Income Tax Regulations 1936 (Repealed)



For subsection 23AD(2) and subparagraph 23AD(3)(b)(iii) of the Act, duty with an organisation specified in an item of the following table is eligible duty if:

(a) the duty is in an area specified in the item; and

(b) the duty occurs:

(i) after the day specified in column 3 of the item; and

(ii) before the day (if any) specified in column 4 of the item.

Eligible duty
Item Column 1 Organisation Column 2
Column 3
After the day
Column 4 Before the day
1 Australian Defence Force on Operation Accordion The land area, territorial waters, airspace and superjacent airspace of the following countries: 30 June 2014 1 July 2016
    (a) the Kingdom of Bahrain;    
    (b) the State of Qatar;    
    (c) the United Arab Emirates.    
2 Australian Defence Force on Operation Augury The land area, territorial waters, airspace and superjacent airspace of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. 3 July 2014  
3 Australian Defence Force on Operation Highroad The land area, territorial waters, airspace and superjacent airspace of Afghanistan. 31 December 2014 1 July 2016
4 Australian Defence Force on Operation Manitou The sea (including adjacent ports and the area within a 10 kilometres radius of such ports) and superjacent airspace of: 30 June 2014 1 July 2016
    (a) the Arabian Sea north of latitude 11 ° 00 ' 00 " S and west of longitude 68 ° 00 ' 00 " E; and    
    (b) the Gulf of Aden; and    
    (c) the Gulf of Oman; and    
    (d) the Persian Gulf; and    
    (e) the Red Sea; and    
    (f) the Strait of Hormuz.    
5 Australian Defence Force on Operation Okra The following areas: 8 August 2014 1 July 2016
  (a) the land area, territorial waters, airspace and superjacent airspace of the following countries:    
    (i) Albania;    
    (ii) Bosnia and Herzegovina;    
    (iii) Bulgaria;    
    (iv) Croatia;    
    (v) Cyprus;    
    (vi) Czech Republic;    
    (vii) Estonia;    
    (viii) Hungary;    
    (ix) Iraq;    
    (x) Kuwait;    
    (xi) Montenegro;    
    (xii) Poland;    
    (xiii) Romania    
    (xiv) the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan;    
    (xv) the Kingdom of Bahrain;    
    (xvi) the State of Qatar;    
    (xvii) the United Arab Emirates;    
  (b) the waters and superjacent airspace of the Persian Gulf.    
6 United Nations - Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (Operation Palate II) The land area, territorial waters, airspace and superjacent airspace of Afghanistan. 26 June 2005 1 January 2016


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