf of the Commonwealth after the commencement of this item, an amount equal to that amount of penalty is to be credited to the National Residue Survey Special Account.


(3) Subsection 8(2) of the National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992, as in force immediately before the commencement of this item, continues to apply on and after that commencement in relation to the National Residue Survey Account continued in existence under the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Disbursement Act 2024.

Release of information before commencement

(4) Section 11 of the National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992, as in force immediately before the commencement of this item, continues to apply on and after that commencement in relation to the following:

(a) information released to a person under paragraph 11(2)(b) of that Act before that commencement;

(b) the use of that information by a person before, on or after that commencement.

(5) If a person holds an approval in force under section 11 of the National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992 immediately before the commencement of this item, then, for the purposes of subitem (4), and in addition to subitem 13(2) of Schedule 3, the approval continues in force (and may be dealt with) under that section on and after that commencement.

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© Australian Taxation Office for the Commonwealth of Australia

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