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Tax and super information for individuals and families.

Tax and super information for business and organisations, including not-for-profits.

Popular topics

Your tax return is a form you can complete online or by paper, get help from a tax agent or our Tax Help program.

How to apply for a tax file number (TFN), update your TFN details, where to find your TFN and what to do if it's stolen.

Tax time essentials, learning resources, tools and services to support small business.

Explains income contingent loans for undertaking higher education, trade apprenticeships and other training programs.

Check the progress of your tax return using our self-help services. Most returns lodged online process within 2 weeks.

How to create a myGov account and link to the ATO as an individual or sole trader.

How we can help

Online services

Use online services to access tax and super records. Find technical support, systems advice and online security tips.

Online services

Calculators and tools

Find calculators and tools to help you with your tax and super. You can filter results by audience, topic and year.

Calculators and tools