Guide to capital gains tax 2024

  • This document has changed over time. View its history.


Additional information to help you understand and complete your CGT obligations.

Appendix 1 – Summary of CGT events
Shows a summary of the different types of transactions or events that may result in a capital gain or capital loss.
Appendix 2 – Consumer price index (CPI)
Shows the consumer price index from 1985 –1999 for each quarter.
Appendix 3 – Flowcharts
Work through the flowcharts on how to treat bonus shares, rights or options, and main residence exemption rules.
Appendix 4 – Definitions
Check out common terms used in this guide and what they mean.

Appendix 1 Summary of CGT events


CGT event Time of event Capital gain Capital loss
A1 Disposal of a CGT asset When the disposal contract is entered into
or, if none,
when the entity stops being the asset's owner
The capital proceeds from disposal
the asset's cost base
The asset's reduced cost base
capital proceeds


Hire purchase and similar agreements
CGT event Time of event Capital gain Capital loss
B1 Use and enjoyment before title passes When use of the CGT asset passes The capital proceeds
the asset's cost base
The asset's reduced cost base
capital proceeds


End of a CGT asset
CGT event Time of event Capital gain Capital loss
C1 Loss or destruction of a CGT asset When compensation is first received
or, if none,
when the loss is discovered or destruction occurred
The capital proceeds
the asset's cost base
The asset's reduced cost base
capital proceeds
C2 Cancellation, surrender and similar endings When the contract ending an asset is entered into
or, if none,
when an asset ends
The capital proceeds from the ending
the asset's cost base
The asset's reduced cost base
capital proceeds
C3 End of an option to acquire shares and so on When the option ends The capital proceeds from granting the option
expenditure in granting it
The expenditure in granting the option
capital proceeds


Bringing a CGT asset into existence
CGT event Time of event Capital gain Capital loss
D1 Creating contractual or other rights When the contract is entered into
the right is created
The capital proceeds from creating the right
incidental costs of creating the right
The incidental costs of creating the right
capital proceeds
D2 Granting an option When the option is granted The capital proceeds from the grant
expenditure to grant it
The expenditure to grant the option
capital proceeds
D3 Granting a right to income from mining When the contract is entered into
or, if none,
when the right is granted
The capital proceeds from the grant of right
the expenditure to grant it
The expenditure to grant the right
capital proceeds
D4 Entering into a conservation covenant When covenant is entered into The capital proceeds from covenant
cost base apportioned to the covenant
The reduced cost base apportioned to the covenant
capital proceeds from covenant


CGT event Time of event Capital gain Capital loss
E1 Creating a trust over a CGT asset When the trust is created Capital proceeds from creating the trust
the asset's cost base
The asset's reduced cost base
capital proceeds
E2 Transferring a CGT asset to a trust When the asset is transferred Capital proceeds from the transfer
the asset's cost base
The asset's reduced cost base
capital proceeds
E3 Converting a trust to a unit trust When the trust is converted Market value of the asset at that time
its cost base
The asset's reduced cost base
that market value
E4 Capital payment for trust interest (including CCIV sub-fund trust interest) When the trustee makes the payment Non-assessable part of the payment
the cost base of the trust interest
No capital loss
E5 Beneficiary becoming entitled to a trust asset When the beneficiary becomes absolutely entitled For a trustee,
market value of the CGT asset at that time
its cost base

For a beneficiary,
that market value
the cost base of the beneficiary's capital interest

For a trustee,
the reduced cost base of the CGT asset at that time
that market value

For a beneficiary,
the reduced cost base of the beneficiary's capital interest
that market value

E6 Disposal to a beneficiary to end an income right The time of the disposal For a trustee,
market value of the CGT asset at that time
its cost base

For a beneficiary,
that market value
the cost base of the beneficiary's right to income

For a trustee,
the reduced cost base of the CGT asset at that time
that market value

For a beneficiary,
the reduced cost base of the beneficiary's right to income
that market value

E7 Disposal to a beneficiary to end capital interest The time of the disposal For a trustee,
market value of the CGT asset at that time
its cost base

For a beneficiary,
that market value
the cost base of the beneficiary's capital interest

For a trustee,
the reduced cost base of the CGT asset at that time
that market value

For a beneficiary,
the reduced cost base of the beneficiary's capital interest
that market value

E8 Disposal by a beneficiary of capital interest When the disposal contract is entered into
or, if none,
when the beneficiary ceases to own the CGT asset
Capital proceeds
the appropriate proportion of the trust's net assets
The appropriate proportion of the trust's net assets
the capital proceeds
E9 Creating a trust over future property When the entity makes an agreement Market value of the property (as if it existed when the agreement was made)
incidental costs in making the agreement
The incidental costs in making the agreement
the market value of the property (as if it existed when the agreement was made)
E10 Annual cost base reduction exceeds cost base of interest in AMIT / attribution CCIV sub-fund trust When reduction happens Excess of cost base reduction over cost base No capital loss


CGT event Time of event Capital gain Capital loss
F1 Granting a lease For granting a lease, when the entity enters into the lease contract
or, if none,
at the start of the lease

For a lease renewal or extension, at the start of the renewal or extension

Capital proceeds
the expenditure on grant, renewal or extension
Expenditure on grant, renewal or extension
capital proceeds
F2 Granting a long-term lease For granting a lease,
when the lessor grants the lease

For a lease renewal or extension,
at the start of the renewal or extension

Capital proceeds from the grant, renewal or extension
the cost base of the leased property
Reduced cost base of the leased property
the capital proceeds from the grant, renewal or extension
F3 Lessor pays lessee to get lease changed When the lease term is varied or waived No capital gain Amount of expenditure to get lessee's agreement
F4 Lessee receives payment for changing a lease When the lease term is varied or waived Capital proceeds
the cost base of lease
No capital loss
F5 Lessor receives payment for changing a lease When the lease term is varied or waived Capital proceeds less
expenditure for variation or waiver
Expenditure for variation or waiver
capital proceeds


CGT event Time of event Capital gain Capital loss
G1 Capital payment for shares When the company pays a non-assessable amount Payment
cost base of shares
No capital loss
G3 Liquidator or administrator declares shares or financial instruments worthless When declaration is made No capital gain Reduced cost base of shares
or financial instruments


Special capital receipts
CGT event Time of event Capital gain Capital loss
H1 Forfeiture of a deposit When the deposit is forfeited Deposit
expenditure in connection with the prospective sale
Expenditure in Connection with the prospective sale
H2 Receipt for an event relating to a CGT asset When the act, transaction or event occurred Capital proceeds
incidental costs
Incidental costs
capital proceeds


Cessation of residency
CGT event Time of event Capital gain Capital loss
I1 Individual or company stops being an Australian resident When the individual or company stops being an Australian resident For each CGT asset the person owns, its market value
its cost base
For each CGT asset the person owns, its reduced cost base
its market value
I2 Trust stops being a resident trust When the trust ceases to be a resident trust for CGT purposes For each CGT asset the trustee owns, its market value
its cost base
For each CGT asset the trustee owns, its reduced cost base
its market value


Reversal of rollover
CGT event Time of event Capital gain Capital loss
J1 Company stops being a member of a wholly owned group after a rollover When the company stops being a member of a wholly owned group after a rollover Market value of the asset at the time of the event
its cost base
Reduced cost base of the asset
that market value
J2 Change for replacement asset or improved asset after a rollover under Subdivision 152-E when the change happens The amount mentioned in subsection 104-185(5) No capital loss
J4 Trust failing to cease to exist after rollover under Subdivision 124-N when the failure to cease to exist happens For a company,
market value of the asset at the time the company acquired it
its cost base at that time

For a shareholder,
market value of the share at the time the shareholder acquired it
its cost base at that time

For a company,
reduced cost base of the asset at the time the company acquired it
its market value at that time

For a shareholder,
reduced cost base of the share at the time the shareholder acquired it
its market value at that time

J5 Failure to acquire replacement asset and to incur 4th element expenditure after a rollover under Subdivision 152-E At the end of the replacement asset period The amount of the capital gain that you disregarded under Subdivision 152-E No capital loss
J6 Cost of acquisition of replacement asset or amount of 4th element expenditure, or both, not sufficient to cover disregarded capital gain At the end of the replacement asset period The amount mentioned in subsection 104-198(3) No capital loss


Other CGT events
CGT event Time of event Capital gain Capital loss
K1 Incoming international transfer of emissions unit when you start to hold the unit as a registered emissions unit unit's market value is more than its cost base unit's market value is less than its cost base
K2 Bankrupt pays an amount for debt When payment is made No capital gain That part of the payment that relates to the denied part of a net capital loss
K3 Asset passing to a tax-advantaged entity When an individual dies Market value of the asset at death
its cost base
Reduced cost base of the asset
that market value
K4 CGT asset starts being trading stock When the asset starts being trading stock Market value of asset
its cost base
Reduced cost base of the asset
that market value
K5 Special capital loss from a collectable that has fallen in market value When CGT event A1, C2 or E8 happens to shares in the company, or an interest in the trust, that owns the collectable No capital gain Market value of the shares or interest (as if the collectable had not fallen in market value)
the capital proceeds from CGT event A1, C2 or E8
K6 Pre-CGT shares or trust interest When another CGT event involving the shares or interest happens Capital proceeds from the shares or trust interest that are attributable to post-CGT assets owned by the company or trust
the assets' cost bases
No capital loss
K7 Balancing adjustment occurs for a depreciating asset that you used for purposes other than taxable purposes When the balancing adjustment event occurs Termination value
cost times fraction
termination value times fraction
K8 Direct value shifts affecting your equity or loan interests in a company or trust The decrease time for the interests Capital gain worked out under section 725-365 No capital loss
K9 Entitlement to receive payment of a carried interest When you become entitled to receive the payment Capital proceeds from the entitlement No capital loss
K10 You make a forex realisation gain as a result of forex realisation event 2 and item 1 of the table in subsection 775-70(1) applies When the forex realisation event happens Equal to the forex realisation gain No capital loss
K11 You make a forex realisation loss as a result of forex realisation event 2, and item 1 of the table in subsection 775-75(1) applies When the forex realisation event happens No capital gain Equal to the forex realisation loss
K12 Foreign hybrid loss exposure adjustment Just before the end of the income year No capital gain The amount stated in subsection 104-270(3)


CGT event Time of event Capital gain Capital loss
L1 Reduction under section 705-57 in tax cost setting amount of assets of entity becoming subsidiary member of consolidated group or MEC group Just after entity becomes subsidiary member No capital gain Amount of reduction
L2 Amount remaining after step 3A etc of 'joining allocable cost amount' is negative Just after entity becomes subsidiary member Amount remaining No capital loss
L3 Tax cost setting amounts for retained cost base assets exceed joining allocable cost amount Just after entity becomes subsidiary member Amount of excess No capital loss
L4 No reset cost base assets against which to apply excess of net allocable cost amount on joining Just after entity becomes subsidiary member No capital gain Amount of excess
L5 Amount remaining after step 4 of 'leaving allocable cost amount' is negative When entity ceases to be subsidiary member Amount remaining No capital loss
L6 Error in calculation of tax cost setting amount for joining entity's assets Start of the income year when the Commissioner becomes aware of the errors The net overstated amount resulting from the errors,
a portion of that amount
The net understated amount resulting from the errors,
a portion of that amount
L8 Reduction in tax cost setting amount for reset cost base assets on joining can't be allocated Just after entity becomes subsidiary member No capital gain Amount of reduction that can't be allocated

Appendix 2 Consumer price index (CPI)


All groups: weighted average of 8 capital cities
Year Quarter ending 31 Mar Quarter ending 30 Jun Quarter ending 30 Sep Quarter ending 31 Dec
1985 39.7 40.5
1986 41.4 42.1 43.2 44.4
1987 45.3 46.0 46.8 47.6
1988 48.4 49.3 50.2 51.2
1989 51.7 53.0 54.2 55.2
1990 56.2 57.1 57.5 59.0
1991 58.9 59.0 59.3 59.9
1992 59.9 59.7 59.8 60.1
1993 60.6 60.8 61.1 61.2
1994 61.5 61.9 62.3 62.8
1995 63.8 64.7 65.5 66.0
1996 66.2 66.7 66.9 67.0
1997 67.1 66.9 66.6 66.8
1998 67.0 67.4 67.5 67.8
1999 67.8 68.1 68.7 n/a (see note 1)

For an explanation of indexation and how it applies, see The indexation method .

Note 1: If you use the indexation method to calculate your capital gain, the indexation factor is based on increases in the CPI up to September 1999 only.

Appendix 3 Flowcharts

In this section:

Flowchart 3.1 – Treatment of bonus shares issued on or after 20 September 1985.
Flowchart 3.2 – Treatment of bonus units issued on or after 20 September 1985.
Flowchart 3.3 – Treatment of rights or options to acquire shares where the rights or options were issued directly to you by the company (but not under an employee share scheme) for no payment because you were a shareholder, or to acquire units where the rights or options were issued directly to you after 28 January 1988 by the trust for no payment because you were a unit holder.
Flowchart 3.4 – Treatment of rights or options to acquire shares where the rights or options were acquired by you from an individual or entity that acquired them as a shareholder in the company, or to acquire units where the rights or options were issued after 28 January 1988 and were acquired by you from an individual or entity that acquired them as a unit holder in the trust.
Flowchart 3.5 – Treatment of rights or options to acquire shares or units you paid for and which were issued directly to you from the company (but not under an employee share scheme) or trust or you acquired from an individual or entity that was not a shareholder or unit holder.
Flowchart 3.6 – The capital gains tax (CGT) main residence exemption rules when you sell a dwelling you inherited. Real estate and main residence needs to be read with this flowchart.

Flowchart 3.1

Treatment of bonus shares issued on or after 20 September 1985. Read through the questions and answers below.

Question 1 Did you acquire the original shares on or after 20 September 1985?

Yes – Read on from question 2 .

No – Read on from question 4 .

Question 2 Is any part of the bonus shares a dividend or treated as a dividend?

Yes – Read on from question 3 .

No – Read answer 1 .

Question 3 Were the bonus shares issued before 1 July 1987?

Yes – Read answer 1 .

No – Read answer 3 .

Question 4 Is any part of the bonus shares a dividend or treated as a dividend?

Yes – Read on from question 5 .

No – Read on from question 6 .

Question 5 Were the bonus shares issued before 1 July 1987?

Yes – Read on from question 6 .

No – Read answer 2 .

Question 6 Are the bonus shares partly paid?

Yes – Read on from question 7 .

No – Read answer 4 .

Question 7 Were the bonus shares issued before 10 December 1986?

Yes – Read answer 4 .

No – Read on from question 8 .

Question 8 Before sale of the bonus shares, were any more call payments made to the company?

Yes – Read answer 5 .

No – Read answer 4 .

Answer 1 Bonus shares acquisition date and CGT

1. The bonus shares are subject to capital gains tax.

2. The bonus shares are acquired when the original shares were acquired.

3. The cost base of each original and bonus share is equal to

the cost base of the original shares divided by the total number of original and bonus shares, plus
any calls on partly paid bonus shares.

Answer 2 Bonus shares acquisition date and CGT

1. The bonus shares are subject to capital gains tax if issued on or after 20 September 1985.

2. The acquisition date of the bonus shares is their date of issue.

3. The cost base is the amount of the dividend plus any calls on partly paid bonus shares.

Answer 3 Bonus shares acquisition date and CGT

1. The bonus shares are subject to capital gains tax.

2. The acquisition date of the bonus shares is their date of issue.

3. The cost base is the amount of the dividend, plus any calls on partly paid bonus shares.

Answer 4 Bonus shares acquisition date and CGT

You are taken to have acquired the bonus shares before 20 September 1985 and they are not subject to capital gains tax.

Answer 5 Bonus shares acquisition date and CGT

1. The bonus shares are subject to capital gains tax.

2. The acquisition date of the bonus shares is the date when the liability to pay the first call arises.

3. The cost base is the market value of the bonus shares just before the liability to pay the first call arises, plus the amount of call payments made.

Flowchart 3.2

Treatment of bonus units issued on or after 20 September 1985

Question 1 Did you acquire the original units on or after 20 September 1985?

Yes – Read on from question 2 .

No – Read on from question 3 .

Question 2 Is any part of the bonus units included in your assessable income?

Yes – Read answer 1 .

No – Read answer 2 .

Question 3 Is any part of the bonus units included in your assessable income?

Yes – Read on from question 4 .

No – Read on from question 5 .

Question 4 Were the bonus units issued on or after 20 September 1985?

Yes – Read answer 1 .

No – Read answer 4 .

Question 5 Are the bonus units partly paid?

Yes – Read on from question 6 .

No – Read answer 4 .

Question 6 Were the bonus units issued before 10 December 1986?

Yes – Read answer 4 .

No – Read on from question 7 .

Question 7 Before the sale of the bonus units were any more call payments made to the trust?

Yes – Read answer 3 .

No – Read answer 4 .

Answer 1 Bonus units acquisition date and CGT

1. The bonus units are subject to capital gains tax.

2. The acquisition date of the bonus units is their date of issue.

3. The cost base is the amount included in assessable income, plus any calls on partly paid bonus units.

Answer 2 Bonus units acquisition date and CG

1. The bonus units are subject to capital gains tax.

2. The bonus units are acquired when the original units were acquired.

3. The cost base of each original and bonus unit is equal to

the cost of the original units divided by the total number of original and bonus units, plus
any calls on partly paid bonus units.

Answer 3 Bonus units acquisition date and CGT

1. The bonus units are subject to capital gains tax.

2. The acquisition date of the bonus units is the date when the liability to pay the first call arises.

3. The cost base is the market value of the bonus units just before the liability to pay the first call arises, plus the amount of call payments made.

Answer 4 Bonus units acquisition date and CGT

You are taken to have acquired the bonus units before 20 September 1985 and they are not subject to capital gains tax.

Flowchart 3.3

Treatment of rights or options:

to acquire shares where the rights or options were issued directly to you by the company (but not under an employee share scheme) for no payment because you were a shareholder, or
to acquire units where the rights or options were issued directly to you after 28 January 1988 by the trust for no payment because you were a unit holder.

Question 1 Did you acquire the original shares or units before 20 September 1985?

Yes – Read question 2 .

No – The acquisition date of the rights or options is the date of acquisition of the original shares or units. Read question 3 .

Question 2 Did you exercise the rights or options on or after 20 September 1985?

Yes – Read answer 1 .

No – Read answer 2 .

Question 3 Did you exercise the rights or options?

Yes – Read answer 3 .

No – Read answer 4 .

Answer 1 Shares or units acquired on exercise of the rights or options - directly issued, no payment

1. The shares or units acquired on exercise of the rights or options are subject to capital gains tax.

2. The acquisition date of the shares or units is the date of exercise of the rights or options to acquire the shares or units.

3. The first element of the cost base and the reduced cost base of the shares or units are

the market value of the rights or options at the time you exercise them, plus
the amount you pay for the shares or units on exercising the rights or options, plus
any amount that was included in your assessable income as a result of the rights or options being exercised on or after 1 July 2001.

Although the shares or units are subject to capital gains tax, any capital gain or capital loss you make from exercising the rights or options to acquire those shares or units is disregarded.

Answer 2 Shares or units acquired on exercise of the rights or options - directly issued, no payment

1. If you did not exercise the rights or options, you disregard any capital gain or capital loss on the sale or expiry of the rights or options.

2. If you exercised the rights or options before that date, you disregard any capital gain or capital loss you make when you dispose of the shares or units that you acquired.

Answer 3 Shares or units acquired on exercise of the rights or options - directly issued, no payment

1. The shares or units acquired on exercise of the rights or options are subject to capital gains tax.

2. The acquisition date of the shares or units is the date of the exercise.

3. The first element of the cost base and the reduced cost base of the shares or units are

the cost base of the rights or options at the time of exercise, plus
the amount you pay for the shares or units on exercising the rights or options, plus
any amount that was included in your assessable income as a result of the rights or options being exercised on or after 1 July 2001.

Although the shares or units are subject to capital gains tax, any capital gain or capital loss you make from exercising the rights or options to acquire those shares or units is disregarded.

Answer 4 Shares or units acquired on exercise of the rights or options – directly issued, no payment

If the capital proceeds on the sale or expiry of the rights or options are more than their cost base, you make a capital gain.

If the capital proceeds are less than their reduced cost base, you make a capital loss.

Flowchart 3.4

Treatment of rights or options:

to acquire shares where the rights or options were acquired by you from an individual or entity that acquired them as a shareholder in the company, or
to acquire units where the rights or options were issued after 28 January 1988 and were acquired by you from an individual or entity that acquired them as a unit holder in the trust.

Question 1 Did you acquire the rights or options before 20 September 1985?

Yes – Read question 3 .

No – The acquisition date of the rights or options was the date of the contract to acquire the rights or options or, if there was no contract, the date the other individual or entity stopped being the owner of the rights or options. Read question 2 .

Question 2 Did you exercise the rights or options?

Yes – Read answer 4 .

No – Read answer 1 .

Question 3 Did you exercise the rights or options on or after 20 September 1985?

Yes – Read answer 3 .

No – Read answer 2 .

Answer 1 Shares acquired on exercise of the rights or options from an individual or entity

If the capital proceeds on the sale or expiry of the rights or options are more than their cost base, you make a capital gain.

If the capital proceeds are less than their reduced cost base, you make a capital loss.

Answer 2 Shares acquired on exercise of the rights or options from an individual or entity

1. If you did not exercise the rights or options, you disregard any capital gain or capital loss on the sale or expiry of the rights or options.

2. If you exercised the rights or options before that date, you disregard any capital gain or capital loss when you dispose of the shares or units that you acquired.

Answer 3 Shares acquired on exercise of the rights or options from an individual or entity

1. The shares acquired on exercise of the rights or options are subject to capital gains tax.

2. The acquisition date of the shares is the date of exercise of the rights or options to acquire the shares or units.

3. The first element of the cost base and the reduced cost base of the shares are

the market value of the rights or options at the time you exercise them, plus
the amount you pay for the shares on exercising the rights or options, plus
if the rights or options were exercised on or after 1 July 2001 and, as a result, an amount is included in your assessable income, that amount.

Although the shares or units are subject to capital gains tax, any capital gain or capital loss you make from exercising the rights or options to acquire those shares or units is disregarded.

Answer 4 Shares acquired on exercise of the rights or options from an individual or entity

1. The shares or units acquired on exercise of the rights or options are subject to capital gains tax.

2. The acquisition date of the shares or units is the date of exercise of the rights or options.

3. The first element of the cost base and the reduced cost base of the shares or units is

the cost base of the rights or options at the time of exercise, plus
the amount you paid for the shares or units on exercising the rights or options, plus
any amount that was included in your assessable income as a result of the rights or options being exercised on or after 1 July 2001.

Although the shares or units are subject to capital gains tax, any capital gain or capital loss you make from exercising the rights or options to acquire those shares or units is disregarded.

Flowchart 3.5

Treatment of rights or options to acquire shares or units:

you paid for and which were issued directly to you from the company (but not under an employee share scheme) or trust, or
you acquired from an individual or entity that was not a shareholder or unit holder.

This flowchart does not apply to rights or options for the issue of units by the grantor of the rights or options if they were exercised before 27 May 2005.

Question 1 Did you acquire the rights or options before 20 September 1985?

Yes – Read question 2 .

No – Read question 4 .

Question 2 Did you exercise the rights or options?

Yes – Read question 3 .

No – Read answer 1 .

Question 3 Did you exercise the rights or options on or after 20 September 1985?

Yes – Read question 5 .

No – Read answer 4 .

Question 4 Did you exercise the rights or options?

Yes – Read answer 3 .

No – Read answer 2 .

Question 5 Were the rights or options renewed or extended after 20 September 1985?

Yes – Read question 6 .

No – Read answer 5 .

Question 6 Were they exercised before 27 May 2005?

Yes – Read answer 5 .

No – Read answer 3 .

Answer 1 Rights or options to acquire shares or units you pay for and directly issued by the company

You disregard any capital gain or capital loss you make on the sale or expiry of the rights or options.

Answer 2 Rights or options to acquire shares or units you pay for and directly issued by the company

If the capital proceeds on the sale or expiry of the rights or options are more than their cost base, you make a capital gain. If the capital proceeds are less than their reduced cost base, you make a capital loss.

Answer 3 Rights or options to acquire shares or units you pay for and directly issued by the company

1. The shares or units acquired on exercise of the rights or options are subject to capital gains tax.

2. The acquisition date of the shares or units is the date of exercise of the rights or options.

3. The first element of the cost base and the reduced cost base of the shares or units is

the amount you paid for the rights or options, plus
the amount you paid for the shares or units on exercising the rights or options.

Although the shares or units are subject to capital gains tax, any capital gain or capital loss you make from exercising the rights or options to acquire those shares or units is disregarded.

Answer 4 Rights or options to acquire shares or units you pay for and directly issued by the company

You disregard any capital gain or capital loss on the shares or units acquired from the exercise of the rights or options because the shares or units were acquired before 20 September 1985.

Answer 5 Rights or options to acquire shares or units you pay for and directly issued by the company

1. The shares or units acquired on exercise of the rights or options are subject to capital gains tax.

2. The acquisition date of the shares or units is the date of exercise of the rights or options.

3. The first element of the cost base and the reduced cost base of the shares or units are

the market value of the rights or options at the time you exercised them, plus
the amount you paid for the shares on exercising the rights or options.

Although the shares or units are subject to capital gains tax, any capital gain or capital loss you make from exercising the rights or options to acquire those shares or units is disregarded.

Flowchart 3.6

The capital gains tax (CGT) main residence exemption rules when you sell a dwelling you inherited.

Real estate and main residence needs to be read with this flowchart.

Question 1 Did the deceased person acquire the dwelling before 20 September 1985?

Yes – Read question 2 .

No – Read question 3 .

Question 2 Did settlement of your contract to sell the dwelling happen within 2 years of the person dying (or did the Commissioner allow you more time)?

Yes – Read answer 1 .

No – Read question 5 .

Question 3 Was the dwelling the deceased person's main residence just before they died?

Yes – Read question 4 .

No – Read answer 2 .

Question 4 Just before they died, was the dwelling being used to produce income

Yes – Read answer 2 .

No – Read question 2 .

Question 5 From the deceased person's death until settlement of your contract to sell the inherited dwelling, was it your main residence (or the main residence of an individual who had a right to occupy it under the will or the spouse of the deceased person)?

Yes – Read question 6

No – Read answer 2 .

Question 6 From the deceased person's death until settlement of your contract to sell the inherited dwelling, was any part of the dwelling used to produce income?

Yes – Read answer 2 .

No – Read question 7

Answer 1 CGT main residence exemption rules when you sell a dwelling you inherited

Dwelling is fully exempt.

Answer 2 CGT main residence exemption rules when you sell a dwelling you inherited

Dwelling is not fully exempt (but you may qualify for a part exemption).

Dwellings that passed to you before 21 August 1996

This flowchart does not apply to a dwelling that passed to you before 21 August 1996. For the rules that apply in that situation, see Real estate and main residence .

Where the deceased person died before 20 September 1985

If the deceased person died before 20 September 1985, the dwelling is fully exempt when you sell it. However, if you made a major capital improvement to the dwelling on or after 20 September 1985 and have used it to produce assessable income it may be subject to CGT, see Real estate and main residence .

Where you or the deceased person were a foreign resident

This flowchart does not apply where you or the deceased person were a foreign resident. For rules that apply in this situation, see Inherited property and CGT

Appendix 4 Definitions

You can refer to the following definitions:

Adjusted Division 6 percentage
Amount of capital gains from a trust (including a managed fund)
Assessable income
Attribution corporate collective investment vehicle sub-fund trust
Attribution managed investment trust
Attribution managed investment trust member annual statement
Bonus shares
Bonus units
Call on shares
Capital gain
Capital gains disregarded by a foreign resident
Capital gains tax
Capital improvement
Capital loss
Capital proceeds
CGT asset
CGT-concession amounts
CGT discount
CGT event
Consolidation rules
Convertible note
Corporate collective investment vehicle
Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle (CCIV) sub-fund trust
Cost base
Debt forgiveness
Demerger exemption
Demerger rollover
Depreciating assets
Discount method
Discounted capital gain
Disposal of assets by a trust to a company
Disposal or creation of assets in a wholly-owned company
Dividend reinvestment plans
Early stage innovation company
Employee share schemes
Exchange of rights or options
Exchange of share in one company for share in another company
Exchange of shares or units
Exchange of units in a unit trust for share in a company
Excluded foreign resident
Extra capital gain
Foreign resident capital gains withholding
Gross up
Income year
Indexation factor
Indexation method
Inter-company asset rollover
Legal personal representative
LIC capital gain amount
Main residence
Main residence exemption
Managed fund
Managed investment trust
Market value substitution rule for capital proceeds
Market value substitution rule for cost base and reduced cost base
Net capital gain
Net capital loss
Non-assessable payment
'Other' method
Other CGT assets and any other CGT events
Other real estate
Other exemptions and rollovers
Other shares
Other units
Ownership interest
Post-CGT asset
Pre-CGT asset
Prior year net capital losses
Real estate situated in Australia
Reduced cost base
Replacement asset rollovers
Same asset rollover
Scrip for scrip rollover
Share buy-back
Shares in companies listed on an Australian securities exchange
Small business CGT concessions
Specifically entitled
Takeovers and mergers
Tax-advantaged entity
Unapplied net capital losses from earlier years
Unit trust
Units in unit trusts listed on an Australian securities exchange

Adjusted Division 6 percentage

A beneficiary's adjusted Division 6 percentage is the percentage of the income of the trust estate (disregarding any amount of a capital gain or a franked distribution to which any beneficiary or the trustee is specifically entitled) that they are presently entitled to.

For more information, see Trusts .

Amount of capital gains from a trust (including a managed fund)

Distributions from trusts can include different amounts but only the following types of amounts are relevant for CGT purposes:

distributions of all or a part of the trust's income where the trust's net income for tax purposes includes a net capital gain
distributions or other entitlements described as being referable to a specific capital gain or gains
distributions of non-assessable amounts.

For more information, see Trust distributions .

Assessable income

Assessable income is all the income you have received and that you include in your tax return. Generally, assessable income does not include non-assessable payments from a unit trust, including a managed fund.

Attribution corporate collective investment vehicle sub-fund trust

An attribution corporate collective investment vehicle (CCIV) sub-fund trust is a sub-fund of a CCIV which meets certain AMIT eligibility criteria in an income year and so is treated as an AMIT for that income year under the attribution regime in Division 276 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

Attribution managed investment trust

An attribution managed investment trust (AMIT) is a managed investment trust (MIT) whose trustee has chosen to apply the attribution rules in Division 276 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

Attribution managed investment trust member annual statement

An attribution managed investment trust member annual statement (AMMA) is a member statement provided by an attribution managed investment trust (AMIT) or an attribution corporate collective investment vehicle (CCIV) sub-fund trust to its members for an income year.

Bonus shares

Bonus shares are additional shares a shareholder receives wholly or partly as a dividend. You may also be required to pay an amount to get them.

Bonus units

Bonus units are additional units a unit holder receives from the trust. You may also be required to pay an amount to get them.

Call on shares

A company may sometimes issue a partly paid share and then make a call to pay up part or all of the remaining outstanding balance.

Capital gain

You may make a capital gain from a CGT event such as the sale of an asset. Generally, your capital gain is the difference between your asset's cost base (what you paid for it) and your capital proceeds (what you received for it). You can also make a capital gain if a managed fund distributes an amount described as a capital gain to you.

Under the trust provisions, you may make a capital gain if you are:

specifically entitled to an amount of a capital gain made by the trust, and/or
there is an amount of capital gain included in the income of the trust to which no entity is specifically entitled and you are presently entitled to a share of that income.

For more information, see Trusts .

Capital gains disregarded by a foreign resident

If a foreign resident or the trustee of a foreign trust for CGT purposes had a CGT event happen in 2023–24, to a CGT asset that is not considered to be taxable Australian property, any capital gain or capital loss made is disregarded under Division 855 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

For more information, see:

Foreign residents, temporary residents and changing residency
Taxable Australian property

Capital gains tax

Capital gains tax (CGT) refers to the income tax you pay on any net capital gain which you make and include in your annual income tax return. For example, when you sell (or otherwise dispose of) an asset as part of a CGT event, you are subject to CGT.

Capital improvement

A capital improvement is an improvement to an asset. A capital improvement does not include a repair that is deductible for income tax purposes.

Capital loss

Generally, you make a capital loss as a result of a CGT event if the capital proceeds you receive for an asset are less than its reduced cost base (what you paid for it).

Capital proceeds

Capital proceeds is the term used to describe the amount of money or the value of any property you receive or are entitled to receive as a result of a CGT event. For shares or units, capital proceeds may be:

the amount you receive from the purchaser of the shares or units
the value of the shares or units you receive on a demerger
the value of the shares or units and the amount of cash you receive on a merger or takeover
the market value of the shares or units which you give away.

CGT asset

CGT assets include shares, units in a unit trust, collectables (such as jewellery), assets for personal use (such as furniture or a boat) and other assets (such as an investment property).

CGT-concession amounts

These amounts are the CGT discount component of any actual distribution from a managed fund.

CGT discount

The CGT discount is the amount (or percentage) by which a capital gain may be reduced under the discount method, see The discount method .

CGT event

A CGT event happens when a transaction takes place such as the sale of a CGT asset. The result is usually a capital gain or capital loss.


A collectable is an artwork, an item of jewellery, an antique, a coin, a medallion, a rare folio, a rare manuscript, a rare book, a postage stamp or a first day cover that is used or kept mainly for personal use or enjoyment. Collectables also include an interest in any of the listed items, a debt that arises from any of those items or an option or right to acquire any of those items.

Consolidation rules

From 1 July 2002, consolidation refers to taxing wholly owned groups as single entities, and enables assets to be transferred between members of a group without triggering capital gains or requiring cost base adjustments for membership interests. Subsidiary members are treated as part of the head company. Intra-group transactions are disregarded for income tax purposes.

Convertible note

A convertible note is a type of investment you can make in a company or unit trust. A convertible note earns interest on the amount you pay to acquire the note until the note's expiry date. On expiry of the note, you can either ask for the return of the money paid or convert that amount to acquire new shares or units.

Corporate collective investment vehicle

A corporate collective investment vehicle (CCIV) is a collective investment vehicle which is in legal form a registered company limited by shares. It comprises one or more sub-funds and is operated by a single corporate director. A sub-fund of a CCIV is all or part of the CCIV's business that is registered as a sub-fund of the CCIV by ASIC.

Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle (CCIV) sub-fund trust

For taxation purposes, a CCIV sub-fund is taken to be a separate unit trust with:

the CCIV as trustee, and
members of the CCIV as beneficiaries, of the CCIV sub-fund trust in accordance with their shareholding that is referable to the sub-fund. Each CCIV sub-fund trust is subject to the existing rules for the taxation of trusts.

Cost base

The cost base of an asset is generally what the asset costs you. The cost base is made up of 5 elements:

money you paid, or property you gave, for the asset
incidental costs of acquiring or selling the asset (for example, brokerage and stamp duty)
costs of owning the asset (generally this will not apply to shares or units because you will usually have claimed or be entitled to claim these costs as tax deductions)
costs associated with

increasing or preserving the value of the asset, or
installing or moving the asset

costs to preserve or defend your title or rights to the asset, such as you paying for a call on shares.

You may need to reduce the cost base for a share or unit by the amount of any non-assessable payment you receive from the company or fund.

Debt forgiveness

A debt is forgiven if you are freed from the obligation to pay it. A commercial debt that is forgiven may reduce your capital loss, your cost base or your reduced cost base.


A demerger involves the restructuring of a corporate or trust group by splitting its operations into 2 or more entities or groups. Under a demerger, the owners of the head entity of the group acquire a direct interest in the demerged entity that was formerly part of the group.

Demerger exemption

A demerger exemption applies to disregard certain capital gains or capital losses made by a demerging entity in a demerger group. A demerger group comprises the head entity of a group of companies or trusts and at least one demerger subsidiary. Discretionary trusts and superannuation funds can't be members of a demerger group.

Demerger rollover

A demerger rollover may apply to CGT events that happened on or after 1 July 2002 to interests that you own in the head entity of a demerger group where a company or trust is demerged from the group. Generally, the head entity undertaking the demerger will advise owners whether demerger rollover is available but you should seek our advice if you are in any doubt. We may have provided advice in the form of a class ruling on a specific demerger, confirming that the rollover is available.

This rollover allows you to defer your CGT obligation until a later CGT event happens to your original or your new shares or units.


A company demutualises when it changes its membership interests to shares. If you received shares as part of a demutualisation of an Australian insurance company (for example, AMP, IOOF or NRMA), you are not subject to CGT until you sell the shares or another CGT event happens.

Usually, the company will advise you of your cost base for the shares you received. The company may give you the choice of keeping the shares they have given you or of selling them and giving you the capital proceeds.

Depreciating assets

A depreciating asset is an asset that has a limited effective life and can reasonably be expected to decline in value over the time it is used. Depreciating assets include items such as computers, tools, furniture and motor vehicles.

Land and items of trading stock are specifically excluded from the definition of depreciating asset, as are most intangible assets such as options, rights and goodwill.

Discount method

The discount method is one of the ways to calculate your capital gain if:

the CGT event happened after 11:45 am AEST on 21 September 1999
you acquired the asset at least 12 months before the CGT event.

If you use the discount method, you don't index the cost base. First, reduce your capital gains by the amount of any capital losses made in the year and any unapplied net capital losses from earlier years. You then apply the discount to any remaining capital gain.

If you acquired the asset before 11:45 am AEST on 21 September 1999, you may be able to choose either the discount method or the indexation method, whichever gives you the better result.

Discounted capital gain

A discounted capital gain is a capital gain that has been reduced by the CGT discount. If you received the discounted capital gain from a managed fund you will need to gross up the amount before you apply any capital losses and then the CGT discount.

Disposal of assets by a trust to a company

You can apply a rollover if a trust restructures and disposes of all of its assets to a company and the units or interests in the trust are replaced by shares in the company. This rollover is not available for a restructure undertaken by a discretionary trust.

Disposal or creation of assets in a wholly-owned company

If you are an individual or a trustee, you can choose to obtain a rollover to defer the capital gain if:

you dispose of a CGT asset, or all the assets of a business, to a company in which you own all the shares, or you create a CGT asset in such a company
all the partners in a partnership dispose of partnership property to a company in which they all own shares or the partners create a CGT asset in such a company.

Dividend reinvestment plans

Under dividend reinvestment plans, shareholders can choose to have their dividend used to acquire additional shares in the company instead of receiving a cash payment. For CGT purposes, you are treated as if you received a cash dividend and then used it to buy additional shares. Each share (or parcel of shares) received in this way is treated as a separate asset when the shares are issued to you.


A dwelling is anything that is used wholly or mainly for residential accommodation. Examples of a dwelling are a home, an apartment, a strata title unit or a unit in a retirement village.

Early stage innovation company

You may be entitled to the early stage investor tax incentives for eligible investments you make in an early stage innovation company (ESIC). A company will qualify as an ESIC if it meets both:

the early stage test
either the

100-point innovation test, or
Principles-based innovation test.

For more information, see Qualifying as an early stage innovation company .

Employee share schemes

Employee share schemes (ESS) give employees benefits such as shares or the opportunity to buy shares (such as rights or options) in the company they work for at a discounted price. These benefits are known as ESS interests. In most cases, ESS interests are exempt from CGT implications until the discount on the ESS interest has been taxed. When you sell your ESS interests (or resulting shares), they are taxed under the CGT rules (or if you are a share trader, the trading stock rules).

For more information, see Employee share schemes .

Exchange of rights or options

You may apply a rollover to defer the capital gain when you exchange rights or options to acquire shares in a company or units in a unit trust.

This rollover is a type of replacement asset rollover.

Exchange of share in one company for share in another company

You may apply a rollover to defer the capital gain when you exchange shares in one company for shares in an interposed company.

This rollover is a type of replacement asset rollover.

Exchange of shares or units

A rollover may be chosen to defer the capital gain if you exchange shares in the same company or units in the same unit trust.

This rollover is a type of replacement asset rollover.

Exchange of units in a unit trust for share in a company

You can apply a rollover to defer the capital gain when you exchange units in a unit trust for shares in a company due to a reorganisation.

Excluded foreign resident

An excluded foreign resident is a person who, at the time of the CGT event, is a foreign resident and has been a foreign resident for tax purposes for a continuous period of more than 6 years.

Extra capital gain

A beneficiary of a trust who has a share of a capital gain that was included in the net income of the trust for tax purposes, will include an amount of extra capital gain when working out their own net capital gain. The amount of extra capital gain will depend on the beneficiary's share of a capital gain, the amount of the taxable income of the trust that relates to the beneficiary's share of the capital gain and whether any discounts or concessions were applied by the trustee when working out the amount of the capital gain for tax purposes.

For more information, see Trusts .

Foreign resident capital gains withholding

For foreign residents who entered into transactions from 1 July 2017 onwards, a 12.5% withholding obligation applies to the disposal of:

taxable Australian real property
an indirect Australian real property interest
an option or right to acquire such property or such an interest.

Gross up

Grossing up applies to beneficiaries or unit holders who are entitled to a share of trust income that includes a capital gain reduced by the CGT discount. In this case, you 'gross up' your capital gain by multiplying by 2 your share of any discounted capital gain received from the trust. You may also have to gross up a capital gain that was reduced by the small business 50% active asset reduction.

Income year

An income year is the period covered by your tax return, generally 1 July to the next 30 June. However, in particular circumstances, the Commissioner may allow a company or other entity to adopt a different 12-month period for their income year.

Indexation factor

The indexation factor is worked out based on the consumer price index (CPI) at Appendix 2 .

The indexation of the cost base of an asset is frozen on 30 September 1999. For CGT events after that time, the indexation factor is the CPI for the September 1999 quarter (68.7), divided by the CPI for the quarter in which you incurred costs relating to the asset. The result is taken to 3 decimal places rounding up if the 4th decimal place is 5 or more.

Indexation method

The indexation method is one of the ways to calculate your capital gain if you acquired a CGT asset before 11:45 am AEST on 21 September 1999. This method allows you to increase the cost base by applying an indexation factor (based on increases in the consumer price index up to September 1999).

You can't use the indexation method for:

CGT assets acquired after 11:45 am AEST on 21 September 1999
expenditure relating to a CGT asset acquired after 11:45 am AEST on 21 September 1999.

For CGT events after 11:45 am AEST on 21 September 1999 the discount method may give you the better result.

Inter-company asset rollover

A same asset rollover is available where a company transfers or creates (CGT event) a CGT asset in another company that is a member of the same wholly-owned group, but one of the companies is a non-resident.

Legal personal representative

A legal personal representative can be either:

the executor of a deceased estate (that is, a person appointed to wind up the estate in accordance with the will)
an administrator appointed to wind up the estate if the person does not leave a will.

LIC capital gain amount

An LIC capital gain amount is an amount notionally included in a dividend from a listed investment company (LIC) which represents a capital gain made by that company. The amount is not included as a capital gain at question 18 in the supplementary tax return. See example 47 and the instructions for dividend income for question 11 in Individual tax return instructions 2024.

Main residence

Your main residence is your home, that is, the dwelling you regard as your main place of residence and nominate as such for any CGT concessions dealing with the disposal of a main residence.

For more information, see Is the dwelling your main residence?

Main residence exemption

Generally, you can disregard a capital gain or capital loss from a CGT event that happens to a dwelling that is your main residence (also referred to as 'your home'). Subject to certain conditions, you may not be able to disregard a capital gain or capital loss if:

you have used your home to produce income
your home was not your main residence for the full period you owned it
you were an excluded foreign resident at the time you sold your main residence
the land around your home is more than 2 hectares.

Managed fund

A managed fund is a unit trust. The types of managed funds available include cash management trusts, fixed interest trusts, mortgage trusts, property trusts, equity trusts, international trusts and diversified trusts. Attribution managed investment trusts (AMITs) and attribution corporate collective investment vehicle (CCIV) sub-fund trusts, have separate tax rules.

Managed investment trust

A trust is a managed investment trust (MIT) if:

the trustee of the trust is an Australian resident, or the central management and control of the trust is in Australia
the trust does not carry on or control an active trading business
the trust is a managed investment scheme under section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001
the trust is sufficiently widely-held and not closely-held (special counting rules apply where investors in a MIT are specified widely held entities)
the trust is operated or managed by an appropriately regulated entity.

Market value substitution rule for capital proceeds

In some cases, if you receive nothing in exchange for a CGT asset (for example, if you give it away as a gift) you are taken to have received the market value of the asset at the time of the CGT event. You may also be taken to have received the market value if your capital proceeds are more or less than the market value of the CGT asset, and you and the purchaser were not dealing with each other at arm's length in connection with the event.

You are said to be dealing at arm's length with someone if each party acts independently and neither party exercises influence or control over the other in connection with the transaction. The law looks at not only the relationship between the parties but also the quality of the bargaining between them.

Market value substitution rule for cost base and reduced cost base

In some cases, the general rules for calculating the cost base and reduced cost base have to be modified. For example, the market value may be substituted for the first element of the cost base and reduced cost base if:

you did not incur expenditure to acquire the asset
some or all of the expenditure you incurred can't be valued, or
you did not deal at arm's length with the previous owner in acquiring the asset.

Net capital gain

A net capital gain is the difference between your total capital gains for the year and the total of your capital losses for the year and unapplied net capital losses from earlier years, less any CGT discount and small business CGT concessions to which you are entitled.

Net capital loss

A net capital loss occurs when your total capital losses for the year are more than your total capital gains for the year. This loss can be carried forward and deducted from capital gains you make in later years. There is no time limit on how long you can carry forward a net capital loss.

Capital losses from collectables can only be used to reduce capital gains from collectables. If your total capital losses from collectables for the year are more than your total capital gains from collectables, you have a net capital loss from collectables for the year. This loss is carried forward and deducted from capital gains from collectables in later years. There is no time limit on how long you can carry forward a net capital loss from a collectable.

Non-assessable payment

A non-assessable payment is a payment received from a company, trust or fund that is not assessed as part of your income in your tax return.

This includes some distributions from unit trusts, managed funds and companies.

'Other' method

To calculate your capital gain using the 'other' method, you subtract your cost base from your capital proceeds. You must use this method for any CGT assets, including shares or units, you have bought and sold within 12 months (that is, when the indexation and discount methods don't apply).

Other CGT assets and any other CGT events

Other CGT assets refers to the capital gain or capital loss that you have made and that does not fit into any of the more specific categories listed at item 1 of the CGT schedule – such as the disposal of your forestry interests in a forestry managed investment scheme or hedging financial arrangements.

Other exemptions and rollovers

Other exemptions and rollovers are exemptions and rollovers that you have applied that are not listed in one of the more specific codes under the question 'Have you applied an exemption or rollover?' of the individual supplementary tax return or your entity's tax return.

Other real estate

Other real estate on the CGT schedule refers to any real estate including land and buildings that are situated outside of Australia, for example, a rental property situated in the United States.

Other shares

Other shares on the CGT schedule are shares that are not listed on an Australian securities exchange, such as privately held shares or shares listed on a foreign securities exchange, but not also on an Australian securities exchange, for example, shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

Other units

Other units on the CGT schedule are units in a unit trust that are not listed on an Australian securities exchange, such as privately held units or units listed on a foreign securities exchange, but not also on an Australian securities exchange, for example, units listed on the NYSE.

Ownership interest

You have an ownership interest if you own a dwelling or land. For other circumstances where you may have an ownership interest, see What is an ownership interest?

Post-CGT asset

Post-CGT assets are assets acquired on or after 20 September 1985.

Pre-CGT asset

Pre-CGT assets are assets acquired before 20 September 1985. They are generally exempt from CGT. An exception occurs where CGT event K6 applies.

Prior year net capital losses

See Unapplied net capital losses .

Real estate situated in Australia

Real estate situated in Australia is any real property, including land and buildings, that is in Australia.

Reduced cost base

The reduced cost base is the amount you take into account when you are working out whether you have made a capital loss when a CGT event happened.

The reduced cost base may need to have amounts deducted from it such as non-assessable payments.

The reduced cost base does not include indexation or costs of owning the asset such as interest on monies borrowed to buy it.

Replacement asset rollovers

A replacement asset rollover may apply to defer the capital gain when you replace an asset in certain circumstances.

For more information, see Other exemptions and rollovers .


A rollover allows a capital gain to be deferred or disregarded until a later CGT event happens.

Same asset rollover

A same asset rollover allows a capital gain that you make to be deferred when you transfer or dispose of assets in certain circumstances.

For more information, see Other exemptions and rollovers .

Scrip for scrip rollover

A scrip for scrip rollover can apply to CGT events that happened on or after 10 December 1999 in the case of a takeover or merger of a company or fund in which you have holdings. The company or fund would usually advise you if the rollover conditions have been satisfied.

This rollover allows you to defer your CGT obligation until a later CGT event happens to your shares or units.

You may only be eligible for partial rollover if you received shares (or units) plus cash for your original shares. In that case, if the information provided by the company or fund is not sufficient for you to calculate your capital gain, you may need to seek advice from us.

Share buy-back

Some of the buy-back price may have been treated as a dividend for tax purposes (for buy-backs announced by listed public companies before 25 October 2022, and for buy-backs completed before and after that date by other companies). The time you make the capital gain or capital loss will depend on the conditions of the particular buy-back offer.

Shares in companies listed on an Australian securities exchange

Shares in companies listed on an Australian securities exchange don't include shares in privately owned companies whose shares are not publicly traded. For the purposes of the CGT schedule, Include shares in privately owned companies under Other Shares.

Small business CGT concessions

There are 4 small business CGT concessions available where certain conditions are satisfied. They are, the:

small business 15-year exemption
small business 50% active asset reduction
small business retirement exemption
small business rollover.

These concessions apply to CGT events that happened after 11:45am AEST on 21 September 1999.

In addition to the 4 small business CGT concessions, there is a small business restructure rollover allowing the transfer of active assets – including CGT assets – from one entity to another, on or after 1 July 2016, without incurring an income tax liability.

For more information, see:

In addition to the 4 small business CGT concessions, there is a small business restructure rollover allowing the transfer of active assets – including CGT assets – from one entity to another, on or after 1 July 2016, without incurring an income tax liability.

For more information, see Small business CGT concessions .

Specifically entitled

A beneficiary that is specifically entitled to the whole or part of a capital gain made by the trust will be assessable on the amount of the net (taxable) income of the trust that relates to that gain. Generally, a beneficiary will be taken to be specifically entitled to an amount of a capital gain if:

they have received or are likely to receive the benefit of that capital gain
the entitlement is recorded in the accounts or records of the trust within 2 months after the end of the income year.


Your 'spouse' includes another person who:

you were in a relationship with that was registered under a prescribed state or territory law
although not legally married to you, lived with you on a genuine domestic basis in a relationship as a couple.

Takeovers and mergers

If a company in which you held shares was taken over or merged and you received new shares in the takeover or merged company, you may be entitled to a scrip for scrip rollover.

If the scrip for scrip conditions were not satisfied, your capital proceeds for your original shares is the total of any cash and of the market value of the new shares you received.

Tax-advantaged entity

A tax-advantaged entity is a tax-exempt entity, or a foreign resident, or the trustee of:

a complying superannuation fund
a complying approved deposit fund
a pooled superannuation fund.

Unapplied net capital losses from earlier years

Unapplied net capital losses from earlier years is the amount of net capital losses from earlier years remaining after you have deducted the capital gain made between the year when the losses were made and the current income year.

To reduce capital gains in the current year, use unapplied net capital losses from earlier years (after first taking out from the current year capital gain any current year capital losses).

To reduce capital gains from collectables in the current year, you can use only the unapplied net capital losses from collectables from earlier years.

Unit trust

A unit trust is a trust or fund that is divided into units representing capital and income entitlements. Units may be traded or redeemed (including switching and transferring units). A managed fund is a type of unit trust.

Units in unit trusts listed on an Australian securities exchange

Units in unit trusts listed on an Australian securities exchange don't include units in private equity trusts or family trusts, whereby the trust is established for the benefit of one or more ascertainable beneficiaries, rather than for the promotion of the welfare of the general public or for the advancement of a cause. For the purposes of the CGT schedule, include units in a private trust under Other units.

Our commitment to you

We are committed to providing you with accurate, consistent and clear information to help you understand your rights and entitlements and meet your obligations.

If you follow our information and it turns out to be incorrect, or it is misleading and you make a mistake as a result, we will take that into account when determining what action, if any, we should take.

Some of the information on this website applies to a specific financial year. This is clearly marked. Make sure you have the information for the right year before making decisions based on that information.

If you feel that our information does not fully cover your circumstances, or you are unsure how it applies to you, contact us or seek professional advice.

Copyright notice

© Australian Taxation Office for the Commonwealth of Australia

You are free to copy, adapt, modify, transmit and distribute this material as you wish (but not in any way that suggests the ATO or the Commonwealth endorses you or any of your services or products).


ATO references:
NO QC 101683
Guide to capital gains tax 2024
  Date: Version:
  1 July 2000 Updated document
  1 July 2001 Updated document
  1 July 2002 Updated document
  1 July 2003 Updated document
  1 July 2004 Updated document
  1 July 2005 Updated document
  1 July 2006 Updated document
  1 July 2007 Updated document
  1 July 2008 Updated document
  1 July 2009 Updated document
  1 July 2010 Updated document
  1 July 2011 Updated document
  1 July 2012 Updated document
  1 July 2013 Updated document
  1 July 2014 Updated document
  1 July 2015 Updated document
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© Australian Taxation Office for the Commonwealth of Australia

You are free to copy, adapt, modify, transmit and distribute material on this website as you wish (but not in any way that suggests the ATO or the Commonwealth endorses you or any of your services or products).