Corporations Regulations 2001


(regulation 5.1.01 )



SECTION 8302.  

The statement must set out:

(a) the number, description and amount of relevant marketable securities of the company the subject of the Scheme held by or on behalf of each director of the company or, if none are held by or on behalf of a director, a statement to that effect; and

(b) for each director of the company by whom or on whose behalf shares in that company are held, whether:

(i) the director intends to vote in favour of, or against, the Scheme; or

(ii) the director has not decided whether he or she will vote in favour of, or against, the Scheme; and

(c) if the other party to the proposed reconstruction or amalgamation is, or includes, a corporation, whether any marketable securities of the corporation are held by, or on behalf of, any director of the company the subject of the Scheme and, if so, the number, description and amount of those marketable securities; and

(d) particulars of any payment or other benefit that is proposed to:

(i) be made or given to any director, secretary or executive officer of the company the subject of the Scheme as compensation for loss of, or as consideration for or in connection with his or her retirement from, office in that company or in a related body corporate; or

(ii) be made or given to any director, secretary or executive officer of any related body corporate as compensation for the loss of, or as consideration for or in connection with his or her retirement from, office in that body corporate or in the company the subject of the Scheme; and

(e) if there is any other agreement or arrangement made between a director of the company the subject of the Scheme and another person in connection with or conditional on the outcome of the Scheme - particulars of the agreement or arrangement; and

(f) if the object of the Scheme is for a corporation to acquire control of another corporation that is a company, particulars of the nature and extent of any interest of a director of that company in any contract entered into by the corporation seeking control; and

(g) if the shares of the company the subject of the Scheme are not granted official quotation on a securities exchange, all the information that the company has as to the number of shares that have been sold in the 6 months immediately before the date on which the statement is lodged, the amount of those shares and the prices at which they were sold; and

(h) whether, within the knowledge of the directors of the company the subject of the Scheme, or, if the company is in liquidation or under official management, the knowledge of the liquidator or the official manager, the financial position of the company has materially changed since the date of the last balance sheet laid before the company in general meeting or sent to shareholders in accordance with section 314 or 317 of the Act and, if so, full particulars of any change; and

(i) any other information material to the making of a decision in relation to the Scheme, being information that is within the knowledge of any director, liquidator or official manager of a company the subject of the Scheme or of a related company and that has not previously been disclosed to the Scheme members.


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