Commonwealth Entities (Payment Surcharges) (Consequential Provisions and Other Matters) Act 2024 (103 of 2024)
- Front Matter
- 1 Short title
- 2 Commencement
- 3 Schedules
- Schedule 1 Consequential amendments
- Part 1 Amendment of migration legislation
- Migration (Credit Card Surcharge) Instrument (LIN 24/024) 2024
- 1 The whole of the instrument
- Migration (PayPal Surcharge) Instrument (LIN 24/025) 2024
- 2 The whole of the instrument
- Migration Regulations 1994
- 3 Subregulation 2.12JA(1) (notes 1 and 2)
- 4 Subregulation 2.12N(3) (notes 1 and 2)
- 5 Regulations 5.41A and 5.41B
- Migration Regulations 1994 - Specification of Circumstances in Which a PayPal Surcharge Must be Waived or Refunded 2016/084 - IMMI 16/084
- 6 The whole of the instrument
- 7 Application of amendments
- Part 2 Other amendments
- Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977
- 8 At the end of Schedule 2
- Australian Citizenship Regulation 2016
- 9 Section 5
- 10 Section 16
- 11 Subsections 17(5) and (7)
- 12 Application of amendments
- Customs Regulation 2015
- 13 Sections 150B and 150C
- 14 Application of amendments
- Schedule 2 Payment surcharges charged before commencement
- Part 1 Definitions
- 1 Definitions
- Part 2 Payment surcharges charged and collected before commencement
- 2 Payment surcharges charged before commencement
- 3 Payment surcharges collected before commencement
- 4 Acquisition of property
- Part 3 Commonwealth entities (payment surcharges) tax
- 5 Commonwealth entities (payment surcharges) tax
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