Division 1C - Payment of instalments by companies and certain trustees  

Subdivision B - General rules for payment of instalments  


221AZK(1)   [Instalment taxpayers]  

The following taxpayers are instalment taxpayers in relation to a year of income ( ``the current year'' ):

(a) a company;

(b) the trustee of a trust that is a corporate unit trust in relation to the current year for the purposes of Division 6B of Part III ;

(c) the trustee of a trust that is a public trading trust in relation to the current year for the purposes of Division 6C of Part III ;

(d) the trustee of a fund that is an eligible ADF (as defined in section 267 ) in relation to the current year;

(e) the trustee of a fund that is an eligible superannuation fund (as defined in section 267 ) in relation to the current year;

(f) the trustee of a fund that is a pooled superannuation trust (as defined in section 267 ) in relation to the current year.

221AZK(2)   [Table]  

Subject to subsection (3A) of this section and to sections 221AZJA , 221AZKB , 221AZKC , 221AZKEA and 221AZKE , an instalment taxpayer is liable to pay instalments for the current year in accordance with the following table:

Table 1: Instalments
Table 1: Instalments
Class of taxpayer Likely tax on reckoning day Instalment(s) due on: Instalment amount(s)
Small less than $8,000 15th day of month 18 100% of likely tax for current year
    15th day of month 21 assessed tax for current year, less previous instalment for current year
Medium $8,000 to $300,000 1st day of month 12 25% of likely tax for current year
    1st day of month 15 25% of likely tax for current year
    1st day of month 18 25% of likely tax for current year
    1st day of month 21 assessed tax for current year, less previous instalments for current year
Large more than $300,000 1st day of month 9 25% of likely tax for current year
    1st day of month 12 25% of likely tax for current year
    1st day of month 15 25% of likely tax for current year
    1st day of month 18 assessed tax for current year, less previous instalments for current year


An instalment taxpayer who fails to pay on time some or all of an instalment is liable to pay the general interest charge on the unpaid amount: see section 221AZMAA .

221AZK(3)   [Definitions]  

For the purposes of Table 1:

(a) a taxpayer is classified as small, medium or large according to the taxpayer's likely tax for the current year, calculated at the end of the reckoning day;


Sections 221AZKA and 221AZMA can change a taxpayer's classification.

(b) months are reckoned from the start of the current year;

[ For example, if the current year starts on 1 July 1995 then month 12 will be June 1996 and month 15 will be September 1996.]

(c) ``assessed tax'' means the tax payable for the current year, and the amount of interest (if any) payable under section 102AAM for the current year, as shown in the taxpayer's return for the current year.

221AZK(3A)   [Small taxpayers]  

A small taxpayer whose assessed tax for the current year is more than $300,000 must pay an instalment on the first day of month 18 equal to 100% of the assessed tax for the current year.

221AZK(4)   [Calculation]  

Instalments are to be calculated to the nearest dollar.

221AZK(5)   [Treatment as tax]  

Instalments are to be treated as tax for the purposes of sections 206 , 208 , 209 , 214, 254, 255, 258 and 259.


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