Taxation Determination
TD 2004/4
Income tax: Is a dividend paid before 1 July 1987 an unfranked dividend for the purposes of section 705-50 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997?
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FOI status:
may be releasedPreamble |
The number, subject heading, date of effect and paragraphs 1 to 8 of this document are a 'public ruling' for the purposes of Part IVAAA of the Taxation Administration Act 1953 and are legally binding on the Commissioner. The remainder of this Determination is administratively binding on the Commissioner. Taxation Rulings TR 92/1 and TR 97/16 together explain when a Determination is a 'public ruling' and how it is binding on the Commissioner. |
1. Yes. A dividend paid before 1 July 1987 is an unfranked dividend for the purposes of section 705-50 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997). The expression 'unfranked or partly franked dividends' in paragraph 705-50(2)(b) of the ITAA 1997 includes any dividends that have not been fully franked, including dividends that were not frankable because they were paid prior to the commencement of the imputation system on 1 July 1987.
2. An alternative construction is available that the expression 'unfranked or partly franked dividends' in paragraph 705-50(2)(b) can only refer to dividends paid on or after 1 July 1987 because it only became possible to frank dividends on and after this date.
3. The construction in paragraph 1 is preferred because it promotes the purpose of section 705-50 and is consistent with the meaning previously given to the expression unfranked dividend under the income tax laws (as explained in paragraphs 6 - 8).
4. Subsection 705-50(1) provides that its object '... is to limit deferral of tax on profits that were not subject to tax because of *over-depreciation of assets and were distributed to recipients untaxed because of their entitlement to the intercorporate dividend rebate.' The mischief identified applies in relation to the distribution of untaxed profits arising from the over-depreciation of assets both before and after 1 July 1987. The combined operation of paragraphs 705-50(2)(b) and (c) ensure that whilst all dividends paid before 1 July 1987 will be unfranked dividends for section 705-50 purposes, consistent with the legislative intent, only those paid out of untaxed profits will be identified as creating the potential for tax deferral.
5. In the absence of a defined meaning the adjective 'unfranked' only requires that a dividend not be franked. The reference to '...the dividends, so far as they were not franked dividends...' in paragraph 705-50(3)(a) also clarifies that this is the meaning of unfranked dividend in paragraph 705-50(2)(b).
6. The introduction of the imputation system on 1 July 1987 was accompanied by the abolition of undistributed profits tax under Division 7 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (ITAA 1936). Under phasing-out arrangements a private company continued to be liable for undistributed profits tax in respect of the 1986-87 and later income years in relation to certain dividends received from other private companies (called 'phasing-out dividends') if it failed to make a sufficient distribution to its shareholders during 'the prescribed period' being 'the period of one year commencing 2 months before the end of the year of income' (subsection 103(1) of the ITAA 1936). Dividends paid by a private company during the part of a prescribed period after 30 June 1987 could not be taken into account in ascertaining whether a sufficient distribution had been made to the extent that the whole or part of the dividend was franked (subsection 105A(4AA) of the ITAA 1936).
7. Clause 19 of the Explanatory Memorandum to Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No 4) 1988 describes all dividends that were paid during the prescribed period to the extent that they were not franked as being unfranked dividends, without distinguishing whether the dividends were paid before or on or after 1 July 1987:[F1]
In the situation where a private company has paid, during the prescribed period, unfranked or partly franked dividends of an unfranked amount greater than the phasing-out amount, the company is required to ...
8. The definition of an 'unfranked dividend' in section 160APA of the ITAA 1936 expressly includes a dividend that is not a frankable dividend. The definition of unfranked dividend is not determinative as it only applies for the purposes of Part IIIAA of the ITAA 1936 or where expressly incorporated by reference (such as in subsections 45(4) and 45C(6) of the ITAA 1936). Also Part IIIAA ceased to apply to events occurring on or after 1 July 2002 except as specified in the Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 with the commencement of the simplified imputation system in Part 3-6 of the ITAA 1997. However the definition is illustrative of an interpretation consistently applied under the income tax laws.
Date of effect
9. This Determination applies to years commencing both before and after its date of issue. However, it does not apply to taxpayers to the extent that it conflicts with the terms of settlement of a dispute agreed to before the date of the Determination (see paragraphs 21 and 22 of Taxation Ruling TR 92/20).
Commissioner of Taxation
31 March 2004
Previously released in draft form as TD 2003/D13.
ATO references:
NO 2003/004947
Related Rulings/Determinations:
TR 92/1
TR 92/20
TR 97/16
IT 2439
Subject References:
unfranked dividends
CGT asset
over-depreciation of an asset
Legislative References:
ITAA 1997 Pt 3-6
ITAA 1997 705-50
ITAA 1997 705-50(1)
ITAA 1997 705-50(2)(b)
ITAA 1997 705-50(2)(c)
ITAA 1997 705-50(3)(a)
ITAA 1936 45(4)
ITAA 1936 45C(6)
ITAA 1936 103(1)
ITAA 1936 105A(4AA)
ITAA 1936 160APA
ITAA 1936 Div 7
Income Tax Transitional Provisions Act 1997
Other References:
Explanatory Memorandum: Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No 4) 1988
Date: | Version: | Change: | |
You are here | 31 March 2004 | Original ruling | |
23 March 2011 | Consolidated ruling | Addendum |
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