About ATO
Access information about the ATO, our executive and our official reports and statistics.
ATO contact phone numbers and options for managing your tax and super without phoning us.
Find out about working in the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and search current vacancies.
The ATO is the principal revenue collection agency of the Australian Government.
Information about how we identify and address tax avoidance.
Our products will help you understand how the law applies to you. This includes public and private advice and guidance.
Learn more about how we support key tax-paying populations and access educational resources for students.
How we consult with the community to effectively manage and shape the tax, superannuation and registry systems.
Sets out our requirements and expectations applying to suppliers and contractors.
The ATO aims to effectively manage the tax and super systems by fostering willing participation.
Research helps us understand what you think about us. We statistically analyse the data provided to us on tax forms.
Practical guidance if you are deciding whether to follow the existing law or attempt to anticipate proposed changes.
We are accountable to Parliament and independent scrutineers for our performance and decisions.
Information about international tax agreements for both residents and non-residents of Australia.
Learn about our subscriptions services and how to sign up to our newsletters, RSS news feeds or email subscriptions.
Information that can help you to use our websites.