Corporations and Other Legislation Amendment (Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle Framework) Regulations 2022 (F2022L00469)

Schedule 1   Main amendments

Corporations Regulations 2001

10   After subregulation 2N.4.01(1)


Particulars for a CCIV

(1A) For the purposes of section 348B of the Act, the following particulars are prescribed for a CCIV:

(a) for the corporate director of the CCIV:

(i) the name of the corporate director; and

(ii) the address of the corporate director; and

(iii) the date of appointment or cessation of the corporate director; and

(iv) the date of change of name or change of address of the corporate director; and

(v) evidence that a specified person is (or is not) the corporate director;

(b) the date on which a new member's name was entered in the register of members kept by the CCIV;

(c) for each sub-fund of the CCIV:

(i) the date of issue, cancellation, or transfer of shares referable to the sub-fund; and

(ii) the classes of shares referable to the sub-fund; and

(iii) for each of those classes - the total number and value of shares referable to the sub-fund in the class; and

(iv) for each of those classes - the total amount paid up for shares referable to the sub-fund in the class; and

(v) for each of those classes - the total amount unpaid for shares referable to the sub-fund in the class;

(d) for each sub-fund of the CCIV - a statement that the sub-fund is listed (or not listed) and, if the sub-fund is listed, the name of the prescribed financial market for which the sub-fund or the CCIV is included in the official list;

(e) for each financial year specified in the return of particulars for each sub-fund of a retail CCIV - the name of each auditor of a financial report for the sub-fund for that year;

(f) for a retail CCIV - the name of the auditor of the compliance plan for the retail CCIV;

(g) if a sub-fund of the CCIV is an Australian passport fund - the name of the implementation reviewer for the Australian passport fund for each review period for the Australian passport fund specified in the return of particulars.

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