Division 4 - Additional conditions for off-airport duty free shops  

Subdivision B - Conditions for proprietor of shop  


At the time of the sale of the goods that are to be delivered from the shop to a relevant traveller, the proprietor of the shop must prepare an invoice, in triplicate, specifying the following:

(a) the name and usual residential address of the relevant traveller;

(b) the following particulars about the relevant flight or relevant voyage for the intended exportation of the goods by the relevant traveller:

(i) the date of departure;

(ii) the airport or wharf of departure;

(iii) for a relevant flight - the flight number or other designation of the flight;

(iv) for a relevant voyage - the name of the ship and the number or other designation of the voyage;

(v) the number or other identification of the traveller ' s ticket or other document approved by the CEO for paragraph 61D(7)(b) of the Act;

(c) a precise description of the goods, including:

(i) the quantity, in figures, of each item of the goods; and

(ii) the total number, in words, of the items mentioned in the invoice; and

(iii) the sale amount, in figures, of each item or quantity of items; and

(iv) the total sale amount of those items and quantities of items.

The invoice must be one of a series of sequentially numbered invoices.

The description mentioned in paragraph (1)(c) must be prepared in such a way as to make it impracticable to add other items to the description.

After preparing the invoice, the proprietor must:

(a) place one copy with the goods inside the package mentioned in subsection 35(2) ; and

(b) place one copy in a waterproof envelope and attach that envelope securely to the outside of the package; and

(c) retain one copy in the proprietor ' s own records.

For a package mentioned in paragraph 35(2)(b) , the copy of the invoice mentioned in paragraph (4)(a) must be positioned so that it may be read without the seal of the package being broken.


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