Corporations Regulations 2001
[ CCH Note: Pursuant to the Corporations Amendment Regulations 2001 (No 4) (SR 2001 No 319) effective 11 March 2002, Chapter 7 (Securities) comprising reg 7.1.01 - 7.15.01 and Chapter 8 (The futures industry) comprising reg 8.1.01 - 8.7.03 are replaced by a new Chapter 7 (Financial services and markets) comprising reg 7.1.01 - 7.12.01. As the subject matter of the new Chapter 7 relates to the new financial services reform regime, " inserted " has been used in the history notes for each provision, and all references to the former provisions have been removed.]
CCH note - modifying legislative instruments: The application of Pt 7.9 is affected by the following legislative instruments that commenced or were amended on or after 1 January 2022: the ASIC Corporations (Disclosure of Fees and Costs) Instrument 2019/1070.
For other legislative instruments or class orders before 1 January 2022 that affect the application of Pt 7.9, please consult the legislative instruments or class orders directly. These are reproduced in the regulatory-resources section of the company-law practice area in CCH iKnowConnect.
For subparagraph 1017F(8)(c)(iii) of the Act, this regulation applies in relation to the confirmation of a transaction that is the acquisition of a financial product.
The details of the transaction relating to the amount paid or payable by the holder in relation to the transaction need include only the amount the holder is required to pay to acquire the product.
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