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Corporate tax transparency data check

Last updated 21 August 2023

Each year, we're legally required to publish the income tax information of large public and private companies in the Report of entity tax information on

This year, we expect to publish the tax information for the income year 2021–22 in early November.

Companies we'll report on this year, are:

  • Australian public or foreign owned entities with a total income of $100 million or more
  • Australian resident private companies with a total income of $200 million or more
  • entities reporting petroleum resource rent tax (PRRT) payable.

We'll write to companies in September with the reported tax information we plan to publish. We'll outline the steps companies can take to correct any errors before we publish our report.

If your company or the company you represent meets the threshold for inclusion in the 2021–22 income year report, and you haven't received a letter from us by the end of September, email

Note: next year, the corporate tax transparency population for the 2022–23 income year and onwards will change.

You can read more about the Report of entity tax information and access the Corporate tax transparencyExternal Link data on
